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Remnant Rome Report

Remnant Rome Report (3)

The Remnent Newspaper traveled to Rome for coverage of the Conclave.

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Tradition Remembered

Tradition Remembered (3)

The Remnant Will Never Forget

The Remnant devotes this section of our exclusively to testimonies by those who lived through the revolution of the Second Vatican Council.

This page is reserved for those who saw what happened, or heard what happened from those who did,  and who truly understand how Catholic families were blown apart. Visitors who have personal reflections, or memories of traditionalists pioneers, or reminicences of the revolution are encouraged to tell their stories and share their pictures here. . . so that we will never forget.

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Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome (0)

RTV Covers Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Remnant TV was in Rome this past week covering the Vatican’s clerical sexual abuse summit on the “protection of minors”. It seemed a dismal assignment, to be sure, but the reason it was necessary for The Remnant to be in the Eternal City was so we could throw in with our traditional Catholic allies in Rome who’d organized an act of formal resistance to the Vatican sham summit.

Going in, we all knew that the ultimate goal of the summit was to establish child abuse—not rampant homosexuality in the priesthood—as the main cause of a crisis in the Catholic Church which now rivals that of the Protestant Revolt. (Remnant TV coverage of this event as well as the Vatican summit itself, can be found on The Remnant’s YouTube channel, and for your convenience is laid out below:

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Remnant Cartoons

Remnant Cartoons (97)

Have you subscribed to The Remnant’s print edition yet? We come out every two weeks, and each issue includes the very latest Remnant Cartoon!


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On this New Year’s Eve 2016, I’d like to wish The Remnant’s friends and allies all around the world a happy and holy 2017, filled with God grace and many blessings. I know I’m not alone in sensing that we may be in for a bumpy ride this next year. Things don’t look good, which, come to think of it, may be the biggest understatement of 2016.

On the other hand, dire predictions of calamity and apocalyptic happenings seemed to ring in every New Year I can remember.  On New Year’s Eve 1972, for example—the so-called “Jacinta’s year”—we were told to brace for the dreaded Three Days of Darkness. Board up your windows, keep plenty of blessed candles handy, and, whatever you do, don’t look at the demon parade going on outside. I guess we’re still waiting for those Three Days of Darkness… unless, of course, they’re already here. It’s no simple task these days to tell the difference between demons on parade and public high-schoolers on holiday, God help them all.

Hilary Toon

Suggested New Year's Resolution: Keep the Faith, Despite the Madness

Two years ago, using the term “schism” in reference to the antics of the Vatican would have got you automatically labeled a sedevacantist or schismatic. Now it is used commonly by nearly everyone, including highly placed prelates in Rome. This is not because the Church is falling apart. It is not because Catholics are losing their Faith. It is because they are finding it. Because the realities have at last begun to overcome the false propaganda of the last five decades.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Sawing Off the Branch

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Special to the Remnant

In retaliation for alleged hacking of the email of the Democratic National Committee and its Chairman, John Podesta, President Obama has announced the explusion of 35 Russian diplomats and the closure of two Russian diplomatic compounds (in New York and Maryland).

“Never again must Russian hackers be allowed to reveal the truth about the machinations of my party,” said Obama in his statement on the sanctions. “This interference in our corrupt political process is intolerable.”

Russia has denied any involvement in the hacking, and Julian Assange, the head of WikiLeaks, has insisted that the Russian government was not the source of the emails WikiLeaks released to the public. While the Obama administration has yet to release any evidence of Russian involvement, intelligence sources in the intelligence community have reached a consensus that Russia was behind the hacking based on evidence that cannot be published because it is Top Secret evidence that no one is allowed to see—even in a closed Congressional briefing the intelligence community has declined to provide. “Even those who found this evidence are not allowed to see it. That’s how Top Secret it is,” said Ben Nascosto, a CIA spokesman.

Obama has promised, however, that his administration will release a review of the consensus by the intelligence sources in the intelligence community just in time to cast a cloud over the inauguration of President Trump, who “would not have been elected if Russia had not embarrassed Hillary,” said a DNC source involved in the intelligence review. The review will not include the Top Secret evidence because it will still be Top Secret.

“We certainly can’t let Russia know why there is a consensus that Russia is behind the hacking, because then the Russians would know how we arrive at consensuses, which itself is a Top Secret process,” said Nascosto.  “The people who are demanding to see evidence don’t understand how the intelligence community works. The primary evidence for an intelligence community consensus is the consensus. We would not have reached a consensus that Russia was behind this if we were not convinced that it must have been Russia. That conviction led to the consensus that is the basis for our consensus.”

“It is simply outrageous that Trump does not take the consensus of the intelligence community seriously,” said John Podesta in comments on the sanctions. “I find it alarming that the man about to be sworn in as President does not have implicit faith in the trustworthiness of the CIA in particular—as if that revered intelligence agency would spread disinformation or put out a hit on people like Putin does. How can anyone govern this country if he does not trust the CIA?”

Commenting on the sanctions during a press conference in Moscow, Vladimir Putin remarked: “This is a joke, right? No, really? 35 of our people expelled? For crying out loud, Russia was not involved! I told that clown Obama when I last met him and he told me to ‘cut it out.’ Cut what out? How about some evidence? I can’t wait until Trump is inaugurated and I can start dealing with an adult. Give me a break.”

When asked why there had been no sanctions for previous alleged Russian hacking involving classified information in federal agency data banks, compromising national security, Obama replied: “That was nothing personal, just espionage. We do it to them, they do it to us. But here we’re talking about Hillary and her turn to be President. If not for Russian interference, my legacy of abortion, contraception, sodomy, transgender bathrooms, massive illegal immigration, spreading Islamic terror and unaffordable health care would have remained intact with her. This outrageous interference in the folly of the democratic process cannot go unpunished. Russia must pay and the American people must know that Russia stole this election for Trump, according to the consensus of the intelligence community, no matter how many electoral votes he supposedly won. And, as we know, Hillary won the popular vote in Los Angeles and New York. So there’s that.”

In view of Russia’s hacking of the election, actor Martin Sheen has formed a coalition of celebrities and Democratic Party strategists in another last-ditch attempt to prevent Trump from taking power. The Mahogany Box Coalition aims to prevent Congress from counting the electoral votes that were placed in the traditional mahogany boxes by the electoral colleges that voted in each state before being sent to Washington for the count before a joint session of Congress on January 6.

“Who says they have to open those damn boxes?” Sheen asked. “If those boxes stay shut, no electoral votes can be counted and Trump will not be President. It’s that simple. The members of Congress have a duty under the Constitution not to open those boxes. The Founders wisely envisioned those boxes as the last defense against a dangerous homophobic maniac becoming president and launching all of our nuclear missiles at the first country that annoys him.”

A Keep the Boxes Shut petition online has already garnered 10 million signatures from at least 5,000 people.


cvlmlt39 gran ospedaliere albrecht freiherr von boeselagerDisgraced Chancellor Albrecht von Boeselager of the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta

Over the Christmas weekend, as the Catholic world was otherwise occupied, the Francismachine made a move against the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta that seems to have perplexed many observers. The Holy See announced it would launch a “commission” to investigate the firing of one of the Knights’ leaders, sacked recently after it was revealed he had been allowing the distribution of condoms in Myanmar. In various venues, we saw Catholics responding with much confusion to the announcement and it quickly became clear that most Catholics don’t have a good handle on what, exactly, the Knights of Malta are or why Bergoglio may have overstepped his lawful prerogatives.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Papal Chess: King vs. Bishop and Knights…of Malta Featured

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St. Sylvester---New Year’s Eve Party

December 31, 2016—January 1, 2017

8:00 P.M.—1:00 A.M.

Dance in the New Year
Eat, Drink, and Make Merry
The Best Swing, Waltz, and Other Ballroom Music Ever Recorded

The Best Live Piano Music in the City
All 18 years or younger come for free.
All ages, including infants, are welcome.

Parents, come and enjoy yourselves for once!
There are two possible adult prices. Either bring all your own food and drink and give us a free will offering for the hall rental and the music, or send us $25 per head to provide for the hall rental, music, and everything else aside from alcohol: set-ups for drinks, magnificent breads, biscuits, cold meats, pâtés, cheeses, and pastries.

Bring anything else you wish, but especially your own wine, beer & liquor.
beverages are not included and must be provided by attendees.

Checks made out to the Roman Forum
R.S.V.P. By December 30th, 2016
The Roman Forum
11 Carmine St., Apt. 2C
New York, New York 10014
For questions, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Church of Our Lady of Pompeii
Church Hall Entrance on Bleecker Street, just off Carmine Street
A, B, C, D, E, F, M trains to West 4th Street; 1 train to Christopher Street


As I write this little greeting to friends and allies around the world at Christmastime, I must confess to a growing sense of unease at the thought of ghosts of Christmases yet to come. Even the joy of the Holy Feast cannot completely eclipse the hard realities of our weary world at war with everything true, good and beautiful.

This would-be new world order of ours has taken on all the trappings of a global refugee camp where families are broken and separated, children are orphaned and aborted, and the desperate sadness of the homeless is everywhere in evidence. Broken and burning, the world seems to be waiting for a messiah of its own creation to save it from itself, having long since lost interest in the real One.

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During World War II, all practicing Catholic GIs were traditional Catholics. All Masses offered on Christmas 'in the trenches' were Traditional Latin Masses. All chaplains were 'rad trads'. Makes you wonder--doesn't it?--are we sure the Catholic Church has been moving in the right direction these past fifty years?

Editor’s Note: In our continued quest for gold buried away in the archives of The Remnant and The Wanderer, I came across this one. It appeared in The Wanderer when my father was oversees fighting in the European theater of World War II. It’s unsigned, and it touched me somehow…as I hope it will touch you. MJM

Big guns wheel into position. Maps are scanned. Objectives marked. The fortress Europe will be hammered from every side; death and desolation will hit the cities of the continent with planned precision against a timetable of terror, unparalleled in the history of man.

You are spiritually sick, malicious, and tools of the devil.

It’s Christmastime again. That means it’s time for the Pope who says But never judge. Never” to issue his annual judgments on the character defects and spiritual illnesses of members of the Roman Curia who are resisting his “reforms.”

In his annual “Christmas Greetings” (more like “Christmas Condemnations”), Francis reminds the Curia that he has already twice (2014 and 2015) diagnosed their “diseases” of soul and prescribed “catalogue of virtues [emphasis in original] necessary for curial officials and all those who wish their consecration or service to the Church to become more fruitful.” This year, Francis heaps more insults on the mountain of crude opprobrium with which he has attempted to bury any opposition to whatever he would like to do under the rubric of the Protestant slogan semper reformanda (falsely attributed to Saint Augustine, who said nothing of a Church that must constantly reform itself as opposed to maintaining or restoring what has been handed down).

pope francis fatima

I am come in the name of My Father, and you receive Me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive. How can you believe, who receive glory one from another: and the glory which is from God alone, you do not seek? (Jn 5:43-44)

Errors Perpetrated Against Holy Scripture

Pointing out the errors perpetrated against Holy Scripture and Tradition by Pope Francis has become tiresome, due to the sheer volume of examples. But one homily, given by the Pope, as reported on June 15, 2013 by News.VA, the "official Vatican network", is so scandalous in its violence against the true teachings of Christ that it bears closer examination—especially now, three years later—as many are beginning to realize the damage this pope is attempting to inflict upon the One True Church. In his homily, Francis said:

Editor’s Introduction
: I’m very pleased to introduce our newest columnist, Miss Anna Priore. Miss Priore received her Bachelors in English Journalism from St. Olaf College in 2015. She is a resident of Rochester, Minnesota, and regularly attends the Latin Mass with her fiancé, Nicholas, whom she met at a summer program at Christendom College. They are receiving the sacrament of Matrimony this coming June. Anna has been writing for about 10 years for several newspapers and Catholic blogs. Topics that interest her include commentaries on politics and culture, exploring and exposing Catholic-in-name-only colleges and their liberal agendas, and promoting respect for the Traditional Latin Mass and the Holy Eucharist. Welcome aboard, Miss Priore! MJM

It’s difficult to describe the enormous amount of pressure young unmarried couples face today to cohabitate and save money by combining their finances and rent. It goes without a doubt that cohabitation is the most efficient and easiest option many couples have: no need to pay rent for two separate places, no more annoying housemates, and they can start preparing for their future married life together. It makes so much sense that it seems ridiculous for devout Catholics to contradict it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Culture Watch: The Cohabitation Trap Featured
