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Remnant Rome Report

Remnant Rome Report (3)

The Remnent Newspaper traveled to Rome for coverage of the Conclave.

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Tradition Remembered

Tradition Remembered (3)

The Remnant Will Never Forget

The Remnant devotes this section of our exclusively to testimonies by those who lived through the revolution of the Second Vatican Council.

This page is reserved for those who saw what happened, or heard what happened from those who did,  and who truly understand how Catholic families were blown apart. Visitors who have personal reflections, or memories of traditionalists pioneers, or reminicences of the revolution are encouraged to tell their stories and share their pictures here. . . so that we will never forget.

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Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome (0)

RTV Covers Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Remnant TV was in Rome this past week covering the Vatican’s clerical sexual abuse summit on the “protection of minors”. It seemed a dismal assignment, to be sure, but the reason it was necessary for The Remnant to be in the Eternal City was so we could throw in with our traditional Catholic allies in Rome who’d organized an act of formal resistance to the Vatican sham summit.

Going in, we all knew that the ultimate goal of the summit was to establish child abuse—not rampant homosexuality in the priesthood—as the main cause of a crisis in the Catholic Church which now rivals that of the Protestant Revolt. (Remnant TV coverage of this event as well as the Vatican summit itself, can be found on The Remnant’s YouTube channel, and for your convenience is laid out below:

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Remnant Cartoons

Remnant Cartoons (97)

Have you subscribed to The Remnant’s print edition yet? We come out every two weeks, and each issue includes the very latest Remnant Cartoon!


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Dear Michael Matt,

We are sending the following Appeal and Petition to you, with the hope that you might give it some additional publicity as soon as practical. As you will see, it is a plea for scholars and writers and academics to join us in pledging their support for the agenda advocated by presidential candidate Donald J.  Trump. Among the signatories are a number of traditional Catholic academics, and we hope to enlist additional names.

We believe the viciously anti-Catholic positions of Hillary Clinton and her program to impose a not-so-soft globalist totalitarianism on this nation, must be opposed.  And we hope to get this message out to various web sites and online sources.

Thank you, and God bless your efforts!

The following statement of support for Donald Trump is intended to counteract the dishonest presentation of this promising presidential candidate by much of the national media. Those who have attached their signatures to this statement are accredited scholars, mostly with PhD s, who are endorsing Donald Trump as a credible candidate for the presidency and as the only barrier now standing between us and (Heaven forfend!) the election of Hillary Clinton. It is our hope that the appearance of this statement on respected websites will generate signatures from other scholars and that our statement of support can be placed in the national press. We are fully aware that signing this statement will not bring the signatory the same professional rewards as speaking at a conference on why Trump is a “fascist” or on why he reminds one of the late German Fuhrer. Expressing support for the Republican presidential candidate undoubtedly requires more courage, particularly for someone in the academic profession. But we trust that there are lots of courageous scholars who read this website and who will be eager to append their signatures to our statement.

Yours truly,

Dr. Paul Gottfried, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Walter Block, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Boyd Cathey, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Conveners of this list


We the undersigned scholars hereby express our support for the presidential bid of Donald J. Trump and his agenda for a renewed America, and we invite others to join us. While we recognize that our candidate may be an imperfect vehicle, the agenda he has laid out for America is critical if our nation is to avoid continuing decline. The prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency is more dangerous than the past personal imperfections of a Donald Trump.

Contrary to what is disseminated by both the mainstream media and by certain members of the Washington/New York political establishment, supporters of the Trump agenda are by no means limited to the badly educated and ill-informed. We feature numerous academics and other professionals who share the vision of “making America great again.” We are vitally concerned about reversing the direction in which this country has been moving for decades under both Democratic and Republican administrations alike. We want to move away from harming our economically strained middle and working classes. We reject the pattern of stifling freedom of thought and speech that is being imposed by government agencies, as well as by the media and our universities in the name of an increasingly restrictive political correctness. Moreover, the Trump agenda emphasizes the importance of the rule of law in civilized society, and the necessity of law and order, and the protection of private property. The Donald Trump agenda is committed to making our borders and our streets truly safe and secure.

Finally, we see a Trump administration as an opportunity to give new direction to American foreign policy. Neither an isolationist retrenchment nor an ideological crusade, a Trump administration will base its dealings with other nations firmly on rational American interests. Such an agenda has deep and honorable roots in American history. Donald Trump has repeatedly stated that our nation must chart a path in international relations that avoids the policy of playing policeman to the entire world or confusing statecraft with a globalist democratic agenda that supposedly fits all situations. We believe a Donald Trump administration will offer an alternative to the failed policies of recent presidents.

We invite those scholars who share this vision of a renewed America to join us in this ongoing effort. We believe this agenda to make America great again transcends political parties and is vital for our future.


Wayne M. Adler, JD, Seton Hall
Walter Block, Professor of Economics, Loyola University, New Orleans; PhD, Columbia University
Darren Beattie, Duke University; PhD, Duke University
David Brook, Director (retired), North Carolina Division of Archives and History; PhD, North Carolina State University
Boyd Cathey, State Registrar (retired), North Carolina Division of Archives and History; MA (Jefferson Fellow), University of Virginia; PhD, University of Navarra, Spain
Marshall DeRosa, Florida Atlantic University; PhD, University of Houston
Paul Gottfried, Elizabethtown College, Raffensperger Professor of Humanities Emeritus; PhD, Yale University
Fran Griffin, President, Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation; MA, University of Chicago
Michael Hickman, University of Mary; PhD, Catholic University of America
James Kalb, JD, Yale University 1978
Jack Kerwick, Rowan College, New Jersey; PhD, Temple University
Donald Livingston, Professor of Philosophy (Emeritus), Emory University; PhD, Washington University
John M. Longino, MBA, University of Texas
Wayne Lutton, Editor of Social Contract; PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Christopher Manion, Professor, Christendom College; PhD, Notre Dame University
Brion McClanahan, PhD, University of South Carolina
Donald W. Miller, Professor of Surgery (emeritus), Seattle Swedish Medical Center
John Newhard, East Tennessee State University; PhD, Clemson University
Eric Obermayer, Professional Engineer; MS, Michigan Technological Institute
Larry Odzak, Visiting Scholar (emeritus), University of North Carolina; PhD, University of Florida
Dan “Red” Phillips, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Mercer University; MD, Emory University,
Ralph Raico, Professor, SUNY Buffalo; PhD, University of Chicago
Kurt Roemer, University of San Francisco; MMS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jesse Russell, University of Mary; PhD, Louisiana State University
Carmine T. Sarraccino, Professor of English, Elizabethtown College; PhD, University of Michigan
Mirand Sharma, MD, Emergency Medicine Specialist
Frank J. Tipler, Professor, Tulane University; PhD, University of Maryland
Clyde Wilson, Professor of History (emeritus), University of South Carolina; PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Please join this growing list. Send your name and credentials to Paul Gottfried, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please join this growing list. Send your name and credentials to Paul Gottfried, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you are unsure whether or not you qualify as a scholar (we are looking for those with PhDs, academics, and professors, and those with medical, law, engineering, architectural and other such professional degrees, also masters’ degrees, published writers and authors) err on the side of including yourself, but give us more information about yourself. In order to do the most good, we want this list to be as large as possible, while still adhering to common definitions of “scholar.”

This just in from our friends at LifeSiteNews:

BALTIMORE, Maryland , October 17, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Catholic Relief Services facilitated the distribution of more than two million units of various types of contraception, including abortifacients, in the Democratic Republic of Congo over the course of four years, the Lepanto Institute says in a new report.

The program resulted in skyrocketing birth control use in the region where previously residents had minimal knowledge of contraception, says Lepanto.

The US Bishops’ international relief agency was an implementing partner from 2006 to 2010 in the US-funded Project AXxes, in which “family planning” was a “key objective,” delivering contraception, including abortifacients, Intra Uterine Devices (IUD) and related insertion kits, and also surgical sterilization kits, according to the program documents. READ ARTICLE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: Right! So, every year the Catholic faithful are required to slog through Catholic Relief Sunday, where sermons (sorry, 'homilies') panhandling for Catholic Relief Services assure them that God needs their support of the charlatans over at CRS.

This year they really laid it on thick, telling Catholics that donating to CRS actually "helps Jesus in disguise."  I'll say! – if the Jesus Who’s out there promoting condoms and abortions is anything at all, He's deep under cover. In fact, maybe it’s not Jesus under there at all. Maybe it's just the ghost of Margaret Sanger pretending to be Jesus.

Anyway, you know what? We're quite done here.  Not another penny.  In fact, the next time any priest—following his bishop's order, no doubt—comes into the pulpit to insult the intelligence of his flock by claiming that CRS is doing "God's holy work" let's simply stand up and walk out, families in tow. 

Maybe, in the case of some of the good priests who agree with us on this scam, we can prevail upon them to walk out with us. (Wouldn’t that be fun?)

Really, enough already!  It will be a cold day in Hell before they get any more money from us. In fact, they'll have to pry it from our cold, dead fingers.

Have a nice day, Your Excellencies. Or, as Jesus might say: Repent now... or go to hell!

Phyllis Schlafly for Trump Seth PerlmanAP
First Lady of American Conservatism, Phyllis Schlafly (RIP)-- faithful Catholic and lifelong foe of judicial activism--endorsed Donald Trump. Now why would she do that?

(A Remnant Exclusive) 

Conservatives need to get their act together to prevent Hillary Clinton from claiming the presidency. A unified Republican Party can win this election. The latest Los Angeles Times-USC poll puts Donald Trump up one point. With three weeks until election day, the GOP ticket is within striking distance of pulling off an upset.

pope francis worship false prophet revelation 17 end times catholic antichrist"This brief which destroys the Company of Jesus is nothing other than an isolated and particular judgment, pernicious, reflecting little honor on the Papal tiara and deleterious to the glory of the Church and to the glory and propagation of the orthodox (i.e. Catholic) faith….Holy Father, it is not possible for me to commit the Clergy to the acceptance of the said brief."  - Archbishop Christophe de Beaumont of Paris to Pope Clement XIV

Indulgence in a fetish is a dangerous habit, blocking, as it does, access to the full reality of the given aspect of life that it masquerades, but escape from its influence is immensely difficult. The fetish in question here is “the papal fetish”; the obsessive insistence upon the orthodoxy and goodness of all statements and actions coming from a reigning Pontiff, regardless of every indication that the opposite may actually be true. And, as with fetishes in general, this papal fetish blocks access to the full appreciation of the glorious purpose that the Papacy really has, preferring a mess of willful pottage to the banquet of truth it is meant to offer to the faithful.

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There's a Reason the World Loves Pope Francis

So, here's the headline: Pope rips ‘hypocrisy’ of Christians who reject refugees, says proselytism is ‘venom’  Nope, it's not The Remnant's.  This time it's But, wait! There's more:

Pope Francis assailed Christians who oppose the acceptance of refugees, and those who seek to convince others of the truth of their faith, in remarks to a visiting German group on October 13.

Breaking away from his prepared remarks, the Pope said told the ecumenical group that he is appalled by “the contradiction of those who want to defend Christianity in the West, and, on the other hand, are against refugees and other religions.” He also spoke of his distaste for proselytism.

“It’s not right to convince someone of your faith,” the Pope said. “Proselytism is the strongest venom against the path of ecumenism.” READ HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: I just can't wait for Jimmy Akin to give us 11 things to know and share about why this seemingly confusing and angry papal rant is, in fact, a brilliant Catholic answer. 

Perhaps, Jimmy shares the Pope's contention that something must be done about all those millions and millions of Catholics out there who, every day, go about foisting themselves on non-Catholics, cajoling them to convert, terrorizing them with medieval claims that the jaws of hell yawn wide before the unsuspecting non-Catholic who refuses to convert.  

This intimidating "proselytism," so characteristic of modern Catholics, is a huge problem. YUGE! And I for one am happy the pope is finally tackling it. It's what I call "guts poping".  But Jimmy will explain it far better than I can.

From The Venom Of Global Proselytism, Libera Nos Domine!

New from Remnant TV: The Remnant Underground.

Chris Ferrara joins Michael Matt down in the catacombs to discuss Trump, Hillary and a Catholic's duty to defend the common good, even in a post-Christian democracy.

This just in from LawNewz:

 "....interesting emails from the archives of Colin Powell’s Gmail account... were leaked en masse on Tuesday night. What stands out is that they relate to his experiences attending the secretive, shadowy Bohemian Grove encampment this past July. Bohemian Grove was described  in a 2011 Washington Post article by Elizabeth Flock as a gathering of “some of the richest and most powerful men in the world gather at a 2,700 acre campground in Monte Rio, Calif., for two weeks of heavy drinking, super-secret talks, druid worship, […] and other rituals.” Only one of these rituals, shot by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, exists on video.The theoretical end game of the retreat is “to escape the ‘frontier culture,’ or uncivilized interests, of common men.” Members and guests reportedly include former Vice President Dick Cheney, Walter Cronkite, Clint Eastwood, and most Republican presidents since Dwight Eisenhower. So it’s no surprise that Powell is on their list of elites, but what is surprising is how willing he is to dish on the meetings.

This email, sent from Powell to former Canadian Attorney General Peter MacKay on July 24th, shows Powell talking about how the Bohemian Grove attendees in general are planning to vote in the upcoming presidential election (screenshots at the bottom of this post):

"Peter, I am back from the Bohemian Grove. Surprise, surprise, I sat next to Stephen Harper a couple of times and had a nice discussion. Grove attendees know that Trump is a disaster. Most will vote against, but quite a few will not vote for Hillary and will vote for a third party candidate. Strange doings down here. Otherwise all is well with the Powells. We’ll sneak away for a few days in August. Of course I’d love to see you. Let me know your dates. I told Stephen that you seemed quite content in your new place in life. All the best, Colin"  READ ARTICLE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: Perhaps the most encouraging thing about the deeply flawed Donald Trump is the basket of powerful deplorable that hate him.

oct 2016

Tonight's the Night!

Look for sneak video peaks of the debate in progress on The Remnant's Facebook page.

Only a few seats left. Get Your Ticket Online Right Now!


We're trying to free up overflow space, as well as a few standing-room only tickets.

d09349cf1e4708faf575d3b01df0bcced532feecCNN is shocked, SHOCKED, to find out that Donald Trump
said some bad things years ago.

Well, isn’t this something! While we all wait for Commissioner Gordon to call an emergency meeting of Gotham City Council, we sit in stunned disbelief over the cartoonish hypocrisy of the media. These wretched human beings spend 24/7 ramming their pro-sodomy, pro-abortion, pro-perversion agenda down the throats of the American people, and now here they are pretending to faint away in horror over Donald Trump’s potty-mouthed locker-room banter eleven years ago.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Trash-Talking Trump

Ferrara vs. Keyes 

Cigars, Beer, Debate, Discussion

The man who debated the President of the United States...

to debate Remnant columnist Christopher Ferrara next Tuesday in St. Paul

Next Tuesday. October 11, 2016, the AOTM is proud to welcome:

Ambassador Alan Keyes and Remnant columnist Chris Ferrara

Calling All Christian Men

Its' decision time. What are you going to do in November?

Can Catholics in good conscience vote for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?
oct 2016

Two conservative Catholic heavyweights
go head-to-head!

AOTM Season Opener

Get Your Ticket Online Right Now!

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408 3rd St N
South St Paul, MN 55075

Phone: (651) 451-1212