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Remnant Rome Report

Remnant Rome Report (3)

The Remnent Newspaper traveled to Rome for coverage of the Conclave.

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Tradition Remembered

Tradition Remembered (3)

The Remnant Will Never Forget

The Remnant devotes this section of our exclusively to testimonies by those who lived through the revolution of the Second Vatican Council.

This page is reserved for those who saw what happened, or heard what happened from those who did,  and who truly understand how Catholic families were blown apart. Visitors who have personal reflections, or memories of traditionalists pioneers, or reminicences of the revolution are encouraged to tell their stories and share their pictures here. . . so that we will never forget.

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Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome (0)

RTV Covers Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Remnant TV was in Rome this past week covering the Vatican’s clerical sexual abuse summit on the “protection of minors”. It seemed a dismal assignment, to be sure, but the reason it was necessary for The Remnant to be in the Eternal City was so we could throw in with our traditional Catholic allies in Rome who’d organized an act of formal resistance to the Vatican sham summit.

Going in, we all knew that the ultimate goal of the summit was to establish child abuse—not rampant homosexuality in the priesthood—as the main cause of a crisis in the Catholic Church which now rivals that of the Protestant Revolt. (Remnant TV coverage of this event as well as the Vatican summit itself, can be found on The Remnant’s YouTube channel, and for your convenience is laid out below:

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Remnant Cartoons

Remnant Cartoons (97)

Have you subscribed to The Remnant’s print edition yet? We come out every two weeks, and each issue includes the very latest Remnant Cartoon!


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Mincing no words, French Cardinal André Vingt-Trois told the Christian faithful this week that jihadists “wrap themselves in the trappings of religion” while announcing a “God of death,” whom the prelate compared to the ancient pagan god “Moloch”—who demanded live human sacrifices as a tribute.

Earlier in the week from Brietbart: "The Cardinal, who serves as archbishop of Paris, pronounced these words during the homily at a memorial Mass Wednesday celebrated for the martyred priest Father Jacques Hamel, whose throat two Islamic radicals slit during morning Mass this past Tuesday.

“Those who wrap themselves in the trappings of religion to mask their deadly project,” Vingt-Trois said, “those who want to announce to us a God of death, a Moloch that would rejoice at the death of a man and promise paradise to those who kill while invoking him, these cannot expect humanity to yield to their delusion.”

Cardinal Vingt-Trois said that in the face of the despair preached by the Islamists, Christians must counter with the Gospel message of hope. “It is this hope that animated the ministry of Father Jacques Hamel when celebrating the Eucharist during which he was brutally executed,” the Cardinal said. “It is this hope that sustains Eastern Christians when they have to flee persecution and choose to leave everything rather than renounce their faith.”

The Cardinal also said that in the current social environment, fear becomes the driving force behind our choices, leaving people powerless to do good and resist evil. Political correctness imposes silence out of fear of offending, of stepping out of line with the way “proper” people think and speak.

This silence extends to parents, afraid to transmit values to their children, and extends to the “silence of the elite in the face of deviant behavior, and the legalization of deviance.”

This pressure not to offend others leads to cowardice and abdication of duty, the Cardinal suggested, and imposes an unhealthy conformism. READ ARTICLE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT:  His Eminence, not generally considered traditional-leaning, seems to be waking up.  And for that he is being attacked as a "dangerous homophobe" and "racist" in the French press. He was blasted in social media, by the Green Party, the Socialist Party and even a member of the Union for a Popular Movement, part of the EU's People's Party, for his sermon.

This short clip provides a sampling of the expressions of hate and outrage being leveled against the Cardinal after he'd warned not only against radical Islam and the jihad against Christian Europe, but also against the French secularist state's promotion of deviancy and, by implication, the legalization of homosexual marriage.

Cardinal Vingt-trois decries the "silence of the elite in the face of the perversion of morals and the legalization of deviant behavior."

"André Vingt-Trois Used the Tribute to Jacques Hamel Mass to Criticize Marriage for All?" screamed the headline question on the front page of "Le Huffington Post" and on and on it went, with the Cardinal being crucified for saying exactly what the Cardinal should have said, exactly what most bishops today are too terrified to say, and exactly what the Pope has thus far refused to say.

Rather than backing down, the Cardinal has held his ground, even authorizing Vincent Neymon, spokesman for the French Bishops' Conference, to release this statement to the press:
"Cardinal Vingt-Trois had the courage to say what he thinks. The subsequent attack against him is further proof of the very point he was trying to make."

Perhaps I can be forgiven for hoping that Catholic Vingt-Trois has taken this couragous stand in part because of graces he received on the Pilgrimage to Chartres, France back in 2010. Here's what happened:

Michael Matt kisses the ring of Cardinal André Vingt-Trois
a cradinalOn the second night of the Pilgrimage, there was more excitement than I’d ever seen as the American chapter of some 65 pilgrims made its way down the steep embankment into the camp. Exhausted and parched after two days beneath a merciless sun, all we wanted to do really was find our tent and fall to the ground. But a throng of French pilgrims blocked our way, their jubilant song rising up before us like the tide at sea.

All at once I heard my own name being shouted by several Frenchmen just ahead. As leader of the U.S. chapter I was being summoned. But why?

I made my way through the bedlam and soon understood. The Cardinal Archbishop of Paris was standing at the gate, greeting each chapter as the miles-long column of pilgrims entered the camp. Head to toe in traditional red, His Eminence was being hailed like a victorious general by battle-weary troops.

Ju-bi-late Deo, jubi-la-te Deo, Al-le-lu-ia 
 as they surrounded their “general”, scrambling to kneel for his blessing as they passed.

A few moments later I found myself kneeling at the feet of André Armand Cardinal Vingt-Trois. As I kissed his ring, I recalled that His Eminence is not known  for being particularly supportive of the Traditionalist cause in France. But out of respect for his office and for the opportunity to show their shepherd the true face of Tradition, the organizers of the pilgrimage, Notre-Dame de Chrétienté, had invited the Cardinal to visit the camp that night and offer Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament for the pilgrims.

Graciously, the Cardinal had accepted the invitation, and there he was, not in the sanctuary of some elaborate cathedral, but standing in the tall grass beneath the blazing sun, smiling and blessing his dust-covered children.

As I briefly spoke to him about what the Pilgrimage means to American Catholics and how hundreds of us over the years have crossed the Atlantic to take part in this glorious event, he smiled warmly and gave me his blessing. Was it wishful thinking on my part or did I detect something in his eyes that bespoke a profound impact of what he saw unfolding before him. After all, only a faithless man with a heart of stone could have beheld that youthful army of Catholics, stretching back as far as the eye could see, their flags and banners snapping in the breeze, the heavy statues of Our Lady carried all the way from Paris on the shoulders of scouts—and not been moved by it. Cardinal Vingt-Trois didn’t strike me as either stonehearted or faithless. I believe what he saw that day made an impression that will not soon be forgotten.

Either way, as the sun set and shadows grew long over the Bivouac de Gas, a Prince of the Catholic Church parted a massive sea of pilgrims and made his way to a traditional altar erected beneath the stars. When he raised the monstrance a short while later and the consecration bells sounded across the encampment, ten thousand pilgrims crossed themselves and worshipped God in absolute silence.

For that moment at least Christus vincit and the Cardinal’s politics mattered not one iota. The pilgrim army had become little children again, praying at the feet of their father while swearing allegiance to their Mother and worshipping their God.

It was as if the revolution had never happened and the whole world was Catholic again. The Cardinal was no longer Vingt-Trois but rather he was Andrew, James, John, Thomas, Philip, Simon and Jude. And the Catholic heart leapt with joy.

And now Cardinal Vingt-Trois stands alone in Paris, buffetted by powerful enemies for saying and doing the Catholic thing in a world that is at war with all things Catholic. Any connection between this heroic stand and what happened that day on the Chartres Pilgrimage six years ago? Who can say for sure, but I think maybe there is. Such is the power of God's grace and Catholic Tradition. Let's continue to pray for them all, even and especially Pope Francis, recalling that in the end God will have the last word.

150209155621 02 pope quote 0209 super 169In a press conference Sunday, Pope Francis appeared to suggest that all religions are equally prone to violence and that Islam and Christianity are the same in this regard.

When asked by a journalist about the “barbarous assassination of Fr. Jacques Hamel” in northern France who was clearly “killed in the name of Islam” last Tuesday, the Pope replied that he doesn’t like speaking about Islamic violence because there is plenty of Christian violence as well.

In the brief press conference aboard the papal plane returning from Krakow, Poland, the Pope said that every day when he browses the newspapers, he sees violence in Italy perpetrated by Christians: “this one who has murdered his girlfriend, another who has murdered the mother-in-law… and these are baptized Catholics! There are violent Catholics!”

“If I speak of Islamic violence, I must speak of Catholic violence,” Francis said. “And no, not all Muslims are violent, not all Catholics are violent. It is like a fruit salad; there’s everything.” READ ARTICLE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: He didn't just say that, did he? A "fruit salad"? Really?! One of his own priests just had his head cut off by a couple of Islamic nutters, and to the mind of Pope Francis this is no different than the random guy in the news who murdered his mother-in-law? I wish this man had been joking, but I know he wasn't.  

At this point, it seems safe to say that the Holy Father is either mentally impaired or actively working to destabilize the world -- an already dangerous world being made worse by the words, actions and inactions of the world's most powerful spiritual leader. 

One wonders who's giving this him his marching orders. Is he operating alone, solely on the ambition of his massive ego? Or there someone else--something else--that has commissioned this truly bizarre pope to wage a personal war on the Catholic Church?

The words of Our Lord to St. Peter in Matthew 16 come to mind with respect to Pope Francis:  "Go behind me, Satan, thou art a scandal unto me: because thou savourest not the things that are of God, but the things that are of men."

Pray for Pope Francis that his faith does not fail him any more than it clearly already has.

150209155621 02 pope quote 0209 super 169
In a press conference Sunday, Pope Francis appeared to suggest that all religions are equally prone to violence and that Islam and Christianity are the same in this regard.

When asked by a journalist about the “barbarous assassination of Fr. Jacques Hamel” in northern France who was clearly “killed in the name of Islam” last Tuesday, the Pope replied that he doesn’t like speaking about Islamic violence because there is plenty of Christian violence as well.

In the brief press conference aboard the papal plane returning from Krakow, Poland, the Pope said that every day when he browses the newspapers, he sees violence in Italy perpetrated by Christians: “this one who has murdered his girlfriend, another who has murdered the mother-in-law… and these are baptized Catholics! There are violent Catholics!”

“If I speak of Islamic violence, I must speak of Catholic violence,” Francis said. “And no, not all Muslims are violent, not all Catholics are violent. It is like a fruit salad; there’s everything.” READ ARTICLE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: He didn't just say that, did he? A "fruit salad"?  One of his own priests just had his head ritually removed by a couple of Islamic "holy warriors" in the name of Allah and, to the mind of Pope Francis, this act of jihad is no different than the random Christian guy who murders his mother-in-law on the nightly news?  I wish our Holy Father had been joking, but he wasn't.  

At this point, it seems safe to say that the Holy Father must either be mentally impaired somehow, or he's actively working to destabilize the Church in an already dangerous world being made so much worse by the troubling words, confusing actions and now negligence of the world's most powerful spiritual leader. 

Assuming Pope Francis is still in possession of his wits, one can only speculate as to who it might be that is giving him these bizarre marching orders. Is he operating as a one-man papal wrecking ball solely on the ambition of his own massive ego? Or  is there someone else--something else--that has commissioned him to wage what amounts to an unholy war on the Church he himself heads up?

When following the Pope's efforts to 'make a mess' all over the world,  Our Lord's words to St. Peter in Matthew 16 come to mind:  "Go behind me, Satan, thou art a scandal unto me: because thou savourest not the things that are of God, but the things that are of men."

Pray for Pope Francis that his faith does not fail him any more than it already has. God help us, Holy Father, please stop making messes.

Perhaps, the decades of investigating and searching for missing and abducted children around the world provided me insight into the dangers to children. Perhaps, knowing the tactics and stories of sexual predators heightens my concern over naive and gullible adults, who place children and teens in dangerous and compromising situations.
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Mercy Mania at World Youth Day Featured

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How cool is THIS!
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Editorial page writer for The Wall Street Journal, Sohrab Ahmari, based in London, is converting to Catholicism in the wake of the murder of French Catholic priest, Father Jacques Hamel, at the hands of Islamic terrorists.

Welcome to the Catholic Church, Mr. Ahmari. God be praised!

slide 329886 3231965 freeWalking fearlessly alone and among the poor, Cardinal Bergoglio drinks mate, the traditional Argentine beverage, in Buenos Aires on March 3, 2013, ten days before his election as Pope. (Did this man ever do anything without the cameras rolling?)

When Jorge Bergoglio was elected as pope, there was surprisingly little information either released by the Vatican or available online from his long tenure as head of the Church in Buenos Aires or as a leading figure in the South American Society of Jesus. It was there if you knew how to dig hard enough. In fact, the Spanish and Portuguese language news sites and blogs are full of interesting photos of his holiness as a cardinal posing with his good friends in all the Marxist-inspired “social movements”.

But it’s a funny thing, even though the whole world knew five minutes after the 2005 election that Ratzinger had once been drafted into the Hitler Youth as a child, Bergoglio’s ties with these leftist extremist organisations has remained pretty much unknown in the English language press. In fact, to this day, next to nothing about his history or about the fate of the archdiocese of Buenos Aires is known to the general Catholic world.

Regarding the “Catholic” Apotheosis of Luther

Final Session of the 24th Annual Roman Forum Summer Symposium
Feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius
July 7th, 2016

Our civilization is so sick that even the best efforts to prop up its few tottering remnants manifest the pathetic illness that has step by step brought the entire structure crumbling down. The disease in question is a willful, prideful, irrational, and ignorant obsession with “freedom”. But this is a malady that gained its initial effective entry into Christendom in union with the concept of the natural world as the realm of “total depravity”. 

Francois Hollande says France is at war with ISIS after two Islamist knifemen butchered a French priest and left a nun fighting for her life before they were both shot dead by police in Normandy.

One of the men who stormed into the church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray near Rouen during mass was a local man, who was being monitored by electronic tag after being jailed for trying to join fanatics in Syria.

The 84-year-old priest, named as Jacques Hamel, had his throats cut while a nun is critically injured in hospital following the raid which saw five people held hostage by ISIS assailants shouting 'Allahu Akbar'.

The two killers were 'neutralised' by  marksmen as they emerged from the building, which is now being searched for explosives. French president Hollande said France is 'at war' with ISIS while the terror group has claimed responsibility for the killing.

It comes as it emerged that the building was one of a number of Catholic churches on a terrorist 'hit list' found on a suspected ISIS extremist last April.

There are also reports that one of the attackers was a local resident who was under electronic tag surveillance having been jailed in France for trying to travel to Syria in 2015. His bail terms allowed him to be unsupervised between 8.30am and 12.30pm - the attack happened between 9am and 11am. READ MORE HERE 

REMNANT COMMENT: According to a CNS report, Pope Francis was informed of the execution of Father Hamel. "With pain and horror" for the "absurd violence," Pope Francis expressed his condemnation of "every form of hatred" and offered his prayers for all those involved.

"Every form of hatred"?  What a terribly safe thing to say!  What about this particular form of hatred, Your Holiness—the one that just led to the beheading of one of your own priests? Nothing? Just a heads-up on hatred in general? Really?!

I suppose the Pope wouldn't want to condemn by name the one form of hatred which is turning the cities of former Christendom into warzones. No, heaven forbid that the People's Pope would thunder an anathema against the violent defenders of the great Christian heresy that has the Islamic world  hell-bent on blowing everything up, raping women in the streets, downing aircraft and ripping the heads off Catholic priests. No, any sort condemnation like that--aside from being actually useful—would put the lie to Francis's painfully politically correct gibberish about Islam the "religion of peace."

Francis wants us to know that “all forms of hatred”—especially homophobia, of course—are bad. In fact, we can count on Francis to step right up every time and lead the cheer: "Hey hey, hell no, hatred's gotta go!"  

Maybe it's time to plant another tree or something.  But ever since the pope started planting his little trees, with all those cameras rolling, the world's been going up in flames, with mass graves filling fast with murdered Christians.  So aside from providing yet another symbol-over-substance photo op for Francis the Humble, what's the point of these self-promotional exercises in papal reforestation?

Maybe it's time for the Holy Father to stop planting trees, in fact, and get back to cultivating the mustard seed instead, perhaps even preaching the Kingdom of God and the Kingship of Christ--you know, the 'popey' stuff that actually matters.

For now, I guess it's just going to be more of this type of silliness:


Eternal rest grant unto, Father Hamel, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.

The admonishment is stated so often in discussions about inner Church workings that many people treat it as axiomatic: Do not view the Church through a political lens, the Church is different.

Yes, the Church is different. You cannot view the Church as simply aligning with your local political situation, but the Church is inherently political. Where there are people involved, there is politics. And I venture to say that not only is this current period no exception, it is quickly setting new levels.

A fair amount of ink has been spilled in recent weeks over the controversy that erupted after Cardinal Sarah's London speech suggesting that priests might want to check out ad orientem worship this coming advent.

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Christophobia and the Springtime of Vatican II

Macy's has fired an employee because he is a practicing Catholic. The case is now before the New York State Division of Human Rights.

In May, Javier Chavez, senior store detective at the Macy's store in Flushing, New York, received a phone call stating that a male had entered the ladies room with a female companion. A female customer, and her daughter, were afraid to enter because of the male's presence. A security employee who reports to Chavez advised the man to leave and use the men's room. He left claiming to be a female. He then complained to store officials that he was asked to leave.

Chavez was subsequently told by an Assistant Store Manager that certain males can use the ladies restroom. This was news to him. A few days later, an assistant security manager told him that transgender persons can use the bathroom of their choice. He said he had just become aware of this policy, stating that it was contrary to his religion and the Bible. But he hastened to say that he would nonetheless enforce Macy's policy. Macy's would not leave this alone, and this is where it crossed the line.

Chavez was then summoned to meet with the Human Resources Manager, who suspended him. He was later terminated. READ ARTICLE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT Macy’s today, wherever you work tomorrow. Here it comes--real persecution of Christians, and there's nothing any of us can do about it until the Catholic Church comes back from its ridiculous, self-imposed, half-century coffee break.  

Vatican II, the New Mass, the new orientation of the Church, the new churchmen--by default they all present a clear and present danger to anyone trying to follow Christ in the modern Christophobic world.   There is no moral authority left, thanks to them and, without that, it's just a lot of might makes right, survival of the fittest, politically correct hogwash. And since the Christian is called by God Himself to turn the other cheek, guess who's gonna be down and out in the brutal brave new America of the very near future.

Got to love that springtime of Vatican II.