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Remnant Rome Report

Remnant Rome Report (3)

The Remnent Newspaper traveled to Rome for coverage of the Conclave.

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Tradition Remembered

Tradition Remembered (3)

The Remnant Will Never Forget

The Remnant devotes this section of our exclusively to testimonies by those who lived through the revolution of the Second Vatican Council.

This page is reserved for those who saw what happened, or heard what happened from those who did,  and who truly understand how Catholic families were blown apart. Visitors who have personal reflections, or memories of traditionalists pioneers, or reminicences of the revolution are encouraged to tell their stories and share their pictures here. . . so that we will never forget.

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Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome (0)

RTV Covers Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Remnant TV was in Rome this past week covering the Vatican’s clerical sexual abuse summit on the “protection of minors”. It seemed a dismal assignment, to be sure, but the reason it was necessary for The Remnant to be in the Eternal City was so we could throw in with our traditional Catholic allies in Rome who’d organized an act of formal resistance to the Vatican sham summit.

Going in, we all knew that the ultimate goal of the summit was to establish child abuse—not rampant homosexuality in the priesthood—as the main cause of a crisis in the Catholic Church which now rivals that of the Protestant Revolt. (Remnant TV coverage of this event as well as the Vatican summit itself, can be found on The Remnant’s YouTube channel, and for your convenience is laid out below:

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Remnant Cartoons

Remnant Cartoons (97)

Have you subscribed to The Remnant’s print edition yet? We come out every two weeks, and each issue includes the very latest Remnant Cartoon!


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In God’s Will: The Life and Works of Sr. Mary Wilhelmina, Foundress of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, Sister Wilhelmina’s religious community wrote of her “marching song”:

“She developed a deep and trusting abandonment to Divine Providence. As an old nun, she would walk the halls of the convent, beating time with her cane and chanting her ‘Marching Song’: God’s will, God’s will, God’s will be done! Praise be the Father! Praise be the Son! Praise be Divine Love, Lord Holy Ghost! Praised be in union with the heavenly host!” (p. 76)

New from RTV...

Michael Matt takes a few minutes off to personally address complaints and concerns of the many non-Catholic viewers of Remnant TV.  Citing a collection of personal letters written by his great-grandfather – a convert from Lutheranism – to his Protestant friend, Michael explains why his great-grandfather converted to the Catholic Faith and how that conversion story is more relevant today, perhaps, than when it was written one hundred and thirty years ago.

In a homily on May 7, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI made one of the important statements regarding the authority of the Pope. The following words, in particular, have remained in my mind:

“The pope is not an absolute monarch whose thoughts and desires are law. On the contrary: The pope’s ministry is a guarantee of obedience to Christ and to his Word. He must not proclaim his own ideas, but rather constantly bind himself and the Church to obedience to God’s Word, in the face of every attempt to adapt it or water it down, and every form of opportunism.”[i]

No Catholic is required to believe the messages from the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the three children of Fatima, but the reactions to the messages from high-ranking churchmen reveal several vital aspects of the current crisis in the Church. The conclusions we can draw from these reactions do not depend on the Fatima messages being legitimate — all that matters in this analysis is that the churchmen under consideration purported to believe them. And yet, if we honestly assess the way in which Church’s leaders have acted in light of the messages of Fatima, we can see something absolutely staggering: their actions paint the same picture of apostasy as that apparently contained in the complete Third Secret of Fatima that they have concealed.

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The Little Ferret comes under fire from the Supreme Court in Canada for abuse of power. So, what now? Well, Mr. Trudeau has promised to rid the nation of. . . pizza ovens. Feel safer now?

An important new documentary exposes the errors of cultural Marxism and then, oddly enough, uses Lesbian “conservatives” to promote their work. Meanwhile, Virgin Atlantic introduces gender-neutral uniforms for its pilots. So, a dude dressed like a lady will fly you home next time.

A gift from Michael

Apart from the bitterness caused by Fiducia Supplicans, last Christmas brought me an unexpected joy. After more than thirty years, I re-watched Frank Capra’s film, It’s a Wonderful Life (1946). The one to whom I must express gratitude for this (re)discovery is Michael J. Matt. When he saw my small list of family movies that can be enjoyed during the Christmas holidays, he expressed surprise that I hadn’t mentioned this particular title. Drawing my attention to one of the most significant cinematic creations, Michael gave me an unforgettable gift.

I wonder what it would take to shut down the Vatican’s fake-news feed. An example: Ever since he got over the wall, Pope Francis has been telling the world that the Catholic Church – before he arrived on the scene, of course – had more or less neglected the poor and certainly cared next to nothing about those suffering on the peripheries of society.

One of the meditations in St. Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises depicts the spiritual war between Jesus Christ and Lucifer, in which all men must choose which standard to follow:

“Consider that we are all placed between Jesus Christ and Lucifer, and that it is equally impossible either to serve both at once—‘No one can serve two masters’ (Matt. 6:24)—or to remain neutral without serving one or other, for Jesus Christ says, ‘He who is not with Me is against Me’ (Luke 11:23). It is, then, necessary to make a choice.”

New from Remnant TV...

In this episode of The Underground, Michael breaks down the latest from the Lunatics of Davos, where the world’s elites are freaking out again. Field Marshal Schwab and little Alex Soros on Disease X, so-called “fake news,” and the return of Donald Trump.

Plus, witches spit spells in Davos, dead Teslas freeze in Chicago, and the cost of living in America skyrockets. We may not own anything in the future, but at least we’ll be happy…!?

By the way, it turns out Pope Francis has been donating your tithing dollars to the World Health Organization for its plan to “protect us from Disease X,” predicted to be “twenty times more deadly than Covid.” (How do they know that?)

Another bishop called out Team Francis, arguing that we must not obey the Woke Pope.  And, finally, a courageous African’s defense of Christian morality brings down the house at the United Nations. Now, why can’t Francis be THAT Catholic?

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Source Material:
Bishop Rob Mutsaerts
THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump

Sam George of Ghana Shocking Speech at the UN Security Council on Family Values

“What I am going to say is not a dogma of faith but my own personal view: I like to think of hell as empty; I hope it is.” (Francis, January 14, 2024 interview)

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