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The Pope Blasphemes, and other stories...smack 2

Bishop Omits Reading the Creed to Avoid Offending Non-Catholics

On the Feast of the Epiphany, Bp. Derio Olivero of the diocese of Pinerolo, said Mass in the Cathedral of St. Donatus, near the city of Turin, Italy. Before the recitation of the creed, the bishop stated the following:

"Since there are also non-believers, everyone will say it silently…Those who believe can say it, and those who don't believe or have other beliefs will silently contemplate the reasons for their beliefs.”

While shocking to those new to Tradition, Remnant readers will recall that not offending the sensibilities of non-Catholics was the primary motivation of the architects of the New Mass.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Novus Ordo News Roundup Featured


Chiesa di Santa Maria in Traspontina panoramioChurch of Santa Maria in Traspontina, Rome

THERE IS OFTEN more to a story.  Sometimes the story is not complete yet when told, and sometimes events unfold that require a follow-up, or an epilogue.

Readers of a certain vintage might recall a radio broadcaster, Paul Harvey, whose timeless stories were verified and always ended with an interesting twist. Once the twist sunk in, he would sign off, “… and that is, The Rest of the Story”.

Our story begins with everyone’s favorite exorcist, Father Gabriel Amorth, the founder of the International Exorcist Association in 1994.  

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Demon of Traspontina


New from Remnant TV...

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Dear Friends: I hope you enjoy this first RTV 'From the Editor's Desk" of the New Year. I really tried to set the tone for 2020 by putting Francis into the historical context of the Revolution of Vatican II and the Ape of Christendom -- the New World Order.

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ON JUNE 2, 1951, in his encyclical Evangelii Praecones, Ven. Pope Pius XII warned that “the whole human race is today allowing itself to be driven into two opposing camps, for Christ or against Christ. The human race is involved today in a supreme crisis, which will issue in its salvation by Christ, or in its dire destruction.”

New Year's Resolution from Remnant TV...

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As Pope Francis’s popularity among practicing Catholic falls to new lows, RTV releases a New Year’s resolution video, vowing to resist him   

As Pope Francis’s popularity continues to plummet among faithful Catholics, he has managed to maintain popularity with one demographic: Pro-abortion “Catholic” Democrats. A Pew Research poll from last year revealed that the share of Catholics who have a favorable view of the pontiff is "22 points higher among Democrats than among Republicans.”

It remains to be seen by how much that number increased in 2019, when Pope Francis the Politician made it pretty clear that Trump the Wall Builder needs to be defeated in 2020.

A Letter from Rome. . .

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IF THERE IS any true moment of grace and conversion of heart, it is Holy Christmas, the day of the Nativity of the Lord, the day from which the years of the world are counted. The familiar atmosphere of the day of Christmas softens the hardest hearts, but above all it is the beauty of the liturgy that is capable of touching them, as happened to the French writer Paul Claudel (1868-1955) on December 25, 1886.

New from Remnant TV...

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From The Editor’s Desk, Michael Matt offers a stirring Christmastime reflection on how resistance is NOT futile, how Francis’s revolution can be stopped, and how the situation inside the Vatican should make us all better Catholics and more committed soldiers of Jesus Christ.

francis xmas address

Pope Francis’s Christmas address of December 21—the traditional feast of the doubting Thomas the Apostle and of the Ember Saturday of Advent—is exactly the antithesis of the famous “hermeneutic of continuity” address delivered by Pope Benedict XVI on December 22, 2005. In that speech, Ratzinger (successfully or unsuccessfully) tried to reconnect the postconciliar experiment with the 3,000-year history of the Church as God’s Israel.

Francis is saying, in effect: “Nope, not gonna happen. In fact, we need to ramp up the modernization efforts and leave behind that stale, rigid old past. If we want to keep Christianity, we have to change everything.”

imageWhy are the Swamp Creatures impeaching Trump? That easy—it’s because they hate you and they hate me, and they fear the power of the One we follow.

Poor old Donald Trump’s only crime was to recognize a viable constituency in disillusioned pro-life, pro-Christian, pro-family Americans who still have the conviction (and the numbers) to threaten the very existence of the New World Order.

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When Pope Francis visited Japan in November, it marked the first time a supreme pontiff had alighted on Japanese soil since Pope John Paul II’s brief stay in February of 1981. Although Pope Francis’ visit included the same three cities as did John Paul II’s—namely, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Tokyo—there are glaring differences between the two visits, and the two papacies.

For one thing, while Pope John Paul II was unapologetically pro-life, Pope Francis has turned the phrase into its opposite through the skillful use of ambiguity.

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As Advent slips away, I hasten to ask friends and subscribers to consider helping The Remnant out this Christmas.  The cost of newsprint and postage is ever on the increase, especially as printing companies struggle to compete with online content distribution systems, inducing more and more newspapers to either go out of business or switch over entirely to an electronic option.

I have no intention of doing either, but I do need a little help. If you’re not already a subscriber to The Remnant, please consider remedying that as soon as possible.