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Remnant Rome Report

Remnant Rome Report (3)

The Remnent Newspaper traveled to Rome for coverage of the Conclave.

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Tradition Remembered

Tradition Remembered (3)

The Remnant Will Never Forget

The Remnant devotes this section of our exclusively to testimonies by those who lived through the revolution of the Second Vatican Council.

This page is reserved for those who saw what happened, or heard what happened from those who did,  and who truly understand how Catholic families were blown apart. Visitors who have personal reflections, or memories of traditionalists pioneers, or reminicences of the revolution are encouraged to tell their stories and share their pictures here. . . so that we will never forget.

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Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome (0)

RTV Covers Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Remnant TV was in Rome this past week covering the Vatican’s clerical sexual abuse summit on the “protection of minors”. It seemed a dismal assignment, to be sure, but the reason it was necessary for The Remnant to be in the Eternal City was so we could throw in with our traditional Catholic allies in Rome who’d organized an act of formal resistance to the Vatican sham summit.

Going in, we all knew that the ultimate goal of the summit was to establish child abuse—not rampant homosexuality in the priesthood—as the main cause of a crisis in the Catholic Church which now rivals that of the Protestant Revolt. (Remnant TV coverage of this event as well as the Vatican summit itself, can be found on The Remnant’s YouTube channel, and for your convenience is laid out below:

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Remnant Cartoons

Remnant Cartoons (97)

Have you subscribed to The Remnant’s print edition yet? We come out every two weeks, and each issue includes the very latest Remnant Cartoon!


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This from Although the Catholic Church teaches that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered,” constitute “grave depravity,” and can never “be approved,” the Catholic bishops of New York State “have not taken a position” on past bills and “do not foresee taking a position” on Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new order banning private and public health insurers from covering gay conversion  therapy for minors.

Cuomo, a Catholic who supports homosexual marriage and abortion, made his announcement about prohibiting health care coverage for conversion (or reparative) therapy on Saturday, Feb. 6. READ MORE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: So far this has been the reaction of the brave bishops of New York State:

Cowards such as these clearly do not possess the stuff of which martyrs are made. They’re so busy eliminating hills on which they will not die, that before long they’ll be lying in a barren desert somewhere, dying comfortably in their beds, having never taken a serious stand on anything that matters.

St. John Fisher must be rolling over in his grave.


Editor’s Note: This article was first published in The Remnant in 2010. Since Pope Francis has now pulled back the curtain to further expose the radical coup d’état that has been underway in the Church for a long time, however, I feel certain that thinking Catholics are more disposed than ever to acknowledge the “progressive” innovations of the past half century as self-inflicted assaults on the Bride of Christ.  The attack on the Mass has been well documented in these pages, but the “reform” of the Rosary was no less revolutionary in its audacity. Codified by St. Pius V at the Council of Trent, the Rosary’s traditional form, given to us by Our Lady herself through St. Dominic, is what it is for reasons that far outweigh any human aspirations to add elements to it, no matter how pious those elements may be.

No one thought it was an attack when Pope Paul VI set aside the Friday Law of Abstinence. But it was. Why did they do it?

It’s early morning, still dark in Palmer Woods. The street lights are on, shining on the glaze of frost that covers the ground. There’s not a sound in my writing room, but the silence won’t last. Soon the rumble of engines and the thud of wheels on the pavement will break the quiet dawn

The neighbors are going to work. The few children who live in the great old houses will be shuttled off to school. An hour more, and the houses will be empty.
Paris, Chartres, La Salette, Cotignac and the South of France

May 11 – May 23, 2016

(25th Anniversary of the U.S. Chapter of Our Lady of Guadalupe) On Pentecost, join 15,000 Catholics who will be walking from Paris to Chartres on the 3-day, 70-mile medieval-style: Pilgrimage of Notre-Dame de Chretiente!

Join Michael J. Matt and 50 American Catholics on  Pilgrimage in France!  Guides to Include James Bogle and Oxford Historian Dr. John Rao
This just in from the Daily Mail: "A fraudster who posed as a priest for decades has been arrested on suspicion of selling fake tickets for the visit of Pope Francis. Erwin Mena, 59, celebrated masses, funerals, marriages and heard confessions around California since first posing as a priest in the mid-1990s.

"For the best part of two decades, Mena  appeared at parishes or prayer groups in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Stockton, Fresno and Orange counties... He showed up at St. Mary parish in Fontana more than five years ago and celebrated mass on a few occasions,  a spokesman for the Diocese of San Bernardino said."

REMNANT COMMENT: You don't say!  I wonder what would happen if a SSPX priest in cassock were to turn up at St. Mary parish in Fontana and announce that he'd be saying the Mass and hearing a few confessions this afternoon.  No problem, right? Yeah, right! 

I guess this nutter appeared to be in full communion with Rome -- so whatevs. 

Not a lot of oversight going on in the Novus Ordo these days. So long as you're not a traditionalist you can pretty much do whatever the heck you want.

This just in from the Washington Post: “The top officers in the Army and Marine Corps testified on Tuesday that they believe it is time for women to register for future military drafts, following the Pentagon’s recent decision to open all jobs in combat units to female service members.

Gen. Mark A. Milley, chief of staff of the Army, and Gen. Robert B. Neller, the Marine Corps commandant, both said they were in favor of the change during an occasionally contentious Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the full integration of women in the military. The generals, both infantry officers, offered their opinions in response to a question from Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), who said that she also is in favor of the change.

“Senator, I think that all eligible and qualified men and women should register for the draft,” said Milley, echoing the remarks of Neller.

After the hearing, Neller added in a short interview that any young American as a rite of passage should have to register for Selective Service….

“Carter’s action allows women for the first time to apply for a variety of physically punishing positions, including Army and Marine Corps infantryman, as well as Special Operations jobs, including Navy SEAL and Green Beret. The Defense Department plans to begin implementing associated changes in training and evaluation by April 1.” READ MORE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: I have five daughters, and the day that this increasingly demonic government attempts to drag them into combat is the day I take my family and leave this country. I don’t care what they do to me, but I fear the sick tortures of mind and body these globalist Christophobes have in store for my children and grandchildren.

My mother died last month, and so death came knocking in a close and personal way for our family. But, you know what? Here was a woman of the old world who could still remember horse-drawn carts, for example, on the streets of St. Paul when she was a little girl. She never let go of the old Catholic Faith in which she came of age long before the Hiroshima event of Vatican II. She was open to life—no, I mean REALLY open to life—having given birth to nine children and 105 practicing Catholic grandchildren.

But by 2016 I think my mother had grown so tired of this psychotic brave new world of ours, where men marry men, women murder their babies and now girls will be sent onto battlefields not as nurses, like my mother had been, but as bloody combatants.

God help us, what a monster this evil Goddess Liberty has turned out to be. Mothers, sisters and daughters in combat—how liberating! Here’s where their precious ‘pill’ has taken them, to a world robbed of the civilizing leaven of femininity, with no maternal heart, no womanly gentleness, no queenly grace, no beauty, no life.

Just an ugly, sterile, globalist prison filled with testosterone, crime, drugs and brutal sex. Not only is chivalry dead but its point and purpose no longer exists.

The Godless ones are clearly transforming our world into a place where the sting of death may soon seem a small price to pay to get out, and where the living may well come to envy the dead.

This is the New World Order…and it will be no place to live. Everything true, good and beautiful is being systematically eradicated before our eyes, and now this modern Moloch wants to devour our little girls on the altar of Liberty.

They’ve taken God’s greatest gifts and urinated all over them all—from life, to love, to family, to innocence, to grace, to true liberty. I know I’m not the only one who’s grown supremely weary of the whole bloody reign of spiritual and moral terror. I cling to my faith, my rosary, my family—but I know the mob is coming to take them all away in due time.

Lord bring on thy wrath for it can be no worse than the hell on earth that is rising up before us now. Only Christ can deliver us from this beast, which is why I swear allegiance to Him and to Him alone as though my life and soul depended on it, which, of course, they do.

This just in from Patrick J. Buchanan: "The conservative movement is starting to look a lot like Syria.

"Baited, taunted, mocked by Fox News, Donald Trump told Roger Ailes what he could do with his Iowa debate, and marched off to host a Thursday night rally for veterans at the same time in Des Moines.

"Message: I speak for the silent majority, Roger, not you, not Megyn Kelly, not Fox News. Diss me, and I will do fine without Fox. And so the civil-sectarian war on the right widens and deepens. And two questions arise: Will the conservative movement and Republican Party unite behind Trump if he is the nominee? And will the movement and party come together if Trump is not the nominee?

"A breakdown of the balance of forces in this civil-sectarian war finds most of the media elite of the right recoiling from Trump, while Trump leads by a huge margin in Middle America.

"National Review, Commentary, The Weekly Standard, Wall Street Journal, and the conservative and neocon columnists on the op-ed pages at The Washington Post and The New York Times have almost all come out viscerally against Trump. READ COLUMN HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: Trump is who he is. No changing that. No sugar-coating it. No denying it, either. On the other hand, I think we've all had our fill of the one-party system posing as two, right? I mean, lots of folks are waking up to the game of good cop, bad cop that's been going on for so many years now. The deception, the lies, the nation building, the radical shift to the left on moral issues—all consistently facilitated by the neocons.

"Pro-life" GOP presidents with pro-abortion wives, for example, all the way back to and including Ronald Reagan. Doesn’t that just seem a wee bit too precious? Imagine if your spouse--the love of your life and mother of your children—had one “tiny” flaw: she thought it was okay to murder babies in their mother’s womb. That wouldn’t be an impediment to your happy marriage? Really?!

Don’t you see? It’s all part of the game called politics and power.  And now we have "Conservative" talk show hosts on FNC approving "gay marriage" because, well, that's what a "freedom-loving, great American" does. "So jump onboard, conservative America! We're all doing it now."

It's all so much smoke in mirrors designed to distract, misdirect and deceive good folks. But the wild popularity of Trump suggests millions of them have had enough and that the prospect of an actual change (in the sense of a disruption of the neocon globalist agenda) is becoming popular among folks who self-identify as conservatives. 

So now a businessman wants to take a crack at the White House. You know what, friends? It can't be any worse than yet another politically correct careerist politician with a pro-abortion wife who'll continue to sell America out to Israel, do nothing about abortion, embrace "gay marriage" and still get to call himself a "conservative." Enough already. Let's at least take that word back!

I haven't been able to vote in good conscience for quite some time, and I doubt much will change in that regard this time around. But, please, let's not pretend that The Donald is about to derail a Christian confessional state headed up by Jebmagne, or Chris Christie the Great, or Emperor Marco of Austria. Nothing is going to change with any of these guys, and we all know it won't.  

Trump’s running the American government like a business, on the other hand, may not do much for America's soul (neither do the globalist policies of the neocons) but it might just buy us some time by inadvertently disrupting our nation’s mad dash into NWO oblivion. He does, after all, have "interests" to protect, especially his own. For this guy, the White House is a step down;  so at least he may not be yet another goofball puppet.

I'm not endorsing Trump. I'm only pointing out that the two-party political system in this country has been a sham for years, and that maybe, finally, that at least will come tumbling down and voters will stop trusting faux conservatives just because they've stapled an "R" to their backsides. Let's hope the Trump phenom helps to expose the "conservative vs. liberal" shell game that's been going on for far too long.

Pat's right! With the neocons in a Trumped up scramble, at least this will be an interesting election to watch for a change.

The Remnant’s Urgent Appeal to Pope Francis to Either Change Course or Renounce the Petrine Office has been translated into 11 languages, including Italian, Spanish, French, Romanian, Russian, German, Croatian, Slovak, Dutch, Portuguese and Korean, with a couple more on the way. Nearly all of these are spontaneous efforts (unsolicited by The Remnant) by faithful Catholics all over the world who have had enough.

The Urgent Appeal has been read by well over 100,000 people (that we know of) and picked up by websites in all four hemispheres. Word of it reached newspapers everywhere after the Associated Press quoted it rather favorably in an article by Nicole Winfield.

February 11, 2016 will mark the third anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s shocking declaration of his intention to abdicate on February 28, 2013.

What was behind that history-changing decision? We can all guess but nobody on this side of the Tiber really knows. That he was pressured in some way seems obvious. But, why? Two words: Summorum Pontificum.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Piety is impious. Christians are unchristian.  

Once again, as though we had nothing better to do, the traditional Catholic internet world is aghast! appalled! outraged! at something Pope Francis has said. Must be Tuesday.

 At first I thought, are we still doing this? Then I read the excerpt of the homily from his daily Mass at Casa Santa Martha: “Christians who obstinately maintain ‘it’s always been done this way,' this is the path, this is the street—they sin: the sin of divination.”

 Ah… I see…
Friday, January 22, 2016

The Blackwhite of Pope Francis Featured

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