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Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The New Administration: An Advent of Cautious Hope 

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The New Administration: An Advent of Cautious Hope 

Despite the undeniably celebratory mood surrounding the election outcome, there was no sense among my comrades that the time had come when we could abandon our arms and return to tending our own personal affairs alone. On the contrary, the consensus was that this was our last chance to stave off total collapse and that all hands had to be committedly on deck.

remnant christmas shop ad narrowWednesday, November 6th, was a day of great rejoicing at my Italian cafe in Greenwich Village: a local meeting place for a sizeable group of regulars who discovered their common committment to a crusade against the Globalist Establishment from the time of the 2016 election onwards. The feeling of relief at the defeat of the Revolutionary Democratic Party was immense. Nevertheless, despite the undeniably celebratory mood, there was no sense among my comrades that the time had come when we could abandon our arms and return to tending our own personal affairs alone. On the contrary, the consensus was that this was our last chance to stave off total collapse and that all hands had to be committedly on deck.

While totally united in our happiness at the defeat of our enemies, we all knew that that enemy was still very strong and very dangerous, and that we, ourselves, had a number of serious disagreements regarding what shape our victory ought to take. As the group’s official historian, I could shore up everyone’s concern by fishing up an impressive number of examples of an explosion of post revolutionary euphoria over an inevitable new dawn followed rather swiftly by one painfully flawed reactionary fiasco after another.

Here lies the rub. On the one hand, two of my buddies—one of them a renowned, retired nuclear physicist and the other a former member of one of the wicked federal intelligence agencies—understood that our opposition to the Globalist Revolution logically required a battle for the establishment of the Social Kingship of Christ. Our comrades, in contrast, had no conception that this could be the case, and even continued to express certain ideas more likely to set up barricades against the forces seeking the creation of a New Christendom. Like all mere “conservatives” they were envisoning a reaction that would provide yet another doomed “holding action” against the final triumph of the satanic Global Oligarchy whose evil they undeniably recognise for what it is and seriously want to crush. Hence, the title of this short article that captures my historically-founded conviction that this Advent of Our Lord and Savior—also the “advent” of the new Administration—can be seen as one of a very real hope that must be cultivated together with a very real caution.

How can imperfect vessels become Constantines and Charlemagnes leading to St. Louis IXs until the salt regains its flavor?

Let us place the dilemma in the broader context of Church History as a whole, by bringing up the awareness of the Fathers of the Church that one could find within the dominant culture in which they lived what St. Justin Martyr (c. 100-c.165) called “Seeds of the Logos”, seeds of an awareness of the Truth of the Creator Word that could only be fully understood through Faith in the Word Incarnate. While rejoicing in, working with, and helping to perfect the “Seeds of the Logos”, Eastern Fathers from Alexandria and Cappadocia, along with Western equivalents such as St. Augustine (354-430)—especially in his work defending Christians from the charge of being responsible for the collapse of the Empire in his City of God—clearly emphasized the need to stay on one’s guard. Brilliant though they were, many of the best pagans nurturing the good seeds still jumbled them up with bad ones, often supporting their errors by a completely unacceptable practical behavior. St. Cyril of Alexandria (c. 376-444) noted that the powerful inertia propping up the old pagan mentality maintained a dominant influence among the baptized as well, diagnosing them with a condition that he called dypsychia—the possession of two conflicting souls, preventing real “transformation in Christ”.

In other words, the faithful had to make sure that they were not seduced into seeing the presence of good seeds in everything around them. Letting their guard down, especially at a time that they themselves were not part of “The Establishment”—-and, in fact, continued to be looked down upon with disdain by those who actually were—-would readily open the door to the cooption of the Catholic Faith for the benefit of its emasculation at best and its total perversion at worst. Ironically, therefore, conflicted pagan proponents of “Seeds of the Logos”, aided by Christian victims of dypsychia, would thereby wave a flag filled with good thoughts or orthodox dogmatic statements that were actually corrupted by what must be called “Seeds of the Old Adam”. The seductive strength of this confusing mixture of positive and negative signals, productive of a new and more wretched version of that “Old Adam” was enormous.

Let us now return to my cafe and bring the lesson from Early Christian History up to date. Once again, there are obviously“Seeds of the Logos” operative in the thoughts and behavior of my comrades at my cafe. Where do these come from? The most flattering answer would be their own exemplary use of their individual Reason. Nevertheless, I think that the most credible explanation is the reassertion under the assault of what is now a totally irrational and demonic enemy, of residual aspects of the political, social, and general cultural memory of the old Christian West.

Unfortunately, the whole of what we call Modernity—-which, based upon my historical research, I insist has been developing spiritually, intellectually, politically, economically, and in society as a whole since as early as the High Middle Ages—-has, from the very outset, made its progress precisely by insidiously coopting Christian themes, goals, and language for its naturalist, anti-Christian purposes: by mixing the message of Redemption with the incitement to spit it out like a piece of tainted meat. Yes, the so-called Radical Enlightenment went straight for the jugular in its open and vehement rejection of Christianity and its supernatural message. It was too much “in your face” to do its work effectively. It was the “nice and easy does it” approach of the Moderate Enlightenment, represented by Liberalism in general and the Civil Religion of Americanism, its most successful offspring, that provided the battering ram smashing through the gateways to the City of God. Claiming to be friendly to the faithful through its adulation of their rights to “individual liberty”, it actually paved the way for the personal “freedom” of the strongest irrational wills rejecting all concern for Christianity, Reason, and reality in general—-the wills of the members of the wicked Global Oligarchy—to oppress us. Its ravages were held back only by the inertia of the pre-existing Christian order whose walls its was bit by bit dismantling. And it urged us to smile while it prepared our destruction with such success that even the highest authority in the Church now serves happily as its chaplain.

How can Christendom be rebuilt by politicians if it is treated like a fairy tale by the successors of the Apostles?

This is not the place for me to run through a discussion of the whole development and content of the fraud and mysterious power of the iniquity of Modernity, the Moderate Enlightenment, Liberalism, and Americanism. I have spent my whole career working on that task, with many articles in The Remnant testifying to the labor. An exposé of their mixture of seeming openness to Faith, Reason, and Liberty with their truly magical, gnostic, elitist, pseudo-scientific, and pseudo-prophetic calls to twist and turn nature to every sick purpose the will of man can conjure up from the pits of Hell is not my goal here. My point at this time is simply that you cannot pour new wine into this cleverly disguised old “skin” infinitely less than you could into the pre-Christian one that was clear and open in its unacceptability at the time Our Savior taught His message and warned us against adulterating it.

Having said this, let me nevertheless mention one fraudulent prop of the whole wretched Liberal-Americanist Regime, whose real fangs have now sunk arrogantly into our flesh with their full strength. This is the argument that insists that it builds a system “based upon laws and not men”,  against which the gates of hell cannot prevail. One need do no more to refute the claim that constitutional guarantees are sufficient to prevent the acceptance of error and sinful action than point to the obvious battling over who gets to name which judges who will either happily support or bitterly oppose the butchering of the innocent in the womb—-whatever the law of God or the Founding Fathers may say to the contrary.

My reason for bringing up this particular exercise in contemporary sophistry is not to attack the supreme importance of the law, both divine and natural, but to remind all of us that its enforcement and its obedience lie in the hands of all too imperfect, sinful, and very fragile men. The law must always firmly be proclaimed in all of its fullness to them. Hope must be encouraged in their positive response to it, and rejoicing when this proves correct. But caution is needed as well, since all of us are weak and the “Seeds of the Old Adam” around us remain very, very powerful indeed. Moreover, it is necessary to remember that men are not machines, and fallen men have weaknesses and possess a free will that they can use properly or abuse badly, over and over again. They—-rulers and ruled—-cannot accomplish  everything they may want to do or at once, and—-voluntarily or involuntarily—-they all too frequently destroy with one hand what they are building up with the other. Constantine and Charlemagne, in practice, were not the Constantine and Charlemagne of pious legend. They were imperfect vessels for the designs of the Lord. It took a long time for an order to be build wherein one could expect a great deal more from a St. Louis IX.

I had hoped to round out my argument and tie it together with my very real but very cautious hope for the second administration of Donald Trump by the first Sunday of Advent. My terror over an imminent hip replacement (thankfully, successful) as a man who has never even had an IV stuck into him delayed me from finishing in time. But delay proved to be providential, because it gave me the opportunity to discover in the Italian blog called messainlatino a piece by the great French Catholic writer, George Bernanos, that I never knew existed. That article, penned in 1948 but never finished, was entitled “An Encyclical to the French”. His Encyclical points directly to my conclusion in this: my call to a very real but very cautious hope, under the administration of the very human President-Elect, of a flawed nation emerging from Moderate Enlightenment principles that are not conducive to building the Social Kingship of Christ, and yet cloaked in language that can seem religion-friendly.

Returning to France at the end of the Second World War, and musing on his country’s modern revolutionary history, Bernanos notes that a large segment of the nouveau-riche bourgeoisie, frightened by the radicalization of the more “moderate” revolution from which it had at first benefited became “conservative” after 1848. A good number of the members of this segment also became Catholic. In many respects, these unexpected converts could be castigated as “imperfect vessels”. Mistakes they made aplenty, but they listened to their ecclesiastical leaders and they piously sought to fight Modernity as they were told to do by them.

Pray in this Blessed Advent that, as Dietrich von Hildebrand said, “the glorious words ‘anathema sit’ ring out from Rome once again’”.

Regrettably, Bernanos goes on, from the time of Leo XIII onwards, these same leaders informed the imperfect vessels that they had to make their peace with the existing modern regime—so long as the basic survival of the Church were maintained. What that papal political approach—pursued by national episcopacies as well—therefore did was to baptize the dypsychia chastized by St. Cyril. It disillusioned the imperfect vessels, telling them, in effect, that the Syllabus of Errors, Catholic Social Doctrine, and the whole assault on Modernity were pious fluff, to be put aside for the demands of “real life”. And into the breach came the Modernists and their Christian political and social allies to teach them that those “pragmatic” demands of “real life” ultimately were really the sole key to the only Catholic social order possible.

American conservatives are, to a large degree, people with liberal ideas regarding individual liberty who have been “mugged”. They have seen the mouth of Hell open before them, they want desperately to run from it, but in general cannot free themselves from the Old Adam of the Modernity of the Moderate Enlightenment that pushes them repeatedly back towards embracing what they want to avoid. Some of them—like my nuclear physicist and intelligence agency friends—have seen the light and entered onto the Traditionalist Catholic Path. Both types, along with the unprincipled time-servers that we will always have with us will be active in the new Administration.

And Donald Trump himself? Where does he fit in? I cannot judge, but I can judge my own changing reaction to him and what he now means in a broader historical context. When Trump first ran for president in 2016, I was very pessimistic regarding his being a “Seed of the Logos”. Enemy of radicalism though he was, he seemed to me to be more of a “Seed of the Old Adam” in the typical conservative manner. By 2020, whatever the truth might be, I was desperate that he win re-election to provide a finger in the dike against what would otherwise come next.

What did come next convinced me that his (fraudulent) loss that year was providential. Everything wicked in the infinitely more dangerous vision of Modernity at its absolute worst came to the fore, in an openly arrogant rejection of God, Faith, Reason, and Reality belieing all its claims to being a friend rather than a butcher of mankind. Conservatives who were actually liberals who had been “mugged” were more “mugged” than ever before. Traditional Catholicism started to become something respectable among those longing for the Social Kingship of Christ without knowing it, even when these latter “seekers” were still supporting principles contrary to its central precepts. Some of them will play a role in Trump’s second presidency.

Like many of you who will read this article, along with my friends from the cafe, I firmly believe that this is our last chance to fend off the victory of Modernity, the Global Oligarchy which is its dominant agent, and the satanic forces really behind the machinations of an elite that stupidly believes that it is calling all the shots. My very real hopes for the Advent of a better time is due to the fact that I also am now convinced that Trump, the man, the imperfect vessel, has been superceeded by Trump, the symbol of opposition to our true enemies: whether he realizes this or not; whether he wills it or not. There are Seeds of the Logos at work here.

But my very real caution in entertaining these hopes is due to two other all too dangerous factors. One of these is the presence of the time servers, many of whom are foot soldiers for the opposing camp, aided by conservatives and Catholics still suffering from a dypsychia encouraging all of the Seeds of the disguised Old Adam represented by Modernity. The other—and ultimately the chief pillar of any long-lasting salvation from temporal disaster—is a Church which continues to serve as the chaplain for the enemy, proclaiming that the good news that “the Kingdom of God is at hand”—the Social Kingship of Christ—is nothing other than a pipe dream. Bernanos hits the nail on the head regarding what will turn our very real caution into very real hope in this one sentence from the Encyclical to the French: “We ask the Church to maintain in the world a sufficient Christian spirit to render possible the creation of a Christendom”.

How can imperfect vessels become Constantines and Charlemagnes leading to St. Louis IXs until the salt regains its flavor? How can Christendom be rebuilt by politicians if it is treated like a fairy tale by the successors of the Apostles? Pray in this Blessed Advent that, as Dietrich von Hildebrand said, “the glorious words ‘anathema sit’ ring out from Rome once again’”. We need a government of laws urging the men who enforce and obey them to be good in order to live a truly beautiful Catholic life. Viva Cristo Rey: our only hope for our fragile, imperfect nation is to abandon the Seeds of the Old Adam and gain the strength to cultivate whatever Seeds of the Logos that many of those who want it to prosper unwittingly cultivate.

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Last modified on Wednesday, December 11, 2024
John Rao | Remnant Columnist, New York

John C. Rao, Ph.D. is an associate professor of history at St. John's University, director of the Roman Forum/Dietrich von Hildebrand Institute, and former president of Una Voce America.  In 1977 he received his D.Phil. in Modern European History from Oxford University. Notable works include Americanism and the Collapse of the Church in the United States, Removing the Blindfold, and Periphery. His latest book, Black Legends: The War of the Words Against the Word, a guide to the history of the Catholic Church, was published by The Remnant Press in 2012. A student of Dietrich von Hildebrand and a close friend and collaborator of Michael Davies, John Rao has been a frequent contributor to The Remnant since the early 1980s.  He is known for writing his Remnant columns from Rocco's Cafe, an Italian pastry shop in Greenwich Village Manhattan.