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In his October 9, 2021 address to open the Synod, Francis put the Church and world on notice that he intended to change the Church, invoking the pseudo-Catholic inspiration of Yves Congar: 

“Father Congar, of blessed memory, once said: ‘There is no need to create another Church, but to create a different Church.’  That is the challenge. For a ‘different Church,’ a Church open to the newness that God wants to suggest, let us with greater fervour and frequency invoke the Holy Spirit and humbly listen to him, journeying together as he, the source of communion and mission, desires: with docility and courage.”

“Mum, I have something to tell you and you won’t like it.”

Before 2021, a phone conversation that began that way might have led to a parent being told that their teenager had written off the family car. Or that someone close to them had conceived a child out of wedlock. But this is 2021, and parents must be prepared to hear of alarming new disappointments.

“I went and got the shot and now I have pains in my heart.”

We've dropped a few clips from the recent Vatican conference on health and vaccines into one of the recent Project Veritas videos on the connection between the Pfizer vaccine and abortion.

Why? Because Pope Francis had the CEO of Pfizer speak at that Vatican conference, along with Tony Fauci and Chelsea Clinton. Is Francis ignorant of the Pfizer/Abortion connection? Is he malicious? Why would he not be calling for a religious exemption for the world's 2 billion Catholics? 

Suppose you are a faithful Catholic in 1948 and you read the following passage from the book Bishop Fulton Sheen had recently written, Communism and the Conscience of the West:

“The third temptation in which Satan asked Christ to adore him and all the kingdoms of the world would be His, will become the temptation to have a new religion without a Cross, a liturgy without a world to come, a religion to destroy a religion, or a politics which is a religion — one that renders unto Caesar even the things that are God’s. . . . Because his religion will be brotherhood without the fatherhood of God, he will deceive even the elect. He will set up a counterchurch which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the Mystical Body of Christ.”

vigano crestFour hundred fifty years ago, on 7 October 1571, the Christian fleet led by Don Juan of Austria won a resounding victory over the Turks at Lepanto in the Gulf of Patras. That victory, miraculously achieved by the Holy League even though it was clearly numerically and militarily inferior to the fleet of the Ottoman Empire, was attributed to the intervention of the Blessed Mother, who from that day on was venerated under the title of Queen of Victories and Help of Christians: the invocation Auxilium Christianorum that we recite in the Litany of Loreto was added following that miraculous victory. Every since then we have also celebrated the Blessed Mother as Queen of the Most Holy Rosary.

YOUTUBE JUST REMOVED THIS VIDEO (and served our channel with a strike for it)

Five days into his quarantine, Michael shares some thoughts on what it's like to test positive and finally live through THE THING that's turned the world upside down. Even as his wife and kids suffer with COVID, Michael finds some surprisingly positive things to talk about.

In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father comments on the significance of October being the Month of the Holy Rosary. After retelling the story of how Don John of Austria lead the Christian fleet to victory against the Ottoman Turks 450 years ago--thus saving Christian Europe--Father draws our attention to the role of the pope at that time in calling the men and women of Christendom to prayer in the face of evil. Pope Pius V called a crusade and placed it under the protection of Our Lady of Victory. 

We are Catholics who seek to honor God and save our souls by following our Catholic Faith, which we know was handed down by Jesus Christ to His disciples and faithfully transmitted through the ages despite the constant attacks of those who hate God and His Catholic Church.  The Church has always responded to these attacks on its immutable teaching by defining the truths of the Faith to render them plainly clear to all men of good will and immune to legitimate misinterpretation.

In this interview, Michael Matt asks His Excellency about everything from COVID lockdowns, to Vatican cooperation with Globalism, to Francis’ Pachamama scandal, to the prophecies of Fatima, to the connection between vaccines and abortion, to the role of the Guardian Angels in this war against God and the Catholic Church.


This interview took place at the Catholic Identity Conference 2021 in Pittsburgh. All the talks and greetings from the CIC are now available via On-Demand Video from The Remnant.

In the final talk of the 2021 Catholic Identity Conference, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò delivered what is perhaps the most absolutely vital message for Catholics today:

“Our duty in this historical moment is to fight the good fight in order to acquire those merits before God that may lead Him to shorten the time of tribulation . . . the outcome of the battle is most certain and inexorable but the duration of the persecution depends on us . . . it depends on our testimony of faith and of courageous defense of truth.”

Editor’s Note: This talk, delivered at the Catholic Identity Conference on October 3, 2021, has been edited by the author for print. MJM


 The Hidden Story behind Traditionis Custodes

“Nothing is hidden that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret
that shall not be known and come to light” (Lk 8:17).

Sometimes things are not as they seem. And sometimes, there are two “realities”: one that is officially given by those in power, and one that we then discover to be the truth.