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Thursday, October 21, 2021

One Mother's Vaccine Nightmare: "Mum, I have pains in my heart."

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One Mother's Vaccine Nightmare: "Mum, I have pains in my heart."

“Mum, I have something to tell you and you won’t like it.”

Before 2021, a phone conversation that began that way might have led to a parent being told that their teenager had written off the family car. Or that someone close to them had conceived a child out of wedlock. But this is 2021, and parents must be prepared to hear of alarming new disappointments.

“I went and got the shot and now I have pains in my heart.”


My mind went into overdrive as I tried to comprehend what I was being told: that abortion-tainted, genetically-modified material was now circulating in my daughter’s system and it was making her sick?

First things first. A call for prayer. Then an inquiry through a friend to a sympathetic doctor: massive doses of Vitamin D and C and some zinc - I already had those on hand in case someone in the family ever contracted COVID. Ivermectin? I had been trying to procure some before it was banned by our Australian government, so that would not be possible to find. (A dear friend later offered me her personal supply, which I declined. It was a beautiful gesture - one which I won’t forget.)

“Breathless after just walking up the stairs … feeling like a toddler is sitting on my chest”, she would say, or, “It’s my ‘new normal’.”

Next, a visit to our family’s medical clinic. We couldn’t get in to one of our preferred pro-life doctors so took the first available appointment. I decided against hospital at this point since the stabbing heart pains my daughter had experienced before she told me about her shot had subsided by now: she was left with a feeling of pressure on heart that has persisted for several weeks.

The first GP seemed concerned about my daughter’s high blood pressure, but said that this kind of event was “rare.” I gasped audibly at his audacious lie.

“Have you not seen the DAEN website?” I asked him. DAEN is the Australian version of the American VAERS - a government-run register of adverse drug reactions. The DAEN website shows upwards of 50,000 adverse events for 2021 alone - including 500 deaths - but as we know, this is likely to represent only around 10% of the real numbers.

“Yes, I’ve seen it,” he replied. “Those numbers are not unusual for a vaccination programme of this size.”

I didn’t know how to respond to his blatant mistruth. I told him that I was against the vex (this name was given by a friend to the diabolical gene serums and I have adopted it. The combination of “vaccine”, “hex” and supreme irritation could not be more apt) and that my daughter had taken it without my consent or knowledge. He turned to my breathless daughter and said, “You did the right thing. It was for your wellbeing.”

Then one day she called to tell me that she was feeling a bit worse. Nauseous with cramps and more chest pain than usual.

Somehow it was lost on this highly-educated yet extremely foolish man that my daughter would not be presenting in his office with symptoms of myocarditis, had it not been for that accursed “well being” shot.

He ordered some blood tests and an electrocardiogram and we left after a tense exchange about the potential dangers of the vex versus what I believe are the minimal dangers of COVID-19.

Things went along quietly for about a week. The tests showed nothing out of the ordinary. I texted or called my daughter every day to see how she was going. “Breathless after just walking up the stairs … feeling like a toddler is sitting on my chest”, she would say, or, “It’s my ‘new normal’.”

Then one day she called to tell me that she was feeling a bit worse. Nauseous with cramps and more chest pain than usual. Another call for prayer. A second trip to a different doctor.

The doctor seemed unsurprised that a teenager would have heart trouble post-Pfizer.

This time her blood pressure was normal. The doctor seemed unsurprised that a teenager would have heart trouble post-Pfizer. We discussed making an adverse reaction report but he advised us to return to the hospital where she originally received the vex for that. He said that he couldn’t write a medical exemption for the second shot and that the original clinic would need to do that as well. He said that this was standard procedure since the vex is now mandated (as of October 15th, all essential workers are required to be vaccinated in order to keep their jobs) ; it is also protocol to try a different vex for the second shot rather than issuing an exemption straight away. I was shocked by the thought of a cocktail of unknown toxins from two different manufacturers floating around inside the unsuspecting patients who had already reacted badly to their initial dose. We left with a referral for an echocardiogram.

After that visit, I was able to speak by phone to a doctor friend, who was incensed that the previous GPs had not sent my daughter for a Troponin blood test. He told me that this was essential in order to rule out myocarditis, which he said we must presume she now has, until proven otherwise. A third appointment was made for Monday morning with yet another doctor.

God and his saints helped me to hold my ground as I demanded of this man the tests I felt my daughter needed: troponin and D-Dimer. He tried to dissuade me but eventually filled out the referral. It took two hours at the pathology clinic for my daughter to have her blood taken. I have seen it busy there in the past, but not that busy. I wonder why?

From my suburban home in the very large city of Melbourne, it has been common to hear a couple of ambulance sirens a week. But for the last month or so, it has been rare not to hear at least one a day, and sometimes two, three or four ambulances. I’ve heard two just while I’ve been working on this article.

A frightening scenario is playing out here in Australia, and especially in my state of Victoria.

I’ve also heard many stories from friends with contacts in the medical world: of a hospital ward full of middle-aged women who have just suffered heart attacks …. of medical records disappearing … of four inmates dying right after the entire prison population was vexed …. of autopsies not being performed on previously healthy patients … of doctors receiving financial incentives for giving COVID vaccinations … of many young, fit gym junkies with newly-diagnosed heart trouble …. and of patients with suicidal thoughts due to the stress of vex mandates. One hospital is said to be erecting tents in its grounds: with almost 70% of our state's population now said to be double-vexxed we must ask, for whom are these medical tents being made ready?

A frightening scenario is playing out here in Australia, and especially in my state of Victoria. So many Catholics I know are faced with not being able to work any longer due to the vex mandates. Many have taken them under duress, with some even shouting that they are being coerced as they receive their shot. Others have taken leave or else God has intervened in a surprising way in order to allow them to stay in employment - at least for now.

The media is telling us that mobile vex clinics will soon be set up in schools. Even primary-aged children will be targeted and we are told that parents give their consent to their child’s vaccination by simply sending them to school. A job advertisement was just listed on a Victorian employment website which sent chills up my spine: armed guards are needed for work in Melbourne schools. The job criteria states that they “must be highly trained.” With virtually no instances of violence in our local schools, we can only wonder if this is related to the coming school vaccination programmes.



When people ask how my daughter is going, I’m tempted to answer that she is okay. Although I am very thankful that her symptoms aren’t more severe, there is no knowing what long-term damage will result from being injected with genetically-modified material. I fear for her health once our current lockdown ends and she returns to work and starts to exert herself again. Her story isn’t over and we don’t know what the future will bring, although I trust in God to save, above all, the souls of my children.

It is the immorality of these drugs that must always remain our primary focus: their adverse physical effects are, in my opinion, merely the moral consequence of mankind’s cavalier attitude toward unborn babies.

There is one final observation I would like to make regarding this diabolical issue. Once we begin to focus on the physical harms of abortion-tainted vexes, the moral aspect begins to fade into the background. This is understandable when medical treatment must be sought, but we must not let our consciences be overwhelmed by the fear of either the vaccines or of COVID.

It is the immorality of these drugs that must always remain our primary focus: their adverse physical effects are, in my opinion, merely the moral consequence of mankind’s cavalier attitude toward unborn babies. Those precious little bodies are not ours to experiment on nor ours to dispose of in whatever cruel manner seems most useful to us: they should be reverenced and treated as befits a martyr, for this is what an aborted child really is. He or she is a martyr for the sake of convenience, or for a lack of faith or, most pertinently, a martyr for mankind’s desperate attempt at protecting its own health.

Our loved ones might be victims of ignorance or misinformation or fear, but it is God’s precious infants who are the real victims at the heart of this vexatious time in history. It would come as no surprise to me to one day learn that the world’s service to Moloch is intimately connected with the pandemic itself and not only with the remedies designed to treat it.

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Last modified on Thursday, October 21, 2021
Kathy Clubb | Australian Correspondent

Kathy Clubb is an Australian home-educator and author of Latina Rosarii, the Latin Primer for the Reluctant.

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