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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Help parents fight against obscene books in high school library

By:   Dan Landi
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Help parents fight against obscene books in high school library

Recently a group of parents in the Cameron, Missouri, School District have discovered approximately 80 obscene books, mostly in the high school library.  Examples of these vulgar books are All Boys Aren't Blue, Lucky, Gender Queer, and The Female of the Species.  The school board of education, superintendent, and principal were informed.  They agreed to review the books but refused to remove them while under review.  The superintendent admitted the reason was because they feared being sued by the ACLU!

The school board formed a five-person committee to review the pornographic books.  The committee was composed of the high school principal, assistant principal, librarian, English teacher, and a parent from the district.  This is problematic because the principal, librarian, and English teacher are the same people responsible for allowing these books in the school libraries in the first place!  This is akin to the fox guarding the hen house!  The parents objected to this and requested the board replace the compromised committee members.  The board ignored our request without comment.  

Currently, the book review committee has completed five book reviews in three months!  At this rate they won't be done for years, which I suspect is their intent.  I believe they hope we will eventually lose interest and go away.  Also, the board claims it doesn't know how each committee member voted because the committee votes anonymously!  

During our fight with the school district, a parent in our group discovered Tonya O'boyle and English teacher Eden Beasley had private Instagram accounts where they were encouraging their students to read these pornographic books! 

Now the school board has implemented new policies placing more restrictions on parents who want to speak publicly at the school board meetings.  These new restrictions make it more difficult to get on the agenda to publicly address the school board.  The board also restricts the topics of discussion!

In my opinion, the Cameron school board and administration do not want transparency because they allowed these books into the library and now are trying to avoid accountability.  I believe the school district is in direct violation of Missouri pornography statutes 573.040 and 573.550, not to mention our First Amendment right to "peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

We filed a police report with the Cameron school district police department regarding pornographic materials in the school library.  We are told an investigation is underway.  We complained to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and were told to make our complaint to the school board directly!  We have notified our state legislators, attorney general, and governor to inform them of the problem.

In February, 2023, the high school librarian, Tonya O'boyle, gave an interview to the Emporia Gazette and said she felt parents shouldn’t be able to limit their children’s access to books!  Not only is she responsible for allowing pornographic books in the school library, she is also on the book review committee!  

During our fight with the school district, a parent in our group discovered Tonya O'boyle and English teacher Eden Beasley had private Instagram accounts where they were encouraging their students to read these pornographic books!  We printed copies of their Instagram posts and gave them to the school board and administration.  They didn't seem to care. 

To date, no school district employee has been disciplined regarding this book issue.  I am writing to you asking for your help in exposing our fight on your platform since you have a national audience.  Our local newspaper editor is partisan and not much help.  We have posted information online and on social media but have sometimes been censored.  

Thank you for your consideration.  May God bless you!

Dan Landi
Kidder, MO

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Last modified on Wednesday, July 19, 2023