A revolution is different than a reformation. Reformers work to ensure an existing system operates optimally. The Ecumenical Council of Trent was a reformation. A revolutionary wants to tear it down and start over.
Open borders, eliminating the Electoral College, packing the Supreme Court, weaponizing government agencies, overwhelming the economy, and trashing longstanding social mores are revolutionary tactics, not reforms.
Wokeism is attractive to people with an axe to grind and lost souls groping for purpose. In the big woke tent a variety of radicals can be pals today but enemies tomorrow.
That's because wokeism is rooted in nominalism. At its core nominalism rejects universal concepts and objective truths because nominalism rejects God. This gives individuals and factions the autonomy to go through life making stuff up on the fly.
Wokesters are pros when it comes to abusing otherwise innocuous terms like civil rights, healthcare, compassion, freedom, and love to justify behaviors that would have shocked and repulsed most of their great-grandparents.
You don't have to travel too far down that road before you realize that you are headed toward absurdity, contradiction, and chaos. Our frustrated post-Christian society is a consequence of neo-nominalism on steroids (aka wokeism).
When a society normalizes the acceptance of nonsense people begin to distrust their ability to think, and before long reasoning is downgraded to groupthink.
Wokeism uses the term ‘common good’ as a synonym for collectivism. Woke’s default religion is nature worship, its default economic system is socialism, and its default political system is communism.
It's also worth mentioning two ‘Ivory Tower’ theories that attempt to give wokeism intellectual clout - identity politics and critical race theory.
Identity politics assumes that human beings are either victims, victimizers, or righteous wokesters. Certainly, not special creations made in the image of God.
Critical race theory is another notion based on a few tidbits of truth. Like many others, it go off the rails as soon as culture warriors start spinning it to indoctrinate students or incite mobs.
Some wokesters claim to be religious but that’s another smokescreen. They’re fixated, almost exclusively, on wealth, honor, pleasure, and power. They have little or no concern for God, the human soul, heaven, or hell.
Wokesters think they can create the perfect utopian society. They're oblivious to woke’s revolutionary underpinnings that will never accept any society as perfect. There will always something to complain about, from pronouns to Donald Trump. In other words, “no justice - no peace” EVER!
Wokesters are pros when it comes to abusing otherwise innocuous terms like civil rights, healthcare, compassion, freedom, and love to justify behaviors that would have shocked and repulsed most of their great-grandparents.
First, a bizarre notion is proposed and defined using ambiguous terms and vague language dressed up with informal fallacies like false equivalencies. Second, there’s the long march through the institutions mainstreaming it. Third, a society finds itself infiltrated by hordes of intellectual and spiritual zombies who hate God, their fellow man, and their country.
A well-intentioned President using executive orders can restore temporary stability to a country. However, only a “Savior” can heal troubled souls, and satisfy the innate human desire for permanent happiness.
Another thing, in a woke world, personal identity is replaced by group identity. The dignity that naturally flows from personhood is lost because fickle mobs decide who gets it and who doesn't.
I'll close by offering one final thought. A well-intentioned President using executive orders can restore temporary stability to a country. However, only a “Savior” can heal troubled souls, and satisfy the innate human desire for permanent happiness.
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
To their chagrin, wokesters blow off teleological religious declarations like this. That's because faith is ready-made for objective truth, and objective truth is a threat to wokeism, and wokeism is what gives their life purpose.
To that, I say: Get a grip! You were created for something infinitely greater, and for the time being it’s still within your grasp.
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