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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Why the Total Ban of the Traditional Latin Mass Seems to be Unavoidable

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Why the Total Ban of the Traditional Latin Mass Seems to be Unavoidable

As I have shown in another article,[i] the volume edited by Dr. Joseph Shaw – The Latin Mass and the Intellectuals: Petitions to Save the Ancient Mass from 1966 to 2007 (Arouca Press, 2023) – contains evidence proving that those who led the Ecclesia Dei commission expected the disappearance of the Mass of the ages and its defenders. Those who wanted to preserve it were considered either poor lunatics incapable of understanding the Hegelian march of history or dangerous schismatics who had to be eliminated. Today, this latter perspective is categorically being preferred. The simple fact of the refusal of those Catholics who love Tradition to disappear classifies them, in the eyes of progressive “theologians,” in the category of infidels.

Both the dissolution of the Ecclesia Dei commission and pontifical documents such as Traditionis Custodes are stages of this evolution. The Fraternity of Saint Peter, the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, the Benedictines of Norcia, the Transalpine Redemptorists from Papa Stronsay, and any other clerical or monastic organization/association that does not fully switch to the “Novus Ordo” mass must expect such a very probable development. Half measures – that is, bi-ritualist formulas with priests who can celebrate both rites – will not be admitted. (It is also possible that we will witness the establishment of an oath similar to the anti-modernist oath of Saint Pius X, which this time will require all clerics to unconditionally adhere to the new Magisterium.)

The recent rumors announced on the Rorate Caeli blog, that “an attempt is being made to implement, as soon as possible, a Vatican document with a stringent, radical, and final solution banning the Traditional Latin Mass,” do not represent, from the other side of the barricade, anything other than the natural course of things.

The recent rumors announced on the Rorate Caeli blog, that “an attempt is being made to implement, as soon as possible, a Vatican document with a stringent, radical, and final solution banning the Traditional Latin Mass,” do not represent, from the other side of the barricade, anything other than the natural course of things. Some of the protagonists’ names are well known: Archbishop Vittorio Francesco Viola, OFM,[ii] Secretary of the Dicastery for Divine Worship, and the Italian lay theologian Andrea Grillo.[iii] However, there are many more like them. I wonder: is there anyone left in the traditionalist camp who doubts that this is the case? After what we have seen and heard over the past fifty years, can we expect anything different? A whole neo-modernist theology has been created to harmonize with the fabricated liturgy, thus mimicking the ancient axiom Lex OrandiLex Credendi. Can we hope that those who are convinced they are the faithful and docile instruments of the Holy Spirit will stop? Humanly speaking, no. If God has another plan, we will see.

Anyway, the question above contains the key to interpretation that I have invoked in other articles. In movies and cartoons, we can see villains like the Joker who are evil because they want to be evil, for the sake of evil. Everything is visible, declared, in broad daylight. In reality, it never happens like this. Why did the devil use a trickster, the serpent, to deceive Eve in Paradise, and then use Eve to deceive Adam? The answer is obvious: if he had shown himself, no one would have listened to him or followed his malicious advice. Eve would not have engaged in conversation with the terrifying Satan. Besides, no human being would engage in dialogue with him. He knows this. That is why, as revealed to us by a French poet, Charles Baudelaire, who – so to speak – knew him personally, the devil’s most important strategy is dissimulation. He never shows himself directly. Nor are his intentions exposed in their hideousness and madness.

Just as the harmonious unity of Catholic believers is ensured through a single liturgy, the epochal plan to unify Christian denominations and all religions are presented under the banner of universal peace. The key-words are always nice and appealing: dialogue, fraternity, understanding, ecumenism – in short, only milk and honey. Heaven is accessible here and now. Without effort, without stress, without asceticism, without mortifications. That is, without the Holy Cross. But rest assured, those who propose such a paradise are careful to emphasize that they are inspired, that the Holy Spirit Himself is their protector and guide. Actually, they are truly convinced of this fact. Whether this is true or not matters very little. What matters is that those who direct us towards the great “universal peace” are convinced that this is the case. Nothing and no one can stand in their way.

No great evil can be committed without the conviction of the one committing it that they are fulfilling a great good. In his treatise De Regimine Principum (On the Government of Rulers), Saint Thomas Aquinas shows that the problem with the best of all possible political regimes, the monarchy, is that if it is perverted, it becomes the worst of all: tyranny. By a similar comparison, consider the consequences of the perversion of a priest, a bishop, a cardinal or a pope. Returning to the main idea, no evil is fully carried out by today’s political and ecclesiastical leaders without being driven by the conviction, sometimes outright messianic, that they are doing the greatest possible good.

Do you think that any of these ecclesiastical and political leaders believe and accept that what they are doing is wrong? Or do you think that Pope John Paul II believed for a moment that what happened in Assisi in 1986, under his guidance, was wrong? Or do you think that Paul VI considered that the replacement of the Liturgy of Ages and its prohibition was something wrong? Obviously, these are rhetorical questions.

Without dwelling on such terrible episodes in the recent history of the Church, I return to the main argument: all those involved in this massive forgery of Church Tradition are convinced they are doing good. They believe themselves to be agents of the Holy Spirit, (pre)destined to guide the flock to Paradise. Not necessarily the eternal one, but certainly a terrestrial one. In any case, no criticism, no reaction, nothing will stop them. Of this we can be sure. Just as the Breve Esame Critico del Novus Ordo Missae (Brief Critical Examination of the Novus Ordo Missae) by Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci (1969) could not prevent Paul VI from practically banning the Traditional Roman Catholic Liturgy. All in the name of progress, of “aggiornamento,” of the evolution from Pope Pius IX’s Syllabus of Errors to the neo-modernist counter-syllabus called Gaudium et Spes from the Second Vatican Council.

I repeat and insist: for all those participating in the grand work, the Holy Spirit is the guide. All those who do not follow can only be seen as rigid “backwardists,” intolerant fundamentalists, “museographs” who want to turn back the wheel of history. In the name of the glorious ideal of the new reformers, they will be sacrificed without hesitation. Let us take note: this is how ideologies operate.

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[i] Intitulat „The Patient Who Refuses to Die and the Quixotic Intellectuals who Defend the Liturgy of Ages,” articolul poate fi citit aici: [Accessed: 18 June 2024].

[ii] “Archbishop Viola, the violator of Tradition -- the dangerous secretary of Divine Worship and the man behind the attempts to ban the Traditional Mass. His letter to the Melbourne Archbishop:” [Accessed: 18 June 2024].

[iii] “Andrea Grillo: An astonishing interview of the main lay ideologue behind Traditionis Custodes and the desire to ban the Traditional Mass:” [Accessed: 18 June 2024].

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Last modified on Thursday, June 20, 2024
Robert Lazu Kmita | Remnant Columnist, Romania

A Catholic father of seven and a grandfather of two, Robert Lazu Kmita is a writer with a PhD in Philosophy. His first novel, The Island without Seasons, was published by Os Justi Press in 2023. Visit his Substack channel Kmita's Library to read more of his articles.