In Bergoglio’s Vatican, the Magic Kingdom has replaced God’s Kingdom. We are now in the Never Never Land of illusion, disappearing dogmas, and theological innovation. Apparently, Jorge Bergoglio shares the approach of Walt Disney, who launched his company in the words, “I believe in being an innovator.”
The papal guardian of the galaxy stars in a woke Disney documentary entitled, “The Pope Answers”, which should be titled “The Pope Scandalizes.” The Disney film features a group of very liberal, diverse, young hipsters who pose primarily sexual questions to the man in white.
What Dumbo in the Vatican thought this get together was a wise PR move? Whose idea was it to ask Papa Bergoglio about the sex dating app, Tinder, binary sexuality, pornography, cyber sex work, and masturbation? Did the Vatican communications office vet and approve these salacious sexual topics? Was this the brainchild of James Martin, S.J. or perhaps, the German Synod?
Throughout the 1/1/2 hour documentary, Bergoglio drones on and on, posing as the relevant and non-judgmental dialoguer without any insight or moral guidance into the vacuous and decadent young generation of sexual depravity. So much for Jesuit training.
In an exhaustive attempt to be loved, relevant, and merciful, Bergoglio’s answers spread more pixie dust than theology. He comes across as clueless, trite, and a lightweight. Throughout the 1/1/2 hour documentary, Bergoglio drones on and on, posing as the relevant and non-judgmental dialoguer without any insight or moral guidance into the vacuous and decadent young generation of sexual depravity. So much for Jesuit training.
Bergoglio begins the “dialogue” stating to the young people, “it’s boring talking to a priest.” This is so typical of Bergoglio, to put down the Catholic priesthood. Yet, by the end of the film, his observation is accurate. He, the priest in white, is a tiresome bore, whose dogma of dialogue is empty, superficial and uninspiring. Even the young people are weary of his meaningless tropes—devoid of truth and insight which they so desperately seek.
Here are the lowlights of the documentary:
One participant asks, what does Francis think about young people meeting romantic partners on Tinder?
"It's normal," Bergoglio said. "Young people have that eagerness to meet each other, and that's very good.”
Tinder—Normal? Very good? The head of the Catholic Church is endorsing an online sex hookup App, designed for random, anonymous one-night stands, known for casual sex, and exploring bizarre sexual fetishes?
Encouraging young people to use a dangerous and amoral device is nothing short of scandalous and reprehensible. Here’s an idea, Pope Bergoglio-How about encouraging young people to meet friends in church, in bible study, or doing volunteer work through Church?
Leave it to Disney to include another young woman, “Alexandra” who proudly boasts to the pope that she personally creates online adult content which is both lucrative and very empowering to her. Bergoglio appears perplexed and unable to address her insidious and dangerous occupation.
Enter the star of the documentary, Maria, the 20 year old practicing Catholic, who firmly but charitably describes the damage done by the objectification of pornography. She seizes the opportunity to catechize her peers in the truth, while Bergoglio idly sits. From Maria, we hear the truth of Catholic teaching that the body is “the Temple of the Holy Spirit” and should not be abused or exploited by porn.
Instead of educating and illuminating the young people about Church teaching, Bergoglio said the church's "catechesis on sex is still in diapers.”
Not surprisingly, the dialogue descends into the topics of pornography and masturbation and the cool Pope comments, that "expressing yourself sexually is a richness," but that "everything that diminishes real sexual expression diminishes you too, it makes you partial, and it impoverishes that richness.” So, which is it, Bergoglio?
Welcome to the Bergoglio world of vacuous vagaries.
Apparently, the Vatican gave Disney the green light that sex could be the dominating topic of the documentary. A number of the female participants were very scantily attired for the filming. Were they given permission to dress like porn stars for the film?
Bergoglio missed countless opportunities to discuss the Church’s teaching on sexual morality. He sounded like Cruella de Vil as he nastily trashed the Church’s teaching on sexuality. He cautioned the young people against describing sexual activity as “ugly.” (No chance of that).
Instead of educating and illuminating the young people about Church teaching, Bergoglio said the church's "catechesis on sex is still in diapers.” What a bizarre, crass, and sordid description of the beautiful Catholic Church teaching on sex. Diapers? A psychiatrist would have a psychoanalytic field day with Bergoglio’s creepy choice of words. Bergoglio then further degrades Church teaching by commenting that "Christians haven't always had a mature catechesis on sex.”
"I don't have the right to cast anyone out from the church," said the pope, referring to members of the LGBTQ community. "My job is to receive, always.”
Is Bergoglio inferring that James Martin, S.J., Cardinals Hollerich and McElroy and the German Synondal Church are more “mature” in their libertine attitude toward sex? Apparently, he never received the memo that his only job is to uphold the teaching of the Catholic faith, not the latest gender ideology fad.
Why wouldn’t Bergoglio use this conversation to tout the Church’s teaching on sex? Hasn’t he read the highly touted, theologically sophisticated, and scripturally sound Theology on the Body by St. John Paul II? Does Bergoglio disavow it? Doesn’t Bergoglio also know that Pope Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae serves as a prescient and powerful statement of the personal and societal dangers of a contracepting culture and which re-affirmed the teaching of the Catholic Church regarding marital love, responsible parenthood, and the rejection of artificial contraception.
What a tragic and missed opportunity not to talk about these great documents and teachings of the Catholic Church. Instead, he imputes that Church teaching on sex is like a receptacle for bodily excretions.
Naturally, Disney recruited a self described non-binary person for the dialogue with Bergoglio, and typically she asked about the Church’s treatment of LGBTQ people. True to form, Bergoglio missed another opportunity to speak the truth to this wayward girl, but used it only to promote his own personal benevolent mercy.
Incredibly, he spouted a blatant falsehood about his papal power.As for the LGBT community, it is off limits. As for Bishops, like Bishop Fernandez Torres of Puerto Rico, who refused to mandate the covid jab, Bergoglio unceremoniously casts him out as Bishop without explanation.
"I don't have the right to cast anyone out from the church," said the pope, referring to members of the LGBTQ community. "My job is to receive, always.”
Apparently, Bergoglio picks and chooses preferences for his excommunication power. As for the LGBT community, it is off limits. As for Bishops, like Bishop Fernandez Torres of Puerto Rico, who refused to mandate the covid jab, Bergoglio unceremoniously casts him out as Bishop without explanation.
Naturally, the documentary broached the issue of abortion. One young women spoke about her work in a pro abortion group called "Catholics for the Right to Choose" in Argentina. She gave Francis a green handkerchief, (also emblazoned with a rainbow), a symbol of the abortion movement in Argentina, which legalized abortion in 2020. He kissed her for the gift and happily accepted this symbol of abortion advocacy in his home country. Again, it was Maria, the faithful Catholic, who spoke out about the damage of abortion to mother and child. Maria prays outside of abortion mills and tries to encourage women to save their babies lives and support them during pregnancy and afterward. She, not Bergoglio, provided the most stirring defense of the Church’s teaching on life.
Does Bergoglio believe in anything that the Church teaches? The participants were bereft of any truth from Bergoglio.
One is left with the nagging question: Does Bergoglio believe in anything that the Church teaches? Or is his only belief in the vacant and wandering process of dialogue, which was fully on display in the documentary. The result? The participants were bereft of any truth from Bergoglio. He coddled them with meaningless tropes, which left them bored, listless, and empty. You could see it on their faces at the end of the film.
By the end of the documentary with Papa Bergoglio, a more appropriate title would be, “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids’ Faith.” Disney and the Bergoglio Vatican collaborated and accomplished their woke agenda of the politics of migration and sexual deviancy with the papal stamp of approval.
The iconic Disney film, Cinderella, begins with the words:
“Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a tiny kingdom, peaceful, prosperous, and rich in romance and tradition.”
This poignant description is reminiscent of the once and peaceful tiny kingdom of the Holy See. Once upon a time, it was rich in tradition and truth. Now, no more, with its leader, Bergoglio.
Like Cinderella, Bergoglio is in a race against time. The clock is running out as it approaches midnight.
And in the words of Cinderella, “Oh, that clock. Old Killjoy.”
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— Elizabeth Yore is an international child advocate attorney. She is a panel member of the LifeSiteNews podcast, Faith and Reason. Liz is also a regular contributor on Steve Bannon’s War Room. Her website is