In our case, after a young pilgrim’s screening process has been completed, he applies to The Remnant for sponsorship to walk the great Pentecost Pilgrimage to Chartres. His application letter is printed in The Remnant Speaks so that readers can send either partial or full sponsorships in his name. The names of his donors and their intentions are placed on a list to be read aloud each day on the road to Chartres and included in our chaplains’ Mass intentions.
The pilgrimage is NOT a vacation! It is a classic medieval-styled walking pilgrimage across France, coupled with a Catholic immersion program designed to use historians (Dr. John Rao and Jamie Bogle), Catholic activists (Christopher Ferrara and myself) and priests (Fr. Gregory Pendergraft) to rekindle in the hearts of our pilgrims the fire of divine love for God and His Church. This pilgrimage is all about restoring Catholic identity and the sense of crusade in defense of all things Catholic. This is an extrememly difficult and physically-challenging pilgrimage during which the pilgrim walks for twelve hours a day, sleeps on the ground at night and nourishes himself with only a meager pilgrim's fare. It's the real thing.
If you decide to sponsor one of the young pilgrims, please understand that you are entering into a spiritual partnership in a tradition as old as Christendom—where Catholics pool their resources in order to send a young member of a parish or town on pilgrimage for the good of the whole community. You will be prayed for each and every day (by name) and I will not allow our young pilgrims to forget that Remnant pilgrimages are all about the call to holiness, Catholic action and counterrevolution.
Your donations to the Youth Fund are tax deductible, of course, but the partnerships forged between pilgrim and sponsor are so much more important than that, and usually outlast a given pilgrimage by many years. And when it comes to gaining the graces of pilgrimage, sponsors are essentially non-walking pilgrims who are with the pilgrimage every step of the way. In fact, as the leader of the U.S. Chapter one of my challenges each year as we walk the rough terrain, rain or shine, is to clearly read the long list of names of Remnant readers and their many intentions into a megaphone as the chapter listens and then prays the rosary for our sponsors. It is a beautiful thing, and the spiritual connection to the “pilgrims” back home is always very strong. MJM
To help the young traditional Catholic pilgrims walk this pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady and the Holy Face of Jesus, please send your donations to:
The Remnant Youth Fund
PO Box 1117
Forest Lake, MN 55025
(Please stipulate which young person you would like to help sponsor)
Testimony from Former Chartres Pilgrims:
Editor, The Remnant: I am french, I have been living now in Canada with my family for almost 20 years (my husband and I are celebrating our 20th anniversary in May, we married in the suburb of Versailles in a 13th century roman style (versus gothic) little country church).
I appreciate very much your commitment to the pilgrimage of Chartres as I have been marching many times there as a french resident, first as a Catholic girl guide and then as a student with the traditional movement (Pelerinage Chretiente), I was walking with an american girl friend from California along with an american chapter (I wish I could recontact them). All those pilgrimages have built in me strength and fortitude throughout all the challenges that we all have to face in our lives. It has been giving so much strength even though I could not participate anymore.
I strongly encourage the parents to send their children there or/and even to participate themselves. I encourage everybody to go. It is such an uplifting experience. It is worth the effort as our Lady basically carries us...we do not feel the miles accumulating "in our legs".... when we get closer to the beautiful Cathedral of Chartres that is built up on a hill, the last steps are tough, the closer we are the tougher it is...but then, miracle of miracles, we are basically floating in the Cathedral...we feel like in heaven...purified by the penance, the walk, carried by close to the Sacred-Heart of our Lord...we feel renewed and so much love...wrapped up in the mantle of tenderness of our Lady. Surrounded by many brothers and sisters in Christ, all united in one, yet personally encountering our Lord Jesus-Christ, renewed in His love. It is an unforgettable experience: a journey to get closer to Christ and strengthened in Him.
"Together we are fortress!" I wish I could go along with my Canadian husband and our 8 children (the oldest is 17 and the youngest 2)..It seems a rather impossible mission as we do not have means to travel. (I have not gone to France for almost 15 years) Anyway, I hope many young people from the United States of America will be able to go... God bless you and your hard work! In Corde Mariae Matris,
Carole Jobin
Dear Mr. Matt: I hope this finds you and all your family well and that you had a holy Christmas season. All the pics and ads for the pilgrimage are making me a bit jealous that I can't go back this year but by the grace of God, I am hoping to by that time have followed my vocation to religious life. It's a work in progress but the mercy and love of God are inexhaustible. I firmly believe with all my heart that the graces of the pilgrimage never cease to keep pouring forth from the hearts of Jesus and Mary and are one of the main springs from which came the call I seek to follow. Pray much for me, as the situation in the church doesn't exactly scream for abandonment and submission these days; but God still calls and expects us to do our best. He will complete the rest.
That said, I was struck by Veronica Hoffmann's bio on the pilgrimage youth page [below] and her journey and possibility of following a vocation. I just sent a credit card donation for her sponsorship since I can't imagine a better way for me to go on pilgrimage than through her prayers. Will you please give Veronica my address and tell her to write to me?
Please keep me in your prayers as you are in mine!
Say hello to all on pilgrimage this year....especially give Joanie a big hug for me...I miss that woman!
God Bless you forever for all you do to make this pilgrimage happen every year. The sacrifice wins so many souls!
Seeking Pilgrimage Sponsors
Dear Remnant Readers: My name is Zoe Frisch. I am 16 years old, homeschooled, the eldest of 8 kids, and a member of St. Stephen of Hungary Church in Allentown, PA. Our parish priest is Father Pendergraft who is also The Remnant Tours’ chaplain. Our family goes to Latin Mass because it is immensely more reverent and beautiful than the Novus Ordo Mass. The Latin Mass feels extraordinarily close to God and Christ’s sacrifice. Last fall, Father Pendergraft mentioned the Chartres Pilgrimage to me and that I might want to consider going. This was before I went on the Pilgrimage for Restoration to the Shrine of Our Lady’s Martyrs of New France in Auriesville, NY. While on the Pilgrimage for Restoration I grew closer to our Lord and learned more about our beautiful faith. When I returned from the pilgrimage I was spiritually refreshed and eager to walk again! It was amazing and uplifting to see hundreds of people flourishing in their love for Christ, being a public witness to those around us, and striving to make reparation through penance and prayer. Thus, I began to ponder how miraculous it would be to see thousands on the Chartres Pilgrimage amplifying Christ as they make an inspirational journey. That is only one of the reasons that I would be delighted to take part in the Chartres pilgrimage. The Church militant (current pilgrims) are united with and walking in the footsteps of the Church suffering and triumphant who went before them. It would be magnificent to take part in that and to join my prayers with theirs through our Holy Church.
I was looking at the pilgrimage stops and all of the places look utterly amazing! My sister's birthday is on Martinmas so she has a special devotion to St. Martin and I would like to pray for her in Tours. I will pray for all my siblings especially my brother with Down syndrome and all children with mental and physical disabilities. All throughout the pilgrimage I will pray for the success of the FSSP and our awesome parish priests. I would like to grow in my faith and love for our Lord and Lady throughout my life and I believe that this pilgrimage and tour would be a blessing to me, my family, and my parish. I intend to carry many intentions with me, let me carry yours!
I have committed to this pilgrimage by registering with money I had for Catholic Girls’ Summer Camp. I will be grateful for all donations and pray for your intentions before, during, and after the pilgrimage! Thank you so much for your time and consideration. God Bless!
Zoe Frisch ($525 thus far)
Dear Remnant Readers: My name is Veronica Rose Hoffmann, and I am a rising college freshman seeking sponsorship for the Upcoming Chartres Pilgrimage. I sincerely hope I will be able to go to France for this incredible pilgrimage, as I am discerning my vocation and think it would be a beautiful time for special prayer regarding our Lord's will for my life. I am currently planning to attend the Franciscan University of Steubenville in the fall, I am the oldest of six children, and I do not have the finances to go to Chartres without sponsorship.
This would be an invaluable, grace-filled journey that would be with me for my whole life, especially with the opportunity to visit places in the world with so much rich, Catholic history. To attend the True Mass in the same Churches it was said for centuries is awe-inspiring even to imagine, and I would be so honored to be there.
I have not always known the Tridentine Mass; my family adheres to the Novus Ordo liturgy and about a year ago I barely knew that anything but the post Vatican II liturgy existed, let alone that it was the Mass of the Church for nearly two millennia. I began listening to homilies and talks posted online by traditional priests, and I learned that the little I loved in the Novus Ordo liturgy was only fully there in the Tridentine Mass. Though I had had a love for tradition from far younger age, it had not been truly realized. When I was eight years old and my family had just moved to the Arlington Diocese, we met the youth group director of our parish at daily Mass. It must have been the feast of an early Roman martyr, because it was the practice of the pastor at the time to use the first Eucharistic prayer, or the Roman Canon, on those and any other major feasts throughout the year. The youth director (now an F.S.S.P. priest, Fr. Zachary Akers) asked me if I'd noticed anything special, and I answered how awesome it was that our priest had listed the names of so many saints at two points throughout the consecration. Only about a year ago did I realize that this "Eucharistic prayer" was always prayed in the True liturgy, and in Latin nonetheless!
This is only a very small story to illustrate how I've come to know and love the Tridentine Mass, and how much my spiritual life has increased since. To be with a group of like-minded people, as we visit sites that have such significant church history attached, would be an unexplainable blessing in my life, and a profound gift during my vocation discernment. To everyone reading this, you are in my prayers, as is everyone who will be embarking on pilgrimage to Chartres in May. May our Lord bless you, and may our Lady protect you always. Pax Christi Vobiscum,
Veronica Rose Hoffmann (FULLY SPONSORED)
Dear Remnant Readers: My name is Sophia Rose Stuckey. I am a 20-year-old sophomore at a Catholic university where I study the Arts. I attend the Traditional Latin Mass at St. Stephen’s FSSP parish in Allentown, PA when I am home. When I am not home, however, the constant attack on our faith can cause spiritual fatigue. The Rosary and the sacraments sustain me in the daily battle, yet over time, restoration is necessary. I hope to be sponsored to walk the 2018 Chartres Pilgrimage and here is why:
This world is steeped in an oily cup of drivel, claptrap, and twaddle. Today’s “normal” is yesterday’s illness. Our civilized society endlessly sips from a nauseatingly sweetened cup of self-servitude, every swig stimulating a thirst for more (St. Thomas Aquinas reminds us that pursuing pleasure alone causes a desire for itself). This Bacchanalia is egged on by the constant input of shameless sensuality, morally misleading media, and celebrated excessive curiosity. Stir in a glob of foul language and there you have it! – a concoction of mind-poisoning goo. Underneath harmless sounding jingles such as “self expression” and “personal freedom” lay effective and corrupting weapons against virtue, right thinking, and even the ability to find objective truth.
College life, even at a Catholic university, can be taxing physically, mentally, and most of all, spiritually. Being constantly surrounded by Post Vatican II ideas is exhausting and confusing. I wish to be clear of this muddled mess.
I hope to walk this pilgrimage to be refreshed and fortified to keep up the fight, for we are fighting in the midst of a relentless war, one that threatens to boil us one degree at a time, one half truth at a time. I seek to cut through the seeming ambiguity of our daily purpose and be reminded that it is simple, it is clear, and it is a mighty mission: wake up every day for God.
I would like to take up the arms of prayer and walk with brave hearts that are striving to fashion themselves to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Our Lord and Lady. The full power of this pilgrimage includes dutifully carrying intentions for the faithful who cannot themselves tread this path of St. Joan of Arc. We pilgrims, through prayer and procession, will become vessels through which God Himself encourages, encounters, and edifies all of us in the Church Militant.
I hope to write here, in the Remnant, as a witness to the power and magnificence of this pilgrimage for Our Lady, from Notre Dame to the Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres. I wish to report and contribute to the current of growing numbers of the faithful, learning of our Church’s deep roots and gifts, especially the intercession of the Blessed Virgin and the steadfast weapon of the Rosary.
Allow me to carry your intentions along with mine. Please consider sponsoring me as a pilgrim to walk, do penance, and pray. Offering every blister to God,
Sophia Stuckey ($550 thus far)
Dear Remnant Readers: My name is Brad Montgomery, I am 22 years of age and a traditional Catholic from southwest Ohio. I have recently begun attending Holy Family (FSSP) in Dayton, Ohio along with my brother when we are not away at school. I am a senior at a conservative Catholic college in Ohio where I attended my first Traditional Latin Mass. Since that time, I have come to embrace the Church’s tradition which has radically changed the way I think, pray, and believe.
As a Catholic who did not have the opportunity to grow up with the Traditional Latin Mass and was ignorant of the depth of the Church’s tradition for most of my life, I would like to attend the pilgrimage to Chartres, France this Spring so that I might receive graces which would help me to persevere in the faith throughout my adult life. I first learned of the Chartres Pilgrimage at the recent Catholic Identity Conference, and have also learned more about it from a friend of mine at school, whose experience, having gone several times himself, has encouraged me to make the effort to attend. I look forward to the pilgrimage for the unique opportunity it would be to honor Our Lord and King of the Universe and in the hope of obtaining graces for myself and others. I hope that such an experience would better assist me in serving Our Lord and staying close to his Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of his Mother. In a world that hates Christ and rejects his kingship, perhaps more than ever before, I would be ever grateful for such an opportunity which would help prepare me for my own earthly pilgrimage.
As I am unable to fund such an undertaking myself, I must rely on the generosity and assistance of those who have the means. I am able to cover up to a third of the cost myself but must rely on sponsorship for what remains. I will be grateful for whatever assistance you are able offer and be assured that I will not neglect to pray for you and your intentions every day while I am on the pilgrimage. May God bless you and your families, Sincerely,
Brad Montgomery ($50 thus far)
Dear Remnant Readers: Hello, my name is Joseph Cavanaugh. I am currently a senior Philosophy Major at Christendom College, in Front Royal, Virginia. I come from a Navy family of four children, wherein I am the youngest brother of three sisters. I humbly submit this letter in the hopes of receiving sponsorship for the Remnant Chapter of the Chartres Pilgrimage this upcoming Summer.
I think that Europe must call to all those who love the Traditional Faith, for it was Europe more than any other country or culture that spread the Faith throughout the World in the much-maligned colonial period. It was the “simple” and “backward” Europe that held the line against the heresies of the near East and the Islamic hordes. France in particular shares a special bond with the Faith in her History, for which she holds the name of “Eldest Daughter of the Church” (to the chagrin of every Eastern Christian). It would be a great honor to behold the contributions that France gave to the Church, in her spirit, architecture, and Saintly souls.
More than this, it would be a great privilege to take part in a Pilgrimage, a glorious tradition of witness and humble petition, which seems to have most lamentably fallen out of practice among the faithful. I would be proud to share both my prayers and sufferings on the Pilgrimage with any of those who find themselves incapable of making the journey who would like to provide monetary assistance for those who can. Oremus Pro Invicem,
Joseph Cavanaugh ($900 thus far)
Dear Remnant Readers: My Name is Mark Chamandy. I live in Rockville, Maryland and I am the third of six kids in my family. I attend Christendom College and I’m currently a sophomore there studying political science. I have been a big fan of the Remnant Newspaper even since I attended the Catholic Identity Conference this past October.
I wish to attend the Chartres pilgrimage because it would be a great experience for me since I have never been in Europe nor been on a pilgrimage before. It would also be a great opportunity to meet traditional Catholics like myself from all over the world. It is a blessing to know that there are like-minded individuals around the world who believe what I believe because in the post Vatican II world it is extremely difficult to find such people. Like many Catholics, it is hard to attend a traditional latin mass in my area because there are very few parishes that offer it and the parishes that do offer the latin mass are a great distance away from me. Thus, it is my hope that through all the praying and sacrificing I will make during the pilgrimage, that in the future there may be more opportunities for me to attend the latin mass. I also will include the prayer intentions of anyone who sponsors me.
Mark Chamandy ($0 thus far)
Dear Remnant Readers: My name is Benjamin Montgomery and I am from southwest Ohio. I have recently begun to attend Holy Family (FSSP) in Dayton, Ohio whenever I am back home from college. I am 21 years old, and a junior at one of the few conservative Catholic colleges in the nation. I first learned about the Latin Mass my senior year in high school, when my brother came back from college explaining it to me. However, I did not have the opportunity to attend a Latin Mass until a year later when I began to attend College. From there I continued to learn more about the tradition of the Church, which has changed my life much more than I could have imagined.
I learned of the Chartres Pilgrimage from my brother, who had just been learning about the pilgrimage himself. Reading about the experiences of others on this pilgrimage grounded my desire to go on this pilgrimage, and I do not want to miss an opportunity to join thousands of other Catholics in a movement that is greatly needed in the Church. I wish to have the opportunity to give glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ and to attain the graces for myself to grow in virtue, for those that I will pray for, and for the Church. I look forward to attending this pilgrimage, because it will be a wonderful change of pace for my daily life. It will be a great change in atmosphere to be around so many other Catholics who share the same values that I do, especially because I am quite often surrounded by people who would rather not hear about traditional Catholicism, or those who simply do not see the importance of it. I would appreciate the opportunity to attend this pilgrimage which I hope will prepare me to serve Christ for the duration of my life on earth.
In order to attend this pilgrimage, I will need some assistance with the cost of the pilgrimage, as I have another full year of college that I have yet to pay for before I graduate. I will be able to cover half of the cost for the pilgrimage, but I will need to rely on assistance for the rest of the cost. I appreciate all that you are able to offer and ensure you that I will pray for you and any intentions that you may have during the pilgrimage. Thank you, and God bless.
Benjamin Montgomery ($0 thus far)
Dear Remnant Readers: My name is Nicholas Heiny and I am interested in attending the Chartres Pilgrimage. I am 22 years old, a cradle Catholic, and a senior business student at Indiana University Bloomington. Growing up, I attended a conservative Catholic parish in Fort Wayne, IN. I was first introduced to the Tridentine Mass after graduating from high school. The grandeur and sublime essence of the liturgy captivated me, yet I still had no real idea of what I had just experienced and no real guidance as my family members are not traditionalists.
For the past few years, I have attended Sacred Heart (FSSP) in Fort Wayne. Frequently attending the TLM has worked wonders in my spiritual life, giving me a greater understanding of Holy Mass and the holy priesthood, the necessity of confession, and introduced me to traditional devotions and theology. Attending a Low Mass with my now-deceased Catholic grandmother who was born in 1917 was the turning point from tepidness to conviction with Tradition for me. This was her first Latin Mass since the wholesale changes in 1969. While it took her a bit to recollect the ways of the old liturgy, she eventually followed along smoothly. Even at the age of 98, at the time for Communion, she calmly knelt down at the communion rail and received the Eucharist on the tongue. I was moved to tears because of her profound devotion and belief in the Real Presence. After Mass, she just smiled and said, "It was just like the good ol' days." Afterwards, I could no longer continue to turn a blind eye and accept the many novelties so prevalent in many New Masses.
Being a business student at a large secular state university that, has no traditional sacrament and, until very recently, had a nonexistent Catholic Newman center, I have experienced firsthand the temptations of the world as well as the emptiness that much of the corporate world has to offer. As a person who is delving deeper into true Catholic Social Teaching and its integration into professional life, I believe that the Chartres pilgrimage will provide me with a truly ethereal spiritual experience, create true Catholic camaraderie, and strengthen the Church Militant. I am truly convinced that the restoration of the Church will begin with the restoration and affirmation of her traditional faith, liturgy, theology, and soul. The Chartres Pilgrimage will be the chance of a lifetime to experience a glimpse of what the Church is destined to become once again! I will be working this semester to help afford the cost and I appreciate all that you are able to contribute. I will most earnestly pray for you and any intentions that you may have during the pilgrimage. Sincerely thank you and God bless. Viva Cristo Rey y la Virgen de Guadalupe!"
Nicholas E. Heiny ($0 thus far)
Dear Remnant Readers: To glorify God is to worship Him the way that He desires to be worshipped. That is precisely what led me to transform how I worshipped Him on Sundays. I attend the Ordinariate Chair of St. Peter, which is not the Novus Ordo, but very similar to a Latin Mass in English. Our Lord deserves to be worshipped with reverence and awe. This is what I was longing for, and I found it in attending the Ordinariate Chair of St. Peter.
Attending a reverent mass is what transformed me spiritually. It inspired me to worship God with more holy fear, and the environment I was worshipping in allowed me to do that. It is also what led me to traditional Catholicism. Furthermore, it inspired me to grow in virtues such as modesty and my overall love for God, along with the desire to acquire more knowledge about the state of the Catholic Church today.
Due to unfortunate circumstances, I am unable to attend the Traditional Latin Mass. This pilgrimage would be a wonderful opportunity for me to experience the Latin Mass, especially in such a beautiful place as Chartres is. Experiencing the wonder and awe that the magnificent cathedrals offer would be amazing, as I have never actually seen churches of that kind in real life. Additionally, being able to worship and pray alongside other traditional Catholics who are my age would be incredible, especially because traditional Catholics in my area are very hard to come by.
Gabriella Gladney ($500 thus far)
Dear Remnant Readers: My name is John Pheasant and I am a traditional Catholic attending St Michael’s FSSP parish in Scranton, PA. I am 21 years old and currently a senior in college at a secular university in northeastern PA. I would like to attend the pilgrimage for restoration in Chartres, France as a way of resetting my catholic faith before I begin the professional chapter of my life.
As graduation is soon approaching and with it the high paced grind of life in the world I find it essential to first reserve some time and pursue the ultimate good by the immersion of our glorious faith on the Chartres pilgrimage. I heard about the pilgrimage from my roommate in collage who attended the Chartres pilgrimage in the spring of 2016. He has often told me how life-changing of an experience the pilgrimage was for him and how it has continued to be a consistent reservoir of grace that he still draws from in daily life. By the prayer and comradery of the pilgrimage and even just the inspiration of the deep rooted Catholic heritage of France I hope to deepen my faith and recommit myself and life to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary which are so easily derailed by the stress and pressure of secular college life.
Many times, I have found myself defending Our Lord and his church against his many enemies in the world and often feel cornered by the lack of faith in the daily lives of ordinary people. This being so, to travel France with thousands of traditional Catholics and to behold the many churches, cathedrals, and monasteries built by generations of faithful Catholics would be an inspiring contrast to the secular society I am currently engulfed in. As a college student the funding of such a trip would be quite unaffordable and I would require sponsorship. Any such support will be received with utmost gratitude and I promise to offer the many prayers and sacrifices of my pilgrimage for you and your families. May God reward your generosity in this life and the next. Blessed be God,
Dear Remnant Readers: My name is Dominic McFadden. I am 17 years old, the fourth eldest of 11 children, and a freshman at Christendom College. My three older siblings (John, Catherine, and Maria) have gone on this amazing pilgrimage to Chartres and have had life changing experiences. They have come back with a greater appreciation of their Catholic faith and the important role of the Traditional Latin Mass and culture. When my older brother, John, went on the pilgrimage when he was my age, he fell in love with the Latin Mass and is now in his fifth year as a Benedictine monk at Clear Creek Abbey, where all the prayers, readings, hours, and Masses are said in Latin. I especially want to make this trip in order to see for myself the beautiful sights and churches that I have heard so much about from my siblings. And most importantly, I hope to be deepened in my understanding of the Catholic Faith through seeing the places where the Catholic faith was once so alive. In the end, I think that that this pilgrimage will do wonders for my spiritual life. I applied for sponsorship last year, but due to the high demand, unfortunately, was unable to gain full sponsorship and attend. I hope that this year I am able to spend the Solemnity of Pentecost at Chartres Cathedral, after walking 70 miles and offering all of my prayers and sacrifices on your behalf. Please consider supporting me on this journey of Faith, and know that I will assuredly be praying for you every step of the way.
Dominic McFadden (FULLY SPONSORED)
Dear Remnant Readers: My name is Joshua McDonald. My interest in the Chartres Cathedral Pilgrimage peaked after I watched a video highlighting some of the experiences of those making the pilgrimage in 2017. They all seemed so happy and appeared to be inspired by the Will of Almighty God. My uncle, Father Gregory Penderfraft, F.S.S.P., who has been chaplain on the pilgrimage for some years now, described some of the holy sites that the pilgrims visited and his experiences.
I realized that these pilgrims were people, who shared the same love for the Holy Faith as me, representing the Faith and the holy endeavor to reinvigorate Holy Mother Church and bring the absolute truth of the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church back into the front of the minds of mankind. The pilgrims are witnesses to the true way of life that the Church Militant must follow, learning well the Holy Faith and being an open representation of whom a Catholic should be.
I hope to make this same journey with as much love—or by God’s Grace, even more love—for God inspired in my soul as the pilgrims whom my uncle described to me. I pray that I might be able to radiate my soul as the pilgrims whom my uncle described to me. I pray that I might be able to radiate that same love to all of mankind and thus bring them closer to God. I am certain to obtain, from this holy expedition, an abundance of God’s Grace to help me persevere in the struggles of the daily Catholic life. I hope to be filled with vigor to gain eternal happiness that is almost supernatural, just as the saints whom are honored on the pilgrimage possessed, and I pray most of all that God will use this pilgrimage as a way to reveal my vocation as I struggle through life, discerning what it is that God wants me to do for Him. I believe that Go will use this experience to deepen my relationship with Him, to heighten my understanding o a Catholic man’s duty, to strengthen my commitment to serving him, and to instill in me a proper and humble resolution to become a satin through His Grace.
This pilgrimage will inspire me to live loudly the absolute truth of the Almighty. God Bless! Ave Maria! The Unworthy Slave, Soldier, and son of Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary,
Joshua L. D. McDonald ($2500 thus far)
Dear Remnant Readers: My name is Daniel McNichol. I am writing to apply to be sponsored for the Chartres Pilgrimage. While I grew up attending the New Mass at my local parish, I began to realize that something was wrong when my sixth-grade religious education teacher began denying the inerrancy of Scripture and the indissolubility of marriage. The parish hierarchy declined to intervene, and although it would take me a few more years to find Tradition, I was severely turned off from the modern “Catholic” religion at that point. For several years now, I have been attending the Traditional Latin Mass and Eastern rite Divine Liturgies. I attend these because I see them as a means to preserve my Faith and lead me closer to God, in stark contrast to the New Mass, which was designed to focus on man rather than God, and has led countless souls to abandon the Faith. I would like to go on the pilgrimage in order to give glory to God and pray with the other Catholics making the pilgrimage. In your charity, please consider helping me do this.
The Chaplain Fund
The Remnant Tours is deeply committed to the moral, spiritual and physical wellbeing of each of our pilgrims. We engage Chaplains and Chaperones to ensure a safe and spiritually productive environment at every step of the way. Our main chaperone, Mrs. Joan Mahar, has been with us for many years and is very much loved and respected by the young pilgrims. Each year, of course, she needs assistants, and this year we have found two. All of our chaplains and chaperones are volunteers. They ask not one penny for their services, but are fully committed to this Catholic action. However, The Remnant must still find a way to finance their transportation and accommodation. Anyone wishing to help out, under the same terms as the Youth Fund—your name will be added to the Pilgrimage Prayer List and your intentions will be remembered every day—please send your tax-deductible donations to:
Or by snail mail:
The Remnant Chaplain and Chaperones Fund
PO Box 1117
Forest Lake, MN 55025
If you are a young person interested in applying for sponsorship, please send your application letter and a photo of yourself to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..