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Robert Morrison | Remnant Columnist

Robert Morrison | Remnant Columnist

Robert Morrison is a Catholic, husband and father. He is the author of A Tale Told Softly: Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale and Hidden Catholic England. 

In his February 25, 2019 address on the fiftieth anniversary of Cardinal Augustin Bea’s death, Francis praised Bea’s ability to foster unity among all people as well as his immense influence at Vatican II: 

“[The Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies], in collaboration with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, the Pontifical Biblical Institute and the Center for the Study of Christianity in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is commemorating Cardinal Augustin Bea by a series of scholarly lectures marking the fiftieth anniversary of his death. You thus have an opportunity to reconsider this outstanding figure and his decisive influence on several important documents of the Second Vatican Council. The issues of the Church’s relationship with Judaism, Christian unity, and freedom of conscience and religion, remain significant and extremely timely.”

For several decades, many of the most ardent and capable defenders of Catholic tradition have debated the question of how to respond to a heretical pope. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, for instance, had this to say about the reign of Paul VI:

“Perhaps one day, in thirty or forty years, a meeting of cardinals gathered together by a future Pope will study and judge the reign of Paul VI, perhaps they will say that there were things that ought to have been clearly obvious to people at the time, statements of the Pope that were totally against Tradition. At the moment, I prefer to consider the man on the chair of Peter as the Pope; and if one day we discover for certain that the Pope was not the Pope, at least I will have done my duty.”

“But let your speech be yea, yea: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil.” (Matthew 5:37)

Almost two years ago, Francis opened his Synod on Synodality by telling the world that he intended to “create a different church”:

“The Holy Spirit guides us where God wants us to be, not to where our own ideas and personal tastes would lead us.  Father Congar, of blessed memory, once said: ‘There is no need to create another Church, but to create a different Church’ (True and False Reform in the Church).  That is the challenge.  For a ‘different Church,’ a Church open to the newness that God wants to suggest, let us with greater fervour and frequency invoke the Holy Spirit and humbly listen to him, journeying together as he, the source of communion and mission, desires: with docility and courage.”

As The Remnant hosts the 2023 Catholic Identity Conference in Pittsburgh from September 29th to October 1st, Francis will host his ecumenical prayer vigil in Rome, Together — Gathering the People of God, as part of the Synod on Synodality:

“On 30 September 2023, an ecumenical prayer vigil will take place in Rome in the presence of Pope Francis and representatives of different Churches, to unite us in praise and silence, in listening to the Word. Young people aged between 18 and 35 from across Europe, from all Church backgrounds, are invited from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon and will be welcomed for a weekend of sharing, to journey together as the people of God.”

As argued in a July 2022 article from The Remnant, the fact that Traditional Catholics disagree on whether or not Francis is actually the pope should not preclude us from agreeing upon an accurate diagnosis of what he represents to the Church today:

“Bergoglio is the anti-Catholic man permitted by God to wield power over the Mystical Body of Christ as the reputed pope, in service of Satan and the globalists, to advance the crisis in the Church through a calculated process of destruction which causes many souls to be lost but which will ultimately purify the Church.”

The Synod on Synodality’s Instrumentum Laboris includes a list of abbreviations for the sixteen documents cited in its text: two from John Paul II, two from the General Secretariat of the Synod, five from Francis, and seven from Vatican II. As we have come to expect, this list does not include any documents promulgated before Vatican II.

Francis’s attacks on Traditional Catholics have become so commonplace that they scarcely seem newsworthy, but on his September 4, 2023 return flight from Mongolia, Francis combined his attack on Catholics with a disturbingly bizarre suggestion that the only Catholic doctrines that we can defend are those truths contained in the Catholic creeds:

“They defend a doctrine in quotation marks, which is a doctrine like distilled water, tastes like nothing and is not the true Catholic doctrine that is in the Creed. And that so many times scandalizes; how it scandalizes the idea that God became flesh, that God became Man, that Our Lady preserved her virginity. That scandalizes.”

“Like the child who takes a perverse pleasure in destroying, it seems that Congar had no greater joy in life than that of witnessing the dilapidation of the treasure of the Church and the destruction of the unity of the Mystical Body of Christ.” (Fr. Dominique Bourmaud, One Hundred Years of Modernism)

There is only one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one can be saved.” (Innocent III and the Fourth Ecumenical Council of the Lateran, 1215)

“This is magisterium: the Council is the magisterium of the Church. Either you are with the Church and therefore you follow the Council, and if you do not follow the Council or you interpret it in your own way, as you wish, you are not with the Church. We must be demanding and strict on this point. The Council should not be negotiated in order to have more of these... No, the Council is as it is.” (Francis, January 30, 2021 Address)