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 “Look at what they do, not at what they say.”
- Ex-Communist Louis F. Budenz -

Editor’s Note: Remnant columnist, Elizabeth Yore, is an international child protection attorney who has investigated several cases of clergy sex abuse of children. She served as Special Counsel and Child Advocate to Oprah Winfrey. She is the former General Counsel of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and former General Counsel at National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. She is quite obviously a well-qualified expert in the field of child abuse prevention, which is why her testimony in this case is so disturbingly apropos. MJM

They still don’t get it.

With great fanfare and media fawning, Pope Francis appointed Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley to head the new Vatican Child Protection Commission to protect children from clergy sex abuse. O’Malley said the new commission would advise the pope about the protection of children and the pastoral care of victims of abuse.

Sham “Schism” Exposed

"The neo-Catholic establishment really must cease its spiteful calumnies of the Society’s adherents, whose heroic perseverance in the traditions of the Faith will certainly be vindicated by history, as their neo-Catholic hecklers undoubtedly suspect."

I have long argued—here, for example—that the “lack of full communion” attributed to the Society of Saint Pius X, even though its clergy and laity are obviously Catholics under no sentence of excommunication, is nothing but an ad hoc contrivance designed to perpetuate the unjust persecution of this group of the faithful by creating a rather silly special category of “double secret probation” in the Church applicable only to them. I have also argued that the mere issuance of a technical decree regularizing the Society’s canonical status is all that is necessary to eliminate the illusory “lack of full communion.”

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Matt and Ferrara take the gloves off against neo-Catholics who would throw Genesis under the bus as mere myth and embrace evolution as fact.  Why are we carrying water for atheists?  Enough already! 

The essay you see before you is not intended to function as a reasoned argument, nor is it an explanation of some new idea. It is meant to act as a sort of “word study,” examining the appearance, usage, and development of the notion of liberalism as found in Catholic Social Teaching. I’ve attempted to keep my commentary to a minimum, only interjecting in order to provide context and “connect the dots.”

I happen to consider liberalism to be the fundamental error of the modern world. I believe that there exists, particularly in America a definite allegiance to this error. Moreover, this allegiance is bi-partisan: it is present regardless of party affiliation. I have argued that many of our problems, if not directly caused by the liberal mentality, are at least exacerbated by it. I’ve even gone so far as to suggest that liberalism actually fosters ignorance and guarantees social dysfunction.

Why does the Vatican refuse to tell the world that Christian civilization is better than the predatory relativistic secularism, spawned out of 18th century Freemasonry, that still has its venomous fangs sunk into the twitching corpse of Christendom?

Are we to give a sigh of relief, or a cheer, that the Vatican seems finally to be noticing that Christians are being systematically wiped out en masse in the cradle of Christian civilisation? Or that they are telling the UN Human Rights Council that the use of force “may” be used as a “very last choice,” to defend them?

Good Friday for Christians in America?

Has the persecution begun already?

What can we learn from Indiana's war on religious liberty?

Michael Matt talks about Governor Pence vs. Garcia Moreno, the Kingship of Christ and the coming purge of all things Christian.

Remnant Editor’s Note: Back in February of 1973, the late, great French thinker, Jean Ousset—author of Action, the definitive guide to Catholic action—wrote a letter to a Catholic who having witnessed the auto-demolition of the Church in France, had lost his Faith. Originally written in French, Ousset’s letter was translated into English by Michael Davies who noted at the time that Ousset “depicts the current dark disorder as a call to action rather than a cause for despair.”This little known letter by Jean Ousset is as relevant today as when it was first published, perhaps more so, given that faithful Catholics in 2009 are subjected to a daily barrage of scandals and blasphemies never conceived of in 1973. Far from justifying despair in us, however, the darkness we see all around us is a subject for meditation, really—for action!—for as bad as things have become in Europe, the Americas and all across the world, we can see through Hell’s very refusal to give up the fight against the Cross that the triumph of Christ the King is inevitable. If through Catholic action we can keep despair at bay no matter how futile our efforts may seem, given the diabolical might of the opposition, we will  see the triumph of the Immaculate Heart

SSPX claims and reopens St. James Church, once slated for destruction by the Diocese of Pittsburgh

An incredible saga endured by the parishioners of Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ended in victory on Saturday, March 28, 2015 when Fr. Niklaus Pfluger of the Society of St. Pius X celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass before a crowd of 560 people in historic St. James Catholic Church in the West End of Pittsburgh.

Traditional Catholics began organizing to preserve the Traditional Latin Mass in the Pittsburgh area almost immediately after the imposition of the Novus Ordo Mass in the early 1970s. After celebrating Mass in various locations (including individuals’ basements and rented hotel ballrooms) the faithful purchased St. Sava’s Serbian Orthodox Chapel on the south side of Pittsburgh in 1977. This chapel was small but adequate for an extended period of time. The Society of St. Pius X acquired the apostolate of Our Lady of Fatima in 1991 and moved the celebration of the Mass to an old school building in Collier Township in the Pittsburgh suburbs. This location was larger but was not ideal for the celebration of the Mass.

In his letter to Catholics suffering at the hands of Arian heretics, the great St. Athanasius writes: "I know moreover that not only this thing saddens you, but also the fact that while others have obtained the churches by violence, you are meanwhile cast out from your places. For they hold the places, but you the Apostolic Faith."

Today Athanasius smiled, for in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the United States of America a gathering of faithful Catholics witnessed a truly remarkable event: the dedication ceremony of new Catholic Church.

My previous article discussed Karl Keating’s latest exercise in traditionalist bashing: his self-published book The New Geocentrists. Herewith some further considerations prompted by the book.

The positions this newspaper has taken on the crisis in the Church since the immediate aftermath of the Second Vatican Council, when The Remnant was founded, have been vindicated beyond reasonable dispute by historical events. Only the obtuse or the willfully blind can continue to maintain that the “renewal of Vatican II” has been anything but an unprecedented disaster, leading Paul VI himself to lament very early on that “the smoke of Satan” had entered the Church—which, indeed, it had thanks to the “opening to the world” Pope Paul likewise lamented as “a veritable invasion of the Church by worldly thinking.”


In a dramatic turn of events, nearly 500 priests from England and Wales have written a letter in defence of the ‘traditional teaching on marriage and human sexualityin anticipation of the forthcoming Vatican Synod on the family. This letter comes at a time when a growing number of Catholics are concerned that the gathering of Church leaders in Rome, scheduled for October 2015, will seek to re-think Gospel teaching on marriage, sexuality, repentance and grace. Some Cardinals, particularly from Germany, have suggested that Holy Communion could be received by those in second and non-marital unions, or that active homosexual relationships could receive some positive recognition.