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Tradition is rising and will ultimately be victorious.

Michael Matt compares the SSPX and the FSSP, and asks the obvious question: When will we all begin to see the big picture?

The papal nagging, the scolding and often incomprehensible admonishing would not be nearly so offensive if it had any serious, weighty moral or doctrinal content. What is going on here?

Is the world finally tiring of the Francis Show? It seems the shine is coming off the Franciscan penny, at least in the US, where “approval ratings” are a thing. The aftermath of his encyclical, Laudato si, has seen quite a bit of shouting and confusion in the US where the “settled science” on climate change is considerably less settled than it tends to be in Europe. Last month, even the mainstream American press noted a significant drop in Pope Francis’ popularity and there are rumblings even from behind the bastions – increasingly resembling barricades – of the pope’s biggest fan base in the American Catholic blogging world.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Petered Out: Will the Francis Show Get Cancelled? Featured

Written by

Editor’s Note
: Just to be perfectly clear, Father X is not SSPX or 'independent'. He is a priest in good standing with superiors who in turn are in good standing with Rome. Though he usually offers Mass in the Traditional Rite, he also celebrates the Novus Ordo. His words indicate that Catholic priests from all walks of life in the Church today are deeply concerned about the new direction in which Pope Francis seems determined to take the Church we all love.  Please pray for the Holy Father.  God help us all.  MJM

Dear Mr. Matt,

Following up my article in the July 31st Remnant on how Pope Francis 'demythologizes' the miracle of the loaves and fishes, I would like to recommend to readers the following practice, which I myself have recently adopted.

an old catho gathersin
"What Have You Done To Our Catholic Church!"

Editor’s Note: Back in 1982, in Today Magazine’s April issue, Anne Roche penned an article called “The Way It Used to Be”. We recently discovered this article as it was reproduced in one of the late, great Hamish Fraser’s Approaches magazines from the early 1980s. Presumably this sobering article reflects the sort of thinking that eventually prompted Anne Roche Muggeridge’s masterwork, The Desolate City: Revolution in the Catholic Church. With prayers for the repose of her soul, let us read Anne’s beautiful description of the way things used to be and the way they surely will be again, in God’s good time. MJM

I must sometimes have gone to Mass in the day-light when I was young, but umy strongest memory is of coming thankfully into it out of the cold dark. At first, to keep my father company. He was a millwright and had to work every Sunday. I used to hurry through the chill Newfoundland mornings with him, shivering, fasting, to the poor little basement church, down into the warm, candlelit, holy silence. The church was always surprisingly full. Men from the mill with their lunch baskets, going on or coming off shift, sometimes black-faced from unloading coal boats all night, kneeling on the floor at the back, too filthy to venture into a pew. Nurses, and our doctor in his vast raccoon coat, with his bag, after a night call. A Mountie in full uniform. Young people still in evening dress after a party.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Way It Used to Be


"This is a Machiavellian Pope. His encyclical is a very good issue for us progressives.”  ~Tom Hayden, 60s radical, former environmental advisor to Gov. Jerry Brown

The echo chamber from the anarchists at Occupy Wall Street chanting ‘down with the 1%’ reverberates in the pontifical palaces at the Vatican.

Although the ‘60s radicals are greying, they are still around wreaking havoc. In 2011, they dusted off their Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, armed with Molotov cocktails, drugs, and revolutionary rage, and headed for lower Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park. Make no mistake, the Occupy Wall Street (Occupy) movement was fomented by socialists from the 60s, and
the civil unrest was choreographed by union thugs. Like all revolutionaries, their targets were the police, the banks, the government, and violence was their means of intimidation.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Occupy Vatican


a francis pic

A few weeks ago alarm bells went off in my head when someone forwarded me an excerpt from an English-language translation of a sermon he preached in the Pope's recent trip to South America, relating the loaves-and-fishes event to the Eucharist. Let me explain.

Around two centuries ago the liberal Protestant scholar Gottlob Paulus (1761-1851) started what was to become quite a popular trend in the heretical German circles of “higher critical” biblical scholarship. Paulus wanted to recognize some historical foundation in the Gospel accounts of our Lord’s life and ministry; but his Enlightenment rationalism meant excluding all supernatural, miraculous elements from these accounts. After all, did not every truly enlightened person now recognize that miracles are impossible, so that all accounts of them must be relegated to the category of myth or legend? Professor Paulus and his school of thought therefore opted for a “happy-medium” solution: retain the Gospel accounts as being partly historical, but demythologize them. That is, ‘re-interpret’ them – purify them! – so as to give a ‘rational’, non-supernatural explanation to the wondrous actions attributed to Jesus.

Minions: Are they good for kids?

Plus, department stores jump on the gender ideology bandwagon where the marketing of children's toys are concerned.
AssumptionFatima and the Traditional Latin Mass

 In Nomine Patris,  et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

This evening we celebrate the Vigil of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass tonight is being offered in reparation for the public sacrileges and blasphemies committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Yesterday, August 13th, was the 98th Anniversary of what was to have been Our Lady of Fatima’s 4th apparition to the three shepherd children of Fatima: Jacinta, age 7; her brother, Francisco, age 8; and their cousin, Lucia, age 10. However, on that date they were kidnapped by the communist/masonic administrator of Vila Nova de Ourem.
Friday, August 14, 2015

On the Vigil of the Assumption Featured

Mike and Chris chat Cecil the Lion and the media-driven American compassion;

Planned Parenthood, Archbishop Cupich;

Pope Francis, the Synod on the Family, and the Arian connection. Plus, what about sedevacantism?

Readers may recall The Remnant being listed as a “hate group” back in 2006 by the fine folks in the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate-free zone down in Montgomery, Alabama.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a far-Left fundraising juggernaut that has about as much to do with ending poverty in America as Al Sharpton has to do with ending racism in America.

Its founder, Morris Dees,  dubed the 'King of Fearmongers' by the Weekly Standard in 2013, was accused by Washington Times editor, Wesley Pruden, of being “nothing more than a scam artist”, and even his Wikipedia entry includes that Dees has been dismissed as “a con man and fraud”, who “has taken advantage of naive, well-meaning people–some of moderate or low incomes–who believe his pitches and give to his $175-million operation.”

Pagan Gaia Goes to Mass (Vatican II & the New World Order)

What in the world is going on?  Praying to the Goddess Gaia at MASS?

You know, twentieth century popes, saints, even the Mother of God warned that something was very wrong with Vatican II.  Michael Matt wonders why Catholics must still swear fidelity to the massively failed experiment in novelty called the Second Vatican Council whose evil spirit seems to be paving the way for a Catholic-free New World Order.