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"The absurdity of the Synod organisers, including the pope, simply writing final documents for a Synod weeks in advance of the bishops even arriving in Rome, seems to be the final message. They no longer feel any need to hide their intentions..."

The “good bishops” are not going to help us at the Synod. This is something we have to get used to right now, the weekend before the show starts. Every day I see in commboxes around the internet hopeful exclamations like, “Oh, but Archbishop Whosits is going to stand up to them.” Or, “Cardinal Youknowwho,” or “that guy from Africa” won’t stand for that stuff again. Well folks, I hate to tell you, but they stood for it just fine last year.

There have been no demands that the pope guarantee a transparent proceeding, no open objections to the scandalous contents of the working documents, and, most significantly, no demand for the removal of the ringleaders of the affair, the Synod General Secretary, Cardinal Baldisseri, Cardinal Kasper, Archbishop Bruno Forte, the author of the outrageous mid-term relatio… et al. All the same characters of last year’s vaudeville act are back, and no word of objection has come from our “good bishops.”

Editor’s Note: We are very grateful to our friend, Judge Andrew Napolitano (Senior Judicial Analyst for Fox News Channel), for his permission to publish this important article. May God continue to bless him with the courage to speak out at a time when the sheer magnitude of the crisis at hand has induced many good men to grow silent. MJM

What if things are not always as they seem?

What if the enormously popular Pope Francis is popular precisely because he is less Catholic than his two immediate predecessors? What if his theory of his stewardship of Catholicism is to broaden the base of the Church by weakening her doctrine so as to attract more people by making it temporally easier to be Catholic?
Update: We first posted this short report over on The Remnant's Facebook page. There it garnered 21,000 hits in just 24 hours, with high like and share counts. We will be doing a follow-up report on this in the next issue of The Remnnt, scheduled to 'hit the stands' this coming Friday.  Please share this post with friends, family and social networks, and let's keep the momenturm going. Many thanks. MJM

Something you just don't see every day. As the situation in the Church goes from really bad to much worse, it is hardly difficult to predict a gradual coming together of traditional Catholics the world over in the days to come.

At the Catholic Identity Conference in Weirton, WV, this weekend priests from all the major traditional Catholic fraternities and priestly societies came together to encourage the faithful to keep the old Faith and be not discouraged. Here we have two diocesan priests (who offer the old Mass only), one priest of the Fraternity of St Peter, one priest of the Society of St Pius X, and one priest of the Institute of Christ the King.

After Pope Francis delivered his ecological speech before President Obama, you asked me to comment upon several subjects:

 - What do faithful Catholics think about Pope Francis?

 - How did we get to this point in the current crisis in the Catholic Church?

 - Why is God allowing this to happen? (This latter question wasn't asked for explicitly but I want to explain why God is allowing this to happen as that question naturally follows from the other two points)

On Criticism of the Pope

It is never a comfortable subject for Catholics to speak about the "nakedness of their father" (see Genesis 9:21). Like the two sons of Noah, any faithful Catholic would rather cover the shame of their father in silence. However, when a father (in this case the Holy Father, i.e. the Pope) becomes drunk and lays shamefully naked in front of the whole world and then presents his actions as in accord with good morals, then it becomes necessary for his sons, for the sake of souls, to charitably speak against what their father has done and to demonstrate that his actions are not in accord with good morals. 
It is respectfully submitted that there are very few Catholics who actually want to disagree with the Roman Pontiff.  Moreover, it would appear self-evident that there are even fewer Catholics who would actually enjoy disagreeing with the Bishop of Rome.  But, sometimes, some things, although not desirable, must be done, and disagreeing with what the Pope is doing these days is one of those things.

When the Pope himself shakes and cracks the very rock foundations upon which the Faith rests, and when he thereby threatens to unleash the forces behind the gates of hell into our very midst, we must speak out and we must speak firmly and loudly. 

The truth is that despite Vatican II and all of its platitudes towards the Faithful, the Catholic Faithful are never listened to.  The Faithful were not listened to when the altars were turned round, the Faithful were not listened to when the railings were torn out, and the Faithful were not listened to when the liturgy was changed.

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Bracing for the Synod on the Family... and praying to the Blessed Virgin

"And, if I distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I deliver my body to be burned yet do not have charity, it profits me nothing." St. Paul, 2 Corinthians, 13:3

It should not be too much, should it, to expect, at the very least, honesty from our bishops? After all of the physical, psychological and pecuniary harm that the laity have endured through clerical abuse of persons and power, perhaps clarity and transparency should be the rule of the day?  Surely to facilitate a centripetal rapprochement between the hierarchy and the faithful, the faithful should be reassured by demonstrated hierarchical faithfulness to the beautiful teachings of Our Lord and his apostles governed by the Spirit of Penance and Charity? 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mitis Iudex and a Centrifugal Church Featured


Editor’s Note: I’m very pleased to introduce a new columnist to our stable of writers. Though Mr. Carter hails from the other side of the pond, in London, he and I made our acquaintance on The Remnant website ( where he has become a frequent and valued contributor. The article which follows is an apt introductory piece because it is a new writer’s overview of an old position on the New Mass—one which The Remnant has held from the very beginning. With the Synod on the Family now looming large and threatening formal schism in the Church, it is so important for Catholics to recall how the human element of the Church arrived at this nightmare. Nothing that is happening now under the disastrous reign of Pope Francis would have come as a surprise to my father, to Michael Davies, to Archbishop Lefebvre and to the rest of the pioneers of the traditional Catholic movement who’d insisted from the very beginning that the New Mass was the touchstone of the revolution. With 20/20 hindsight, it is so easy to see that they were right all along— lex orandi, lex credendi, it is indeed the Mass that matters. Many thanks, Mr. Carter for a brilliant reminder of what the Catholic counterrevolution was all about when you and I were kids, and what it must become again if a true Catholic counterrevolution is to take root. Welcome aboard. MJM

After my return to the Church in 2005 (I was living and working in Moscow at the time), I attended the Novus Ordo regularly. I was edified by the friendship shown to me by the parish priest and by what I could see of the lives of my fellow regular Mass-goers and despite my misgivings about certain elements of the Mass at which I assisted, I was able to quash the memories of my parents’ struggles as two of the early English Traditionalists
 and the grief and pain they suffered every day of their lives at the Revolution which toppled everything they held dear.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Novus Ordo: The Reasons Why... We Resist Featured


Big News from Remnant TV...

His Excellency Bishop Robert C. Morlino of Madison, Wisconsin graciously apologizes to the Society of St. Pius X.

Will this stunning development finally end the schism mongers' ugly witch hunt?

Plus, Edward Pentin reports on an explosive dossier inside the Vatican that may mean big trouble for Pope Francis.

This weekend our nation celebrates Labor Day. The origins of this national holiday go back more than a hundred years, when many workers in factories and fields were grossly overworked and often underpaid. Since that time in affluent America the rights and dignity of workers have made significant advances, often through the intervention of government, which imposes worker-friendly standards upon employers. How ironic then that on this extended weekend, intended for the rest and recreation of laborers, this same government which claims to care about workers has now imprisoned one of its own public servants.

I am speaking of the county clerk in Kentucky, who sits in a jail cell over this three day weekend for the alleged crime of refusing to authorize and issue same-sex marriage certificates to homosexual couples.

Editor's Note: What follows is an article I wrote some 14 years ago while stranded in a hotel in New York City. We're posting it again today as a reminder to pray for all those who lost their lives on 9/11, and to recall how our nation turned back to God ever so briefly after that terrible day, only to abandon Him with an unholy vengeance in the days that followed. We were warned, it would seem, but we did not listen. One wonders what American will be 14 years from now, as our war against God, the family and the unborn now rages out of control and the threat of terrorism is as American as baseball and apple pie. MJM

NEW YORK (November 12, 2001)—I write these words from the twelfth floor of the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. Emergency vehicle sirens wail in the streets of Manhattan below my window. It seems that the city is crying again.

The television in my hotel room is on. I’m trying to learn more about the latest crisis to strike this poor city: an airplane—yet another American Airliner—has crashed into Queens. Over 240 passengers and crew are dead; nobody knows how many are dead on the ground where Flight 587 apparently exploded and plummeted into a residential neighborhood.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Sign-up for The Remnant Prayer Brigade. Click the Prayer Banner  to sign a prayer pledge and officially join the Remnant Prayer Brigade.

Join the worldwide remnant in prayer every day at 3:00 (Central Time), for the triumph of truth and the courageous princes of the Church over evil modernists who will do all in their power to thwart the Church’s infallible teachings on marriage and the family.

Specifically, for the defeat of the Kasper Proposal, let us pray…

The Traditional Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

O Most Glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in our wrestling against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places (Eph 6:12). Come to the aid of men, whom GOD created incorruptible, and to the Image of His own Likeness He made him (Wis 2:23); and from the tyranny of the devil He bought him at a great price (Cor 7:23).
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