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Editor’s Introduction
: I’m very pleased to introduce our newest columnist, Miss Anna Priore. Miss Priore received her Bachelors in English Journalism from St. Olaf College in 2015. She is a resident of Rochester, Minnesota, and regularly attends the Latin Mass with her fiancé, Nicholas, whom she met at a summer program at Christendom College. They are receiving the sacrament of Matrimony this coming June. Anna has been writing for about 10 years for several newspapers and Catholic blogs. Topics that interest her include commentaries on politics and culture, exploring and exposing Catholic-in-name-only colleges and their liberal agendas, and promoting respect for the Traditional Latin Mass and the Holy Eucharist. Welcome aboard, Miss Priore! MJM

It’s difficult to describe the enormous amount of pressure young unmarried couples face today to cohabitate and save money by combining their finances and rent. It goes without a doubt that cohabitation is the most efficient and easiest option many couples have: no need to pay rent for two separate places, no more annoying housemates, and they can start preparing for their future married life together. It makes so much sense that it seems ridiculous for devout Catholics to contradict it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Culture Watch: The Cohabitation Trap Featured


Our lady of Guadalupe
The first and perhaps greatest prophecy given after the fall of our first parents is contained in Genesis 3:15, where God speaks to the serpent: "She shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel." This verse of scripture references the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception and the great power she would exert over the devil, especially in the latter times.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine, La Crosse, Wisconsin

History was made on Saturday, December 10, 2016 when, for the first time ever, a Tridentine Pontifical High Mass was offered at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Raymond Cardinal Burke was the celebrant and, among other beautiful observations, His Eminence spoke of the glories of the Traditional Latin Mass. The Cardinal also expressed his desire to begin offering the old Mass more frequently.


The universal Church is now entering a gravely critical moment in her history that shows alarming similarities with the great Arian crisis of the fourth century.

Editor's Note: Many thanks to our friend and ally in London, Dr. Joseph Shaw, for passing along this important letter of support for the Four Cardinals, signed by a collection of prestigious academics, philosophers, theologians and priests. Dr. Shaw writes:  "The initiative of the Four Cardinals in seeking clarification, in light of tradition, of the teaching of the Church on Communion for couples in irregular situations is of epochal significance. In this letter, a score of Catholic academics and pastors lend their support to this initiative, giving their reasons."  We ask our readers to please share this letter with friends, family, social media contacts, news agencies, and anyone in a position to help make it as widely known as possible. The situation in Rome is beyond critical.  MJM

Statement of Support for the Four Cardinals’ Dubia

8574983317 0ba27cfb37Is Amoris Laetitia and the Orthodox: What's the Connection?

Did you know that Amoris Laetitia is really about rewriting Catholic Trinitarian dogma? Did you know that with it, Pope Francis has freed us, not only from the “canonical regulations of man,” but from our Biblical concept of God as Father? And that we no longer have to concern ourselves with moral restraints or even behavioural preferences imposed by this “heavenly father”? Did you know that the Church no longer teaches that there is any divinely authored moral law at all?

sachss"Hi, I'm Jeff Sachs. I'm with the United Nations, and I'm here to help"

The globalists are so predictable and easily identifiable. Watch their language and follow their tactics. They never change. They sing from the same global warming alarmist hymnal as they import and traffick in their own arrogant brand of leftist ideology and self-imposed globalist solutions. They exploit and terrorize the poor with fear-baiting predictions to induce compliance with the dictates of the New World Order elites.

Africa is in their crosshairs.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Sachs Watch: White Man Lectures Black Man Featured

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marry on donkey and joseph travel to judiaEditor's Note: This beautiful Advent reflection first appeared in The Remnant back in 1978. It was written by Father Urban Snyder—the great Trappist priest who has been dead and buried for many years. He is one of the early pioneers of traditional Catholicism.  A deeply spiritual man and confessor to the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Fr. Snyder was a Remnant columnist all throughout the 1970s and '80s. He was a close personal friend of the founding editor of The Remnant, Walter L. Matt (RIP) and a giant priestly example who never once offered the Novus Ordo Missae. May he rest in peace. MJM

It would seem that few Catholics today realize the true meaning of Advent and Christmas. Surely a major reason is because over the years they have been receiving less and less nourishment from the Liturgy. Long before Vatican II, at least in Anglo-Saxon countries, too many of the clergy did not nourish their own souls from the tests of their daily Mass and Office, and so were unable to explain them to the people. Since Vatican II, the texts themselves have been shamelessly manipulated, mutilated, mistranslated, or made into a jumble. The prophecy of Jeremiah finds fulfillment in our time:

bishop schneider 1

Bishop Athanasius Schneider

Editor's Note: We are most grateful to Bishop Athanasius Schneider for the following courageous letter in defense of Holy Mother Church. We received his definitive text this afternoon, but note that it was distributed to numerous other Catholic websites as well. Therefore, and although we're honored to post and publish it, we strongly encourage our readers to spread and share it far and wide. Pray for Bishop Schneider and for the Four Cardinals. MJM

“We cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth” (2 Cor. 13: 8)

Out of “deep pastoral concern,” four Cardinals of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, His Eminence Joachim Meisner, Archbishop emeritus of Cologne (Germany), His Eminence Carlo Caffarra, Archbishop emeritus of Bologna (Italy), His Eminence Raymond Leo Burke, Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and His Eminence Walter Brandmüller, President emeritus of the Pontifical Commission of Historical Sciences, have published on November 14, 2016, the text of five questions, called dubia (Latin for “doubts”), which previously on September 19, 2016, they sent to the Holy Father and to Cardinal Gerhard Müller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, along with an accompanying letter. The Cardinals ask Pope Francis to clear up “grave disorientation and great confusion” concerning the interpretation and practical application, particularly of chapter VIII, of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia and its passages relating to admission of remarried divorcees to the sacraments and the Church’s moral teaching.

RaymondBurkeCardinalsLeaveGeneralCongregations Cp2kBPIWBfl

Cardinals  Daniel Di Nardo and Raymond Burke leave the Paul VI Hall, March 7, 2013, Vatican City. (Source: Getty Images Europe)     

Well! What an exciting week it’s been! All the Catholic bloggy world is in a froth over the Dubia of the Four Cardinals and the pope’s non-response. It has taken me the best part of a week to complete this because events kept changing so fast I couldn’t keep up. But it seems we are in another little lull.

Francis is thought to have refused to meet with his own cardinals at the consistory this weekend in order to avoid being confronted personally in a venue where it would be impossible to avoid answering the question whether he is or is not a Catholic. A pope hiding from his own cardinals in order to avoid being called out on heresy – oh, sorry, on “errors” – is something I’m not sure the Catholic Church has ever seen in all her long and strange history.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Il Boom: Cardinal Dubia and Vatican Schism Featured

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New from Remnant TV...

The Left is engaged in a national race-baiting campaign.
Exposing the liberal Soros-backed hate industry.

From the Underground, Michael Matt talks about the election, whining liberals, and the largest hate group in America -- the liberal left. Plus, Trump faces his first test: Will the President-Elect fold to hate industry pressure to fire senior adviser "hater" Steve Bannon, or will he hold his ground and stick a finger in eye of the most dangerous Christophobes in America. This is HUGE.

cardinali204For the past three-and-a-half years we have witnessed the bizarre, completely unprecedented spectacle of a wayward Roman Pontiff engaged in clever maneuvering to impose upon the Church a disastrous fracturing of her bimillenial moral and Eucharistic discipline respecting the divorced and “remarried”—and, even worse, via Amoris Laetitia (especially Ch. 8, ¶¶ 300-305), a form of situation ethics that would institutionalize admission to the sacraments of all manner of people living habitually in situations that are mortally sinful.