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New from RTV...EsPZsNkEDqNHxiF 800x450 noPadA group of some 70 scholars, priests and theologians from all around the world issue a public correction of Pope Francis's seven heretical propositions as propagated in Amoris Laetitia. Michael Matt comments on this, Cardinal Burke's forthcoming formal correction, the ramifications of Bishop Bernard Fellay's signature on this correction, and the centenary of the founding of St. Maximilian Kolbe's Militia Immaculatae in Rome. What’s the connection? 

Pope and lutheran lady bishPope Francis embraces Lutheran "Archbishop" Antje Jackelén in Lund, Sweden

At every stage in the ecclesial crisis that followed the Second Vatican Council, the Mensheviks of the Neo-Catholic Establishment (NCE) have been there to defend the Bolsheviks of the post-conciliar revolution as they foisted one destructive novelty after another upon the Church.  The NCE has found a way to defend or excuse the New Mass with all its officially approved abuses (including Communion in the hand and John Paul II’s approval of “altar girls”), the New Ecumenism, the New Dialogue, the New Interreligious Dialogue, the New Bishops’ Conferences, the New Collegiality, the New Seminaries, the New Convents, the New Ecclesial Movements, the New Evangelization, the New Synodal Church, and now, with Amoris Laetitia (AL), even the New Catholic Morality, which declares that God does not expect obedience to the negative precepts of the natural law, including the Sixth Commandment, if one feels unable to attain the “objective ideal” given the “concrete complexity of one’s limits” (cf. Amoris Laetitia, ¶ 303). 

soros behind riots

Sometimes I think back four decades to my college years. Between grad schools, I served as assistant to conservative writer and philosopher Russell Kirk in Mecosta, Michigan. Being a Southern boy, the one significant thing I recall about the climate up there was that we had snow on the ground—and lots of it—from around Thanksgiving all the way until April. So, other than my secretarial duties for Dr. Kirk I had I plenty of time to read (the Kirks had no television). And with Russell’s library of over 30,000 books I had a bibliophile’s cornucopia at my fingertips. Not only that, he was one of the most widely read of “teachers” a young grad student could ever have.

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Father Ducaud-Bourget (center), accompanied by a thousand traditionalists, occupied the Church of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet in Paris back in 1977... and never left.

REMNANT EDITOR’S NOTE: Each year before the beginning of the Chartres Pilgrimage (which kicks off in Notre-Dame-de-Paris, just around the corner from Saint Nicholas), we make a point to lead our pilgrims to this beautiful old Church, which now has a much-venerated bust of the late, great Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre at the rear. We pray that the spirit of the Archbishop and the saintly Monsignor Ducaud-Bourget will never be forgotten, and that the story of their courageous stand for the Old Faith will be told and retold to our children for many generations to come—at least until this Modernist nightmare is no more. MJM

A single tap of a priest’s knuckle upon the blackened mahogany arm of a choir chair signals the morning’s recitation of the Divine Office. The Roman-collared men gather in the sanctuary of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet de Paris and raise the breviaries they hold in their hands and flip through the thin pages until each finds the day’s prayers.

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Season 5 of The Remnant Underground kicks off with Michael Matt explaining why Christians going back to the catacombs here in 2017 is an idea with a 2000-year-old precedent. 

By the way, what is a "Traditional" Catholic?  

Plus, Bishop Robert Barron reviews Martin Scorsese's film, Silence, endorsed by Pope Francis and premiered at the Vatican. What Bishop Barron has to say about it is truly astonishing.

Green Francis“When leaders in various fields ask me for advice, my response is always the same: dialogue, dialogue, dialogue. ~Pope Francis, in Brazil 

The Pope of Dialogue has thus far slammed the bronze doors of St. Peter’s on any dialogue on the issue of global warming. (Many Catholics argue that everything else is up for dialogue with this Pope, though).

Despite his incessant rantings about the need to dialogue, climate change is off limits. In the words of his global warming maestro, Bishop Sanchez Sorondo, climate change is elevated to “magisterium,” deserving of an apostolic exhortation and papal endorsement of the globalists’ precious Paris Climate Treaty. Francis joined the globalist cop-out chorus of the “science is settled.” His global warming architect, Bishop Sorondo scolds the global warming doubters “saying that we need to rely on coal and oil is like saying that the earth is not round. It is an absurdity dictated by the need to make money.” Sorondo also repeats the lame classic globalist slam that the deniers are funded by the oil industry. 

Wake up, there is simply no dialogue with this Vatican on any issue, not endorsed by the United Nations’ globalists and its bureaucrats.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

A Green Black Eye: Pope Refuses to Dialogue Featured

Written by

coccopalmerio and capozziCardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts (charged with the interpretation of Canon Law) and his Secretary, Msgr. Luigi Capozzi

“Oh I make no excuses. All my life it's been my ambition to surround myself with rare and beautiful things. Suddenly faced with this golden opportunity...”  ~The Lavender Hill Mob

How stupid does the Vatican think we are? The contempt for which they hold the laity knows no bounds. The people of God are treated like ignorant sheep who are on a need to know basis and they need to know nothing.

Silence the sheep. 

New From RTV...

For the first time in history, a number of bishops as well as representatives of every major traditionalist priestly fraternity in the world (including the SSPX and FSSP), as well as journalists from both sides of the Atlantic, will come together for a weekend conference to discuss united and principled defense of Holy Mother Church. This is NOT a traditionalist version of false ecumenism. There are serious issues which still come between the participants in this conference. However, this is a gathering of serious Catholics who realize the Church is suffering her worst assault in history, and thus requires all of her sons and daughters to stand in her defense.

 a pope

In a 450-page book-interview, Pope Bergoglio reduces adultery and fornication to “minor sins,” announces a “battle” against sexual morality via Amoris Laetitia, condones “civil unions” for homosexuals, pronounces all wars unjust, and says the secular state is a healthy thing.

If there was any doubt that Pope Bergoglio’s tumultuous reign is an unparalleled, indeed apocalyptic, threat to the integrity of the Faith, that doubt cannot possibly survive the publication of “Pope Francis: Meetings with Dominique Wolton: Politics and Society,” a 450-page compendium of rambling private conversations between Bergoglio and Wolton, a French sociologist, during an extraordinary series of private audiences at the Vatican.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Francis Expands the Fake Magisterium Featured

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Sunday Sermons of South St. Paul.

"Martin Luther and the Church in Our Time." Father presents a brief history of Martin Luther and his heresies, and then connects the dots between those Lutheran errors and the new orientation of the Catholic Church in modern times.

Are we seeing the spirit of Martin Luther animating the so-called "Spirit of Vatican II"?

The SPLC would have the world believe that the Catholic Church for nearly two thouand years was a self-serving racist organization... before the Second Vatican Council got rid of all the hate.  So where are all the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hospitals? Where are their orphanages, homeless shelters, schools, universities? The SPLC likes to talk about how much they care about poor people but what have they actually done for poor people?  The reality is this: No organization in the history of the world has done more for the poor and needy, ethnic minorities, the downtrodden and miserable collateral damage of man's inhumanity to man than that Catholic Church. It is also the most truly color blind organization the world has ever known.

On Tuesday, D. James Kennedy Ministries (DJKM) filed a lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the charity navigation organization GuideStar, and Amazon for defamation, religious discrimination, and trafficking in falsehood. The SPLC listed DJKM as a "hate group," while GuideStar also categorized it in those terms, and Amazon kept the ministry off of its charity donation program, Amazon Smile.