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A Remnant Reprint…

Editor’s Note: The following letter was penned by a captain in the U.S. Army who wishes to remain anonymous, but who has identified himself to me privately.  I believe his humble and stirring letter is very important especially as Lent approaches. MJM

I have recently been listening to a wonderful collection of sermons by a priest.  He belonged to a fraternal order which I shall not name because, no doubt, some would not listen, but many will probably figure it out.  I cannot help but feel that this was in some way inspired, that I should happen to listen to these sermons leading up to the blessed season of Lent. 

Screen Shot 2018 01 13 at 12.51.35 002This month has been quite a spectacle, even for this pontificate; an apparently unending stream of outrages and embarrassments, with the pope and his Vatican media support jumping from one scandal to the next. But among secular reporters the sex abuse issue trumps all others and the fallout continues to blaze down on the Bergoglian pontificate in response to his amazing accusation earlier this month that victims of sexual abuse by clergy were engaging in “calumny,” in their accusations against a Chilean bishop, Juan de la Cruz Barros Madrid.

The incident was brief: on the Thursday of the pope’s week-long South American trip, in response to an impromptu question tossed out by a Chilean reporter, the pope responded in what one reporter described as a “snippy tone”: “The day I see proof against Bishop Barros, then I will talk. There is not a single piece of evidence against him. It is all calumny. Is that clear?” 

New from RTV...

youtube thumbDown in the catacombs, Michael Matt discusses the case of a young priest in Minnesota who's taking heat for firing "married" homosexual musicians in his parish.  The parish is divided, the media are outraged, and the faithful are confused. Whose fault is this? The priest's? No, he's just doing his job. The gay musicians’? No, not really—they've been working in the same parish for over ten years, and nobody objected. Michael calls on Catholics—liberal and conservative alike–to demand that the 'Church of Accompaniment' either edit and remove the Catechism of the Catholic Church's moral teaching on this question….or enforce it. There is no other way.  Hate has nothing to do with it. Padre Pio and Pope John Paul were pretty clear on this question too, by the way. Are we to conclude that they too were intolerant, non-inclusive haters? 

Monday, January 22, 2018

CONFUSING CATHOLICS: Inclusivity Trumps Morality Featured

New from RTV....
VP Mike Pence expresses total commitment to the pro-life cause as he introduces what he calls the "most pro-life president in the history of our country." For his part, President Trump expressed solidarity with the pro-life cause and singled out a Catholic pregnancy crisis center for special recognition. I wonder if President Hillary would have been out there in D.C. today, telling the whole world that the President of the United States is with the pro-life movement “all the way.” What do you think?
Friday, January 19, 2018

Trump to Pro-Lifers: "We are with you all the way!" Featured


Ignatius Press has just released Heroism and Genius: How Catholic Priests Helped Build ‒ and Can Help Rebuild ‒ Western Civilization, by Fr. William J. Slattery, PhD, STL.

The book comes highly endorsed by Cardinals Robert Sarah, Raymond Burke, and Walter Brandmuller; by the novelist Michael O’ Brien, author of Father Elijah: An Apocalypse, who describes Heroism and Genius as an “extraordinary book…an essential read for anyone desiring to understand where we have come from and where we presently are”; by Thomas Woods, Ph.D., the New York Times best-seller author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History who states “Slattery’s book is the final blow to the Enlightenment version of Western history”.

We decided to interview the author about his new book, available already at

Many thanks to Father Slattery for taking the time to tell us something about this most important work. - Michael J. Matt

New from RTV...

bishop schneBishop Athanasius Schneider addresses the Catholic Identity Conference, speaking on the 'clandestine Church'.  He speaks of crisis at the highest levels and the dethronement of Christ, and quotes St. Pius X “the Great” and others who warned against this crisis and the rise of evil in the Church. At the conclusion, Bishop Schneider speaks of the necessity for us all to "speak out" against "false prophets" and the takeover of the Church.  Introduction by Michael J. Matt

New from RTV...

YouTubeTHE REMNANT UNDERGROUND:  Headed up by Bishop Athanasius Schneider and two other Archbishops from Kazakhstan, a total of 6 bishops and 1 cardinal have now signed a statement of opposition to the pope-approved interpretations of Amoris Laetitia that non-repentant public adulterers can return to the sacramental life of the Church.  This is revolution and counterrevolution in a Catholic Church in total crisis.   Plus, looking ahead to October's Synod of Young People in Rome—will the Church deep six Humanae Vitae? Will the Vatican give the green light to so-called 'gay unions'?  Finally, an old Jimmy Stewart movie, "Call Northside 777", includes a sobering reminder of what it used to mean to be Catholic--something Pope Francis would do well to consider.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

SCHISM RISING? Seven Bishops Resist Pope's Revolution Featured


hith sacking Rome 455

But, it's happened before...

The Church is teetering on the edge of a multi-lateral, global schism following a controversial ecumenical council. Increasingly contentious factions within the hierarchy, many heavily influenced by corrupt and ambitious secular powers, are locked in a state of permanent and intractable conflict, confusing and corroding the Catholic life of the ordinary faithful. Multiple heresies are rising and Rome seems devoid of strength or authority to stop them.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

It’s The End of the World as We Know It Featured

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New from RTV...

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Remnant TV's new series, "Catholic Heroes and Holy Days", kicks off with the Feast of the Epiphany -- the manifestation of Christ, not just to the three kings, but to the whole world.

Friday, January 5, 2018

The Feast of the Epiphany Featured


monks“Seven times a day have I given praise to thee, for the judgments of thy justice.”

A short time ago I was talking to a friend, a traditional Catholic, who asked me this question, and I was a bit surprised. It’s not that she’d never heard of it but that she had mostly only heard the name and references to it, without ever having actually heard an explanation. And, of course, being about my age, she had never come across any actual use of the Church’s “other” liturgical practice in the normal course of her parish life. I realised that a person who had never had much contact with the monastic religious who use it (rare in these dark times) could go their whole life never see the Divine Office and could be confused by the profusion of terminology used to describe it.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

THE DIVINE OFFICE: Prayer That Built Western Civilization Featured

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Happy New Year!  First, the good news: the world didn’t end in 2017.  We’re still here, and unless something cataclysmic happens in the next few hours, we're evidently to be spared our much-deserved Divine least this year.

The bad news?  We Catholics still have the leadership we deserve. The newly christened ‘dictator pope’ may have started at the bottom but over the course of 2017 he seems to have found a way to go down. In fact, his papal expedition to theological La La Land has its sights set on October 2018--the much dreaded Synod of Young People.

So, to the prediction: I predict that before this New Year comes to an end, Pope Francis and his band of merry men will—either directly or indirectly—find a way to give at least tacit approval of so-called “gay unions”.