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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Vatican Announces “Liturgical Creativity Award”

By:   James Cunningham
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Vatican Announces “Liturgical Creativity Award”

Breaking News: The Vatican Press Office has just announced that the newly created Vatican Congregation for Liturgical Creativity (VCLC) will take part in the celebration of the Pope Paul VI Beatification Vatican Ceremony and Celebration.  

Planned for this October 2014, the VCLC will initiate the “Most Novel Spirit of Vatican II Liturgical Award” presentation.  The award winning Liturgy will be celebrated at the opening of the Beatification celebration and the awards ceremony will take place as part of the Beatification closing events.

The Most Novel Spirit of Vatican II Liturgical Award will be the first grand prize award of its kind ever given for liturgical creativity. The award will be presented by the Bishop of Rome (a.k.a. Pope Francis) to the liturgical team leader who has created the most novel worship liturgy service in the ordinary Novus Ordo form. The decision to award this prize by the VCLC at this time is to show particular honor to and celebrate Pope Paul VI’s Novus Ordo Missae and Sacrosanctum Concilium.

It is therefore, a fitting tribute to this Blessed Conciliar Pope’s liturgical legacy of innovation and novelty. There will be a number of other prizes also given out but, only one VCLC Most Novel Spirit of Vatican II Award. The first prize winner will receive an all-expense paid two week vacation at the Vatican’s own Domus Santa Marta and a scheduled luncheon date with Pope Francis and the Prefect of the VCLC. The winning liturgical celebration will then be formally recorded and entered into the Library of Vatican Ecclesiology.

The Congregation for Liturgical Creativity is presently making the contest entrance forms available now through August 31st, 2014. All those who wish to participate in this worldwide contest simply need to send a stamped self-addressed envelope to the VCLC Vatican Office with a request for the “Most Novel Liturgical Award Contest” rules and application form. There is no application fee; all decisions on the part of the VCLC judges will be final.

Who is Eligible?

This contest is open to all ecumenical contest contestants. This does not prevent those who have no religion from entering as long as their consciences are good and they are ecumenical. There are no language requirements or stylistic criteria.

Other Awards:

Besides the Grand Prize winner, prizes will also be given to those individuals who the judges have determined are exceptional in the following liturgical categories: guitar strumming, vocal acrobatics and original bongo drum technique. There will also be a prize for the most original liturgical choreographic dance routine. Most original liturgical costume design and most novel vestment treatments will be in another separate category and prizes will be awarded to the winners.

Sanctuary setting design and furnishings along with most original design in Eucharist table enhancements are also categories that will be judged and awarded prizes. In the antiphon and the faithful petitions competition contestants will need to include at least five variations in each category to be eligible for a prize. There will also be a “sign of peace” contest to see how many hugs, handshakes and kisses can be performed within a two minute period.

This is an inclusive liturgical contest and gender alternative parishes or congregations will be welcomed. Women and men who wish to enter the “Most Extraordinary Eucharist Minister” contest must also register for that event. Altar servers will also be given an opportunity to compete in a unisex contest designed by the VCLC to determine proficiency in sitting, standing and chair-moving exercises. There will also be a prize given out for the most original charismatic renewal incantation and spiritual trance disambiguation.

            thanksgiving liturgy            

Contest Exclusions:

The Vatican Congregation for Liturgical Creativity (VCLC) has determined that in keeping with the principle of Religious Freedom only ecumenical and collegiate parishes and or congregations may enter this celebration. Those who are rigid, restorationist and neo-Pelagiian mean-spirited traditionalists need not apply due to their perceived neo-promethean posture.   Only persons imbued in the Spirit of Vatican II and those who are the followers of the Charismatic Springtime Renewal of Novus Ordo will be accepted together with their ecumenical brothers and sisters to celebrate the unity mystery of neo-Catholic Aggiornamento.


The Vatican is inviting the faithful to join in a competition through the office of the special Congregation of Liturgical Creativity to cooperate in the celebration of the Beatification of Pope Paul VI. This celebratory festival is open to all those who are called by the spirit to enter and participate in an ecumenical and universal liturgical innovative contest honoring the charism of Pope Paul VI. It is the expressed wishes that through your prayers and devotion to the Spirit of Vatican II that we will enhance the evolution of hermeneutics of reform in continuity of the subjective Catholic Church and the existentialist progression of Novus Ordo in the Spirit of Vatican II.

Below you will find examples provided by some of the already registered competing teams:


Read 5711 times Last modified on Wednesday, July 30, 2014