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Michael J. Matt | Editor

This weekend the Remnant is on pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres. Read about this pilgrimage here, and follow Michael Matt along the road to Chartres on Twitter, Facebook, RTV, and YouTube!

This is Traditional Catholicism's cannon blast into Traditionis Custodes

Learn what this pilgrimage is truly about by watching and sharing the video below, and please keep us in your prayers!

New from RTV...

What does it say about Pope Francis' crackdown on the Latin Mass that, for the first time in history, the Pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres, France, closed its registration ten days early?

It’s hard for me to fathom that many of our readers today would not even have been born the first time I walked the Pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres. Since then, not a few dear friends and allies of The Remnant have also gone to their eternal reward. The world has changed in ways we could not have imagined back in 1991. Come to think of it, about the only thing that hasn’t changed is the Pilgrimage to Chartres, based as it is on the unchangeable realities of Catholic Tradition – the Latin Mass, the Rosary, the Catholic family, the Four Last Things, and the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ.

New Spotlight from RTV...

What does it say about Pope Francis' crackdown on the Latin Mass that, for the first time in history, the Pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres, France, closed its registration ten days early?

U.S. Coordinator, Michael J. Matt, who has walked the Chartres Pilgrimage 30 times, takes us through the magnificent triumph of the Pilgrimage -- the Chez Nous -- as 20,000 pilgrims pack out the Chartres Cathedral as well as the city center last year in Chartres.

This year, there will be even more pilgrims walking the 70-mile route from Paris to Chartres.

Note: Watch all the way to the end, including the credits, to get a feel for this magnificent event and the 1000 volunteers who make it happen.


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New from RTV...

The Zelensky Road Show to Rome – what’s it all about and what was Putin’s response? Not to be outdone, the Bilderberg Group hosts a secret meeting to discuss Artificial Intelligence’s role in building a new geopolitical order.

Meanwhile, Bishop Joseph Strickland speaks out against the agenda of Pope Francis in Rome, actor Richard Dreyfuss speaks out against the Davos agenda in Hollywood, and Jim Caviezel speaks out against the swamp in Washington.

Question: Why are so many Minnesotans leaving the state en masse? Could it have anything to do with woke Dems setting up a new Gestapo in the ‘Land of 10,000 Lakes”?  

Minnesota's legislature proposed a bill last month that requires the state Department of Human Rights to collect allegations of perceived “discrimination” or microaggressions in a new “bias” registry [read: Gulag] which would allow people to report alleged, non-criminal “slurs or verbal attacks”, and includes “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” and “gender expression” as protected classes. 

This proposal was first drafted as a sweeping, left-wing public safety bill, Senate File 2909, which also takes severe action against gun ownership.

New from Remnant TV...

Michael Matt gives the keynote address to a women’s conference hosted by “Restore Tradition”, an organization based in Littleton, CO. Register for their 2023 event here.

Is this the worst time in Salvation history? Maybe, but maybe not. Remember how it all began? Remember the lions, the catacombs, the French Revolution, the Carlists in Spain, the Cristeros in Mexico?

Although the evil regimes we face today seem to be gaining ground, there is still much we can do with the time we have.

New from Remnant TV...

God save the king, and God save us from the king’s New World Order. Will King Charles III back away from the tyrannical agenda of his Globalist friends from Davos?

The Biden Administration tries to remove the Blessed Sacrament from a Catholic hospital. The Catholic hospital fought back, and guess who backed down?