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Friday, July 27, 2018

July 31, 2018

By:   Remnant Press
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PUBLICATION NOTICE: July 31, 2018 Print/E-edition of The Remnant 

Attention Readers: No July 15th Edition

July is one of two months out of the year (the other being January) in which The Remnant only goes to print once.

The July 31 issue of the Print Edition of The Remnant is in the mail, but you can access the identical E-edition online right now by SUBSCRIBING to the oldest Traditional Catholic newspaper in the world. 

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Here's a Preview of our July 31, 2018 Issue:

Christopher Ferrara
Rules for Radicals? When Paul VI Met Saul Alinsky

saul paul maritain collageThe Revolutionary Fellowship of Pope Montini, Jacques Maritain and Saul Alinsky

The 30-year-long intimate friendship between “old Jacques” and Alinsky gave rise to a connection between Alinsky and Maritain’s foremost disciple, the future Pope Paul VI. Montini was then Archbishop of Milan, to which post he had been sent off without being made a cardinal after Pius XII lost confidence in him on account of his Modernist tendencies..… To Read this blockbuster article on the Paul VI/Alinsky Connection, SUBSCRIBE 



Michael J. Matt ...From the Editor's Desk...
Traditional Mass in the Black Hills

mountain mikeStanding outside the little, old church in South Dakota, talking to Gary, I thought of Michael Davies and my father and all the pioneers who didn’t quite live long enough to see the fruits of their labors, but who never lost hope in the Providence of a good God. They must be smiling now.

There’s still so much work to be done, but the return of the old Latin Mass— touchstone of the Old Faith—to so many places in the world today should surely give us all the hope we need to continue on and to persevere in the good fight. God has not abandoned us. He’s not left us orphans. For a while there it seemed like maybe He had. But, no, He was there all along…To Read the rest, SUBSCRIBE 



Susan Potts
Bracing for the Reign of Saturn:
The Real ‘New Order of the Ages’

saturnThese are perilous times, and our souls are in danger. In this fight for tradition which consumes us, we must not forget our destiny. The goal is Heaven. Our life here is passing. We are all under sentence of death. In a very short time— who knows? perhaps today—we will be summoned to judgment. And then what? Admit it or not, we don’t know for certain that we will be among the elect. …To Read this Feature, SUBSCRIBE.



Manuel de Santa Cruz
Spanish Catholics Outraged by Impending Canonization of Pope Paul VI

We’re grateful to a friend who wishes to remain anonymous for this exclusive Remnant translation, which, although it requires some familiarity with the political situation in Spain, nevertheless provides another reason for why Catholics should pray that the upcoming canonization of the revolutionary Pope Paul VI is somehow halted in its tracks, thus avoiding yet another massive scandal in Church of Vatican II… From the Editor’s Intro.
…To Read this Letter, SUBSCRIBE 



Clemens Cavallin
Roboteacher and the Eucharist

roboteacherThe real question is, therefore, whether love is necessary for education or if superior pedagogical skills are sufficient. According to my experience, most university education, by using increasingly sophisticated computer systems, is creating rule governed teaching systems that, without too much effort, can be handled by a powerful Artificial Intelligence. The relation between teacher and student has been regulated in extreme details in contractual form; there is little room for the particular friendship of learning; the common quest for things above immediate usefulness, reaching its zenith in God. It is, therefore, not strange that the secularization of higher education produces education rife for overtaking by Roboteacher. …To Read the Full Article, SUBSCRIBE 



Vincent Chiarello …Remnant on the Road…
The Church in Scandinavia
(Part II)

In the third Canto of Inferno, at the entrance into the Gate of Hell, Dante writes: Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here. One could reach the conclusion that, in Scandinavia, the Catholic Church’s hierarchy, although not at the Gate of Hell, may have abandoned that hope of restoring the Faith there, but, ultimately, the cardinal and the bishops must realize that its current objective of living amicably, using “Danish values” as the major criterion to “get along,” will only strengthen those who seek to destroy the Church in Scandinavia. Inevitably, that problem has to be addressed, but to abandon Hope, the second of the theological virtues, implies that we lack faith in Faith, the first of them. …To Read the Full Feature, SUBSCRIBE 



Reverend I.M.A. Patriot 
Catholic Priest Apologizes to Trump for Catholic Bishops

Dear Mr. President: I am writing you as a patriotic American, a military Veteran and a Roman Catholic Priest to thank you for the things you have done to Make America Right Again and to apologize on behalf of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Bishop of Rome, aka Pope Francis. …Read his letter right now HERE.  



Catherine Mershon …From the Remnant Youth…
“Be Ye Hot or Be Ye Cold”

To have charity toward all people, you wish for their good and their salvation. You cannot have charity without sincerity. You cannot have charity and never correct someone, never say or do something that may offend them or make them uncomfortable. You must, with all prudence and compassion and tenderness, show them charity and act in such a way that will benefit their salvation. …To Read this positive message SUBSCRIBE



Andrew Senior …Remnant's Poetry Corner …
The Light of the World

lead kindly LightThe physical world is a reflection of the spiritual world, in a way, its incarnation. Light is the material thing that is closest to the spiritual world, the very reflection of the divine. Light is the primordial element, preceding earth air fire and water. Light is where matter and energy meet. In the darkness of paganism, almost all worshipped the source of light, the sun… As with the other categories, there is so much poetry about light, it is delightful. To Read the Feature, SUBSCRIBE



Clare Wilson
Signs of the Times

kairos chronosJust as it is inexact to reduce human life to its chronology, when in fact we are always interacting with the eternal purposes of God, it is an oversimplification to say that the postmodern era is Godless and dark. Somehow, beneath the unrest of moral degradation and political upheaval, the currents of providence are at work to bring God’s truth to souls. …To Read the Feature, SUBSCRIBE



Elizabeth Yore …This Week
THE CARDINAL SINS: Kevin Farrell, Ted McCarrick and the Synod on Young People

crestWhat a tribute to Ted McCarrick embedded in the Cardinal’s Coat of Arms! Three references and images to one of the Catholic Church’s foremost sexual predators displayed in the Coat of Arms of the head of the Pontifical Dicastery of Laity, Family, and Life. Farrell modeled and adopted his heraldic Coat of Arms after the disgraced Ted McCarrick. Are you going to keep this Coat of Arms? …Read the article right now HERE.



Olivia Rao
The Habsburg Emperor Still Lives:
Discovering Karl, High in the Alps

Olive guyHappy to meet fellow Catholics who shared his love for his hero, and eager to continue the conversation further (in the way that old men always are), he offered to buy us all cappuccini – “It’s for the emperor,” he said. ...Read this right now HERE.



Father Celatus ...The Last Word…
Francis Edits Ten Commandments

friendlyThe basis for the expression forked tonguegoes back to the biblical account of the Serpent in Eden—aka Satan--who deceived Eve, leading her into mortal sin. Adam soon followed, deceived by Eve, committing mortal sin as well, which is the Original Sin. Francis of Rome reflected on this diabolical deception in a recent general audience on the topic of the Ten Commandments, which Bergoglio calls the “Ten Words.” As is clear from an examination of the text of this general audience, Francis speaks with a forked tongue!To Read the Full Feature, SUBSCRIBE


The Remnant Speaks…

Correction: Dates of the Catholic Identity ConferenceLetters from Pilgrims
All Things Reasonable
Don't Forget Fr. Frank Phillips

Will The Remnant Answer Critics?
Editor’s Reply

Kudos from Italy

And More!

Catholic Identity Conference News:  Check out the new CIC website HERE


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Read 7064 times Last modified on Friday, July 27, 2018