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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Treating Symptoms, Ignoring Causes

By:   Larry Lahiff
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Treating Symptoms, Ignoring Causes

Another school shooting in Georgia, and within minutes the call was out for politicians to solve the problem with more regulations and bureaucracy. When will we finally learn that it takes a lot more than regulations and bureaucracy to solve problems.

eblast promptA firearm, whether it's single-shot or magazine-fed is morally neutral. It cannot will itself to do good or evil, that's up to the shooter. Therefore, gun violence and any other form of violence is mostly a people problem, more definitively a soul problem. So real change will only occur when we get serious about proper character formation.

Today, we live in a hard-hearted post-Christian country that has forsaken God, trashed commonsense, and grown cold to truth, goodness, and beauty. This has contributed to a colossal mental health crisis that's manifested by depression, drug abuse, alcoholism, perversion, and violence.

The granddaddy of all this insanity is abortion. Once this sub-human atrocity was mainstreamed, the gates of hell were blown off their hinges, and evil has been unleashed on our country like never before; so we shouldn't be surprised when it shows up locked and loaded at our schools, churches, and workplaces.

Over the past half-century, our so-called progressive culture has become rotten to the core, thanks to things we've done, and things we've failed to do.

Consider some of the evidence:

  • Objective truth has been replaced by relativism.
  • Reason has taken a backseat to personal whims.
  • Civil disobedience is preferred over dialogue.
  • Interpersonal communications with all the order and clarity that traditional logic can provide has been replaced by emotional rants.
  • Character-deficient athletes and celebrities with extravagant and flamboyant lifestyles are idolized.
  • Radical individualism has replaced neighborliness.
  • Pulling fast ones on family, friends, neighbors, creditors, employers, employees, and the government has become commonplace.
  • Immoral and violent movies, TV, music, video games, and pornography are tolerated at the expense of our souls. Have you ever heard the old maxim, garbage in garbage out? It certainly applies here.
  • The Holy Bible, prayer, and respect have all been evicted from public schools. To make things worse, the void has been filled mostly by leftist nonsense.
  • Far too many moms and dads are missing in action or more concerned with being their children's pal rather than their parents.
  • Judiciously applied character-building and disciplinary methods have been scrapped for timeouts.
  • Formal religious instruction is nonexistent or nixed by the time a child reaches high school. No wonder young adults go off to college easy pickings for activist professors and poorly informed peers.
  • Natural marriage between a man and a woman has been downgraded from a sacred covenant to just another agreement for goods and services.
  • Gender dysphoria is no longer considered a mental health issue. Now counseling is considered abusive, but puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone therapy, and genital mutilation are reasonable.
  • The granddaddy of all this insanity is abortion. Once this sub-human atrocity was mainstreamed, the gates of hell were blown off their hinges, and evil has been unleashed on our country like never before; so we shouldn't be surprised when it shows up locked and loaded at our schools, churches, and workplaces.

Sorry, but this tragic story has no happy ending. As a matter of fact, smart money is on things getting a lot worse, especially if we don't start paying a lot more attention to the proper formation of our children's immortal souls and the prayerful conversion of our own.

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Last modified on Thursday, October 10, 2024