Fresh off Trump’s raise-the-roof CPAC address, we stumbled upon the following story from his early days in office:
REMNANT COMMENT: Is that a rosary in the hand of the President of the United States?
At a time when raw evil is consuming the world, I have no doubt that Donald Trump's efforts to keep God in the picture is the main reason his enemies hate him so. Of course, he's not Catholic but his innate desire to use his office to remind the world about God certainly is not not Catholic.
We distinguish, of course, between sound theology (which Trump obviously lacks) and the President's basic, almost childlike, attempt to remind a nation hellbent on destruction that God exists and that our nation must acknowledge Him and the power of prayer.
Once this distinction is made, we can take solace in the fact that Trump's Godly presidential reminders are not wasted efforts, nor are they the deceptive words of papal ecumania which, coming from that exalted office, serve not truth but error.
Trump has not the benefit of sound theological training, access to the Sacraments, and the habit of formal prayer. In other words, he's doing the best he can with the little he's been given in a world where even the Catholic Church's moral authority has become something of a joke.
Somehow, this man is acting more like a Catholic than are most Catholic leaders in the Church today:
Who knows where this will end? But without him, what are the chances Americans will hear words about God, the Bible and the power of prayer from the North Lawn ever again?
In fact, given the cast of democratic characters threatening to run in 2020, it’s more likely they’d be sacrificing babies to Moloch on the North Lawn. And obviously it would be supremely unlikely that any one of them would be seeking out the services of a Catholic Priest to conduct an exorcism upon taking office.
Keep praying.
TRUMP 2020!