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In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt discusses the rise of anti-Catholic persecution:

  • Even though his diocese is in total collapse the Bishop of Steubenville cancels the Latin Mass at Franciscan University.
  • A new law in Delaware would criminalize the seal of confession.
  • A Catholic high school student gets arrested for defending Catholic moral theology on campus.
  • Even though Zelensky is turning Ukraine into a Davos-styled surveillance state, most of the Catholic bishops still support Joe Biden's efforts to escalate war against Russia.
  • Faithful Catholics prepare to go back to the Mass rocks as the Pope of Mercy tells them all to go hell.

An identity-based sensibility blinds Fr. James Martin, SJ, to a social contagion harming the vulnerable minds of children and leading to the mutilation of healthy bodies and genitals.

You can read Fr. Martin’s Bridge, Pt. 1: Crossing into Critical Queer Catholicism here.

“How far your eyes may pierce I can not tell: Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well.” 
King Lear Act 1:4:368-69 Albany to Goneril

Fr. Martin, who normally assigns the superlative designation to LGBTQ Catholics as a whole, has recently raised to premier victim status the T, declaring transgendered persons “surely the most marginalized group in the church today.” 

Some clarifications to restore the truth about the situation of the Monastery “Maria Tempio dello Spirito Santo” of Pienza

Part II

Canonical Provisions

This second part of my intervention in defense of the Nuns of Pienza, after the first part dedicated to the sequence of events (here) and a third part (soon to be published) regarding the initiatives that ought to be undertaken, addresses the canonical measures adopted by the Holy See with the collaboration of the Diocese of Chiusi-Pienza-Montepulciano and the Picena Federation of the Benedictine Order. These observations are based on the official documents delivered to the Nuns and on those of third parties of which they have become aware, as well as on the unanimous testimonies of the Sisters and the evidence they have preserved (such as informal communications on WhatsApp).

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During the 17th Century post-Reformation persecution in England and Ireland, the so-called Penal Laws were imposed against Catholics to prevent them from practicing the Roman Catholic religion. 

The various acts of the Penal Law prescribed fines, imprisonment, and severe penalties – including execution – for Catholic priests who offered the Latin Mass and Catholic faithful who participated in it. 

“O God, Who by sin art offended and by penance appeased, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy suppliant people: and turn aside the scourges of Thine anger, which we deserve for our sins.” (Thursday after Ash Wednesday, Collect)

“May our fasts be acceptable to Thee, O Lord, we beseech Thee: and by expiating our sins, may they render us worthy of Thy grace, and lead us to eternal Remedies.” (Tuesday in Passion Week, Collect)

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In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael J. Matt thanks Bishop Thomas Paprocki for defending Latin Mass Catholics and for calling out heretical cardinals near and dear to the heart of Pope Francis. 

Plus, what's with this bizarre fascination with the Latin Mass on the part of all the bad guys? Why does the FBI care about the Latin Mass? Why is Big Brother Francis obsessed with canceling it? Obviously, we’re dealing with something more than mere human pettiness.

Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Some clarifications to restore the truth about the situation of the Monastery “Maria Tempio dello Spirito Santo” of Pienza:

Part One

The sequence of events

After the disclosure of conflicting and contradictory news relating to the recent events that have involved the cloistered community of the Benedictine Monastery of Pienza, I consider it my duty as a Pastor to intervene to re-establish the truth of the facts, as they are verifiable to those who are not prejudiced and care both about the fate of these religious women as well as highlighting the attitude of open hostility towards them on the part of ecclesiastical Authority. This first contribution of mine comes from my direct and personal knowledge of the Abbess and the Nuns, on whose behalf I intend to speak. In this first part I will analyze the sequence of events. A second essay will consider the content of the Holy See’s measures, framing them in the broader context of Bergoglio’s demolishing action. A third essay will propose some initiatives to be undertaken.

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In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael J. Matt takes a quick trip back to Iraq, with the insufferable Lindsey Graham as tour guide. Twenty years later, what did our country gain from Mr. Graham’s war? More to the point, what did Iraq gain other than a million dead and a totally destabilized homeland?

Then it was Afghanistan that we had to liberate, then Syria, and now…Ukraine. And old Lucky Lindsey has been beating the war drum for all these wars.  Now he says Biden needs to send the F16s and declare Russia a state sponsor of terrorism.

In this RTV Spotlight, Michael Matt discusses the truly unprecedented papal endorsement of sodomidical unions. Although Pope Francis says not one word about the act of sodomy, he is now calling for states to legalize same-sex unions, by which homosexual couples can establish themselves as a "family". He even encourages homosexual couples to bring their adopted children to church, as he brags about how he meets with them publicly inside the Vatican.

In recent days, we have seen a few indications that more bishops are opposing Francis’s attacks on the Catholic Church. In her report on the prospect of further restrictions on the Tridentine Mass, Diane Montagna noted that members of the Roman Curia are resisting additional persecution of Traditional Catholics:

“[T]here is considerable resistance from members of the Roman Curia, who believe Pope Francis’ promulgation of either apostolic constitution would send the Church into uncharted waters, further wound Christ’s Mystical Body, and be seen (by Catholics and non-Catholics alike) as a cruel and divisive act.”