In the late 1800’s it was reported in a major news journal that American author Mark Twain had died. Shortly after, the journal received a letter from Twain: “The report of my death was an exaggeration.”
For several days now, the world has been receiving daily updates on the health of Francis, who has been hospitalized since February 14, the Feast of Saint Valentine. For good reason, many of us regard these updates with the same suspicion that Mark Twain had regarding his own obituary. The Italians have a saying, rendered in English, “The pope is fine until he is dead.” In other words, the Vatican cannot be trusted to provide honest assessments of the health of a dying pope. Put succinctly, “The Vatican lies!”
The health updates on Francis have been inconsistent and far from credible. He allegedly sleeps better in a hospital than most of us do at home. Anyone who has been hospitalized for critical care knows that there is little opportunity to sleep, unless it is medically induced. We are told that he sits in a chair, conducting meetings and accomplishing work, with failing organs, depleted oxygen, while choking on his own vomit.
As frustrating as it has been to follow the health updates of Francis, it has been even more frustrating for me as a pastor to have a few faithful asking for public prayers for the recovery of Francis.
In a way, this extended hospitalization of Francis is reminiscent of the mysterious disappearance of Biden, who was displaced from his bid for the US presidency by his puppet masters. At the time, many wondered if Sleepy Joe might actually have been dead, likening it to a comedy movie, Weekend at Bernie’s. Memes went viral at the time: Weekend at Biden’s. We now have a Catholic equivalent: Weekend at Bergoglio’s.
But as frustrating as it has been to follow the health updates of Francis, it has been even more frustrating for me as a pastor to have a few faithful asking for public prayers for the recovery of Francis. No doubt there is much less call for this among conservative Catholics than there is among modernized Catholics. Novus Ordo parishes are praying up a storm for a Francis recovery, but why would a traditional parish?
First of all, Francis is an 88-year-old and man who is in terrible health and the prognosis for a restoration of good health is unrealistic. The man is missing part of a lung, he is limited to wheelchairs and walkers for mobility, and most pitiable of all, he has not offered Mass himself for many months. By the way, I knew an aged blind priest who required oxygen to function, but he offered Mass until the day he died.
The point is, physical death is inevitable for all, as a consequence of the Original Sin. The only souls that will escape mortal death are the faithful who are alive for the return of Christ at the end of time--and they may wish they would have died rather endure what they will suffer in the tribulations of the apocalypse. Francis has lived nearly 90 years, which is a longer lifespan than many of us will have. At what age do we cease prayers for recovery? Do you imagine they prayed for a recovery of Methuselah, at the age of 969?
Secondly and more importantly, a recovery for Francis means that he can resume his initiatives to create a counterfeit church, destroy the faith of Catholics, and advance the cause of the satanic new world order. Why would anyone who loves the Church want Francis restored to health and power? Would mothers in Bethlehem pray for the restoration of Herod the Great? Would citizens of Rome pray for the restoration of Caesar Nero? Would survivors of Nazi concentration camps pray for the restoration of Adolf Hitler?
For now, we will continue to pray for the spiritual recovery and repentance of Francis; and after his death, we will pray for the repose of his soul.
If anyone thinks a comparison between Francis and these murderous villains is unwarranted, consider the fact that the destruction of the soul is much more grievous than the destruction of the body. Remember the admonition of Christ: “Fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul; but rather, fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Francis has misled millions and millions of souls.
No, we will not pray for a physical recovery for Francis, but we will pray for a spiritual recovery for him. We pray for his reversion to Catholicism, if he ever possessed the Faith; or his conversion to Catholicism for the first time, if he never possessed it. We also pray for his repentance, not only in the privacy of his soul but in the public domain. The incalculable spiritual—and physical—destruction he has wreaked upon the Church and world is unprecedented. Reparative justice demands that his repentance be made public.
Unfortunately, for most traditional pastors, our prayers for the conversion of Francis must remain private. Offering publicly a prayer for the spiritual recovery of Francis would result in an immediate cancellation of that clergyman. Even this sorry state of affairs is a consequence of the evil that Francis has brought upon others, and ultimately upon himself. At the time that he most needs prayers for his spiritual recovery, there are far too few that are offered. Instead, misguided souls pray for his physical health and recovery.
The mercy of God is beyond measure but it is not without conditions. Saint Alphonsus Ligouri warned that when the grace of sanctification is forfeited, God is not obliged to offer the grace of repentance. The more a soul becomes habituated in mortal sin, the more hardened the heart becomes and resistant to grace.
It is unlikely that Francis will repent privately and even less likely that any such repentance on his part would be made public. After all, this would be a public repudiation of all that the modernists hold dear.
For now, we will continue to pray for the spiritual recovery and repentance of Francis; and after his death, we will pray for the repose of his soul. Meanwhile, as a final reflection on life and death, we offer this epitaph to Remnant readers, that was written of Saint Martin: He neither feared to die nor refused to live.
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