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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Cup of God’s Wrath (And the Just Punishment to Come)

By:   Michael Steil
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The Cup of God’s Wrath (And the Just Punishment to Come)

What is happening is that through a diabolical process of lying and deceit the pro-aborts are scaring women into believing that they cannot exist without the “right” to exterminate any of their unborn offspring that might happen to be living in utero without their express permission.


eblast promptWe all were relieved that the horrific 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision was finally overturned by the Dobbs decision. However, in a similar way as Jesus referred to the man who was cleansed of an evil spirit and then seven more spirits even more wicked find him a fitting place to take up residence, so too have the diabolical death-loving feminists seemingly multiplied by, as a good friend of mine, Denny Hartford, of Vital Signs Ministries, and a tireless prolife worker, recently wrote the very disturbing article, “Open Letter to Pastors About the Abortion Amendment” (that was going to be voted on during the November election in Nebraska), with the following pertinent words:

But, what, in fact, has happened in the days since Dobbs? Well, it is a great tragedy to admit, but while Christians breathed a sigh of relief and accepted the Court’s decision as a victory, the devil took it as an opportunity—an opportunity to push his gruesome abortion agenda even further. The media, long adamantly pro-abortion, started howling. Politicians at the highest levels of the present administration openly vowed to break the law in order to protect abortion. And the abortion industry itself, though depending more and more on chemical poisons to terminate the lives of preborn kids, nevertheless trebled its efforts to eliminate any and all restrictions on surgical abortions. Abortion up to birth. Tax dollars paying abortionists. No parental involvement whatsoever. No conscience clauses which would protect pro-life people to participate in abortions. An open season on sidewalk counseling, pro-life organizations, even pregnancy care centers. Abortionists even having the authority to decide if a child who miraculously survives the abortion attempt should be given medical care. Lord, have mercy!

Where Christians saw the Dobbs decision as an end, the evil one saw a chance to further shame America with the moral crime of abortion. Indeed, Satan is going further still by now pointing the blame for this abomination, not on a handful of black-robed pagans, but on the American people. After all, under Roe, an American Christian could excuse responsibility by saying, “Hey, legal abortion was forced on us. Sure, we feel really bad about it but there’s nothing we can do.” But after Dobbs, when the wonderful opportunities were right there in front of us to protect women, and babies, and families, and the moral fabric of civilized culture, we failed to act with sufficient zeal and persistence.

Consider, that 83 percent of eighteen-to twenty-nine-year-olds support first-trimester abortions. The probable reason for this astronomical number is that many women of this age group are unmarried. Four percent of babies conceived in marriage will be aborted, compared to 40 percent of children conceived outside of marriage. Meanwhile, 13 percent of women who have abortions are married, and 87 percent are unmarried.

Future archeologists will not come upon the remains of our wholesale slaughter of the unborn as they are generally incinerated as so much medical waste. We have successfully hidden the human destruction from ourselves—but God is ever watching.

According to recent Gallup polling, not only do “a record-high 69% say abortion should generally be legal in the first three months of pregnancy,” but a record-high 34 percent say abortion should be legal under any circumstance. Fifty-two percent say abortion is morally acceptable; ten points above what had been the average since 2001.

The Guttmacher Institute, research arm of Planned Parenthood, has been quoted that nearly 40 percent of women surveyed after an abortion indicate they are Protestant Christians and more than half are Catholic. In other words, sixty million women at 70 percent equals more than 40 million women who could be sitting in our churches today who have committed a past abortion.

Obviously, we need to do whatever we can to protect unborn human life, as well as give help to the mothers in need. But what about the Judgment of God? In other words, how do we account for the untold numbers of babies—by some estimates, over 65 million in this country alone—that have been executed due to the self-centered actions of their mothers and fathers? And that number does not even include the massive spontaneous abortions from the use of the widely available abortifacient birth control pill, as well as the so-called morning after pill which accounts for up to 65 percent of all abortions now?

In light of the recent overturning of the Federal mandate legalizing child killing in the womb—what if God is giving this country time to right the wrong of abortion by voting in the numbers needed to rid this land of the evil of abortion after the Dobbs decision?

Could Jesus have been strictly prophesying about the last half of this century when speaking to the weeping women of Jerusalem on His way to Calvary when he uttered: 'For a time will come when you will say, 'Blessed are the barren women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed." (Luke 23:29)

In that same light, Hartford also wrote the following:

And yet, in the matchless grace of God, He gifted our nation with the Dobbs decision. And by so doing, God gave America one last chance to repent of the blasphemy and blood guilt, the cowardice and compromise, and the appeasing apathy that had allowed those many millions to die such a cruel and unjust death. (emphasis added)

However, the bad news, according to Hartford:

Satan, however, did act. In 7 states (just so far, with 11 others on the edge), there have been amendments to state constitutions which have enshrined unlimited abortion rights. That’s right; no restrictions, no limitations, no common sense regulation whatsoever. The moral landscape will be far worse than even under Roe. (emphasis added.)

What is happening is that through a diabolical process of lying and deceit the pro-aborts are scaring women into believing that they cannot exist without the “right” to exterminate any of their unborn offspring that might happen to be living in utero without their express permission. In other words, the woman is allowed to have as many sex partners as she sees fit, and have sex as many times as she wants, and Heaven help the child who is “accidentally” conceived as a result of the natural process which is designed to produce that result.

Could Jesus have been strictly prophesying about the last half of this century when speaking to the weeping women of Jerusalem on His way to Calvary when he uttered: 'For a time will come when you will say, 'Blessed are the barren women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed." (Luke 23:29)

Joseph Foreman from his book Shattering the Darkness ominously states:

Each child is a unique witness to the creative love and care of his Father in Heaven. Each one snuffed out in the womb is struck down for the testimony he brings to his parents... and to us. In their death, the children become windows into the murderous selfishness of their parents, the doctors, the police, the courts, and if truth be told, of our own murdering hearts. Every reason a mother uses to justify her act, and the police and judges use to justify their defense of her act, all of us use to justify our protection of their bloody work.

St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, who lived from 349-407, delivers his most poignant teaching against contraception, abortion and infanticide, in his sermons on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans,

Why do you sow where the field is eager to destroy the fruit? Where there are medicines of sterility? Where there is murder before the birth? You do not even let a harlot remain only a harlot, but you make her a murderess as well. Do you see that from drunkenness comes fornication, from fornication adultery, from adultery murder? Indeed, it is something worse than murder and I do not know what to call it; for she does not kill what is formed but prevents its formation. What then? Do you condemn the gift of God, and fight with His laws? What is a curse, do you seek as though it were a blessing, and make the chamber of procreation a chamber for murder, and arm the woman that was given for childbearing unto slaughter?

I remember reading that archeologists could always tell when they uncovered a Roman brothel, as there would be a large number of male baby’s skeletons (the females being used as prostitutes). Future archeologists will not come upon the remains of our wholesale slaughter of the unborn as they are generally incinerated as so much medical waste. We have successfully hidden the human destruction from ourselves—but God is ever watching.

Ultimately, we will reap the justly deserved bitter fruits from our wholesale turning from God to mammon; we have spoken out for Death rather than Life! (as per the overwhelming votes placed for nearly unlimited abortion in as many as seven states). How much longer can God allow the killing to go on?

Matt Trewhella of Missionaries to the Preborn, in “The Protest of a Protestant Minister Against Birth Control,” really zeros in on the issue:

If you were to list all the reasons why Christians use birth control, you would see that they are the same reasons why a woman aborts her child. The number one reason (according to all studies ever done) a woman aborts her child is because the child is an inconvenience. The child interferes with the mother’s (or the father’s) pursuit of happiness or possessions. When we use birth control, we are embracing the same anti-child mentality. We are saying that our pursuit of so-called happiness, our pursuit of possessions, is more important than obeying God. The question is, “How can we abrogate God’s design for marriage and expect to really be happy?”

Ultimately, we will reap the justly deserved bitter fruits from our wholesale turning from God to mammon; we have spoken out for Death rather than Life! (as per the overwhelming votes placed for nearly unlimited abortion in as many as seven states). How much longer can God allow the killing to go on? How the cup of His wrath must be filled to overflowing for all of the abominations committed, but especially for the crime of CHILD KILLING! For God so judged the Old Testament nation of Israel for their infant sacrifices to Baal—and they were a less civilized society than we claim to be. Can anyone reasonably expect that God will treat us any kinder for our own wholesale barbaric shedding of the blood of the infants in our own day?

Recently, I have been pondering the third Marian message to Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa, on October 13, 1973, the actual anniversary of the final visions and miracle of Fatima, which deals with a worldwide punishment on mankind. (Coincidentally, 1973 is also the year that the horrendous Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision was unleashed on this country leading to the utter destruction and disregard for unborn human beings.)

As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by my Son. Each day, recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests.

Since Pope Benedict XVI, in June 1988, approved the Akita, Japan events as "reliable and worthy of belief," we can rely on that very dark and foreboding message as another warning of what is to come, assuming that men and women do not better themselves. Unfortunately, collectively as a nation, we have failed to repent. Instead, we have been going along with our fears and self-centered lives which leaves no room for God’s gift of children. We as a society have decided that we are the ones who will play god and will do whatever is necessary to limit God’s Blessings of offspring by whatever means that is necessary—even to CHILD KILLING! 

May God have mercy on us all.

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