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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

LION of COLOGNE: Bishop Schwaderlapp is the Face of the Resistance to the Synodal Path

By:   Josef Jung
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Bishop Schwaderlapp Bishop Schwaderlapp

The Synodal Path does not hesitate to run roughshod over Church teching and Christianity in general. The newest developments happend last weekend on September 9th and 10th. There are almost no bishops who completely reject this destructive force – except, thank God, for Auxiliary Bishop Dominikus Schwaderlapp of Cologne and Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer of Regensburg. These are the only two bishops who consistently voted "no" on the roll call votes in the second reading.


Bishop Schwaderlapp has become the face of synodal resistance, especially after he made a courageous statement that was posted on Facebook: 

"Well, an approval to the draft 'Living in Successful Relationships' is, according to my conviction, not an approval of a further development of the teachings of the Church, but an approval of its destruction. When I was consecrated bishop, I promised to pass on the deposit of faith pure and unabridged. Before that I swore the professio fidei and I said: I also firmly accept and hold each and everything definitively proposed by the Church regarding teaching on faith and morals. I have also sworn an oath of fidelity. It states: In fulfilling the charge entrusted to me I shall avoid any teachings contrary to the deposit of faith. For these reasons and out of conviction, I consider myself bound in my conscience to say no."

What a courageous bishop! I cannot applaud him enough, not only because he told the truth, but also because he will now be subjected to a wave of hatred. The media and many Church bodies will do all they possibly can to smear him as a "traitor," "cover-uper of abuse", a  "hypocrite." Whatever it takes. 

Bishop Schwaderlapp said "No" to a draft that wanted to reject the Church's teaching on sexuality completely and bring it into line with contemporary opinion and so-called "human sciences".

And what was it, exactly, to which Bishop Schwaderlapp was saying no?  It was a draft that would have rejected the Church's defined teaching on sexuality in order to bring it into line with contemporary opinion on so-called "human sciences". The synodal path wants to reject Humanae Vitae so that the Church of Accompaniment can greenlight condoms and contraception in general. And once that is done, well of course the Church teaching on homosexuality will have to be re-evaluated. The Bishop of Aachen, Helmut Dieser, already annoucned that homosexuality is "willed by God", so "listen up", folks, the Synod on Synodality is about to update Catholic moral theology. 

Fortunately, many bishops rejected the draft. Out of Frankfurt's 62 bishops, 57 took part in the vote. Five did not want to vote at all, 33 voted to accept the text, 3 abstained, and 21 bishops could not approve the text and voted against it.

Lacking the required two-thirds majority, half of the bishops rejected it. It is becoming clear that there is already a kind of schism within the Catholic Church in Germany.

It looks like most of the "rejectionists" are afraid of public opinion. Fortunately, Bishop Schwaderlapp is not. He is the Lion of Cologne, and we should all pray for him.

All over the world, faithful Catholics are looking at Germany and wondering what is going on. Is the destruction of the faith coming from Germany? It is to be feared that a storm of hatred will break out against all faithful bishops in the German media and Church bodies led by left-wing activists.

Catholics all over the world need to pray for the bishops to become or remain faithful to Jesus Christ and His one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

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Last modified on Wednesday, September 14, 2022