Essentially, Mr. McAuliffe ended any chance of winning on debate night by saying, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” He was responding to parental backlash to sexually explicit materials being taught in public schools and placed on library shelves. Later, the Washington Post backed Mr. McAuliffe with an essay on its Editorial Page with the provocative headline: “Parents Claim They Have The Right To Shape Their Kids’ School Curriculum. They Don’t.” Parents nationwide were paying attention.
The USA is in the midst of the same Marxist cultural war that Mexicans fought last century.
Some of those parents were in Missouri. On a sunny, sultry afternoon this summer in western Missouri, a modest group of about 30 “anti-Marxists,” including Traditional Catholics, met on the historic Town Square at Clinton’s Soda Shop in Independence for an education victory celebration. Okay, to be fair, these fine folks would not identify as “anti-Marxists,” but most Catholics in 1935-Mexico would vehemently disagree. The USA is in the midst of the same Marxist cultural war that Mexicans fought last century.
Although they share a border, the two Countries are enormously different, but the similarity of this struggle is striking!
These Midwesterners had come together to celebrate Governor Mike Parsons signing into law the very first School Choice Program in Missouri history. The law provides more than $6,000 to eligible students for K-12 home schooling, virtual education and private schools, including Catholic schools. Not all Missouri kids are yet eligible, but this represented a historic beginning.
As happened in Revolutionary Mexico, this celebration was just a tiny fragment of the patchwork of God-fearing combatants fighting the Marxist transformation of public education. Home school growth has been exploding in the USA. The Census Bureau reports that home school household doubled between March 2020 and March, 2021, to an impressive 11.1% of household. It is not known how many more have been added since 2021.
The celebrants in the Soda Shop were of all races and ages. This group had already embraced alternatives to public education. Motivated by Marxist-inspired cultural and moral rot in today’s government schools, their kids were now home schooled or virtual schooled. Indoctrination over education is proving to be highly unpopular with American parents.
Home Schooling in 1935 Mexico
Likewise, indoctrination was highly unpopular with parents south of the border some 90 years ago. “When they refused to send their children to Socialist school, a whole system of clandestine schools sprang up. These ‘home schools’ are groups of nine or ten children at a time who go to a private house
and they are trained in the three R’s by former public school teachers or laicized (by the State) Sisters. This system is now organized in every part of the country,” Fr. Wifrid Parsons SJ wrote in his remarkable 1936 book ‘Mexican Martyrdom.” In some case, priests also became home school instructors.
Schools became a later target for the Marxist atheists. Before 1934, all Catholic schools were closed in Mexico. Catholic education was deemed unconstitutional.
Socialist education is not only anti-Catholic, but it is unapologetically atheistic. Destructive and warped, Socialists twist every subject into indoctrination to the ‘collective.’ As critical as this was to the Mexican population in 1935, history records other Revolution events as more memorable.
Historically, the most enduring image of the Mexican Marxist Revolution is unquestionably the photograph of the horrific and well publicized martyrdom of Fr. Miguel Pro Juarez, who was executed by firing squad with his arms extended in a Christ-on-the-cross pose. He cried, “Viva Cristo Rey” as the command to “fire”was shouted. Scores of other priests and religious were slaughtered during this bloody Revolution. Schools however, became a later target for the Marxist atheists, but the intensity was nearly equal to their hatred of the Church. Before 1934, all Catholic schools were closed. Catholic education was deemed unconstitutional.
With succinct clarity, Fr. Parsons said, “Sooner or later every Revolution gets around to the schools.”
Fr. Parsons spent years in Mexico before and during the Revolution. He observed that the Government was astounded to learn how enormous had been the secret educational work of the Church and others in just a few years. Anecdotally, it was reported to Fr. Parsons that in the State of Puebla, not more than 35 percent of the children were in public schools. In some villages in Puebla, only three or four children attend public schools.
For Mexican Marxists, this level of disobedience by the citizenry was intolerable and embarrassing. Therefore, the government actually began raiding home schools, arresting teachers, confiscating property. Since in many cases, it was priests and sisters who were doing the teaching, some were executed. If home school classes were conducted in a home; the home was confiscated, in a business; it was confiscated, at a farm; it was confiscated. Some owners were merely fined, others imprisoned, still others executed.
The Mexican Dictator, General Calles: “We must enter into and take possession of the minds of the children, the consciences of the young, because they do belong and should belong to the Revolution.”
The Mexican Dictator, General Calles made his intentions clear in announcing a new program. “. . . It is necessary that we enter into a new phase of the Revolution which I shall call the psychological revolutionary period; we must enter into and take possession of the minds of the children, the consciences of the young, because they do belong and should belong to the Revolution.”
Sex Education At Schools In 1934 Mexico, really?
At that point, Mexican public education truly morphed into lunacy. In a Country with a 97% Catholic population, The Secretary of Education, Narciso Bassols, introduced into the public schools a system of sexual education for all students. It was modeled after a perverted, existing program in the Mexican state of Tabasco.
What happened as a result was well-documented. Children were taken to the stockyards to see the “coupling’ of animals. In classrooms, children of both sexes were undressed and had explained to them the process of copulation. It was reported that one teacher sponsored a dance in which boys and girls were unclothed. Fr. Parsons wrote, “Other, and unprintable, things occurred.”
These neo-Marxists promoted a new kind of Marxism theory that was less concerned about economic/class ideas and more concerned about “remaking of society through the eradication of traditional norms and institutions.”
Mr. Bassols defended the sexual education decision by saying that such a class was “modern.” Mexican parents were not buying what Mr. Bassols was selling. But he seems to be correct in identifying this as: “modern.” This child-corrupting concept was undoubtedly generated by the influential and disgraceful Frankfort School in Germany.
“Early in the 20th century, from the soldering embers of Marxist-Leninist theory, arose a fiery field of fanatics who came to be known collectively as the Franklin School. These Marxists were all about culture and sex,” writes Paul Conger, The Devil and Karl Marx. These neo-Marxists promoted a new kind of Marxism theory that was less concerned about economic/class ideas and more concerned about “remaking of society through the eradication of traditional norms and institutions.”
It became a revolution among the revolutionaries. The tenets of the Franklin School were of psychology, sociology – and especially Freudian teaching on sexuality. “These men developed a kind of Freudian-Marxism or ‘Freudo-Marxism,’ integrating the extraordinarily bad but influential 20th century ideas of Sigmund Freud with the extraordinarily bad but influential 19th century teachings of Karl Marx,” Mr. Conger wrote.
American culture, including education, continues under this debilitating influence to this very day.
In the recently produced National Education Association (NEA) annual report it states, “The NEA will publicize our continuing commitment to LGBT youth and all young people’s right to learn about and develop their own sexual orientation and gender identity.”
This cabal’s comprehensive push for untethered, unhinged sexual openness with no cultural boundaries or religious restrictions cracked the door for almost anything down the road.
And what NEA annual report would be complete without vigorous support for the demonic sacrament of abortion. “(We) publicly stand in defense of abortion and reproductive rights and encourage members to participate in rallies and demonstrations, lobbying and political campaigns, educational events, and other actions.”
Mr. Conger points out, “To be sure, the Frankfort School of the 1930s was certainly not issuing joint statements calling for say, same-sex marriage – such would have been considered pure madness in any day before our own. Nonetheless, this cabal’s comprehensive push for untethered, unhinged sexual openness with no cultural boundaries or religious restrictions cracked the door for almost anything down the road.”
To be sure, without God, tradition and natural law, anything and everything is permissible.
As for the sexual education of children during the Mexican Revolution, it was fairly short-lived. Parents arose as never before.
As for the sexual education of children during the Mexican Revolution, it was fairly short-lived. Parents arose as never before. There were petitions, protests and harassment of teachers engaged in such instruction. Passions were so intense that offending teachers were even killed by over-enthusiast mothers.
Fr. Parsons classifies one such incident as “drama bordering on tragi-comic.” The mayor of Zacatecas daughter was exposed to disrobing with all of her classmates by a certain teacher. When the good mayor was informed, he fetched his revolver. He proceeded to the school and called the offending teacher outside. When she came out, he was waving his hand gun frantically and told the teacher in a stern voice, “My daughter disrobes only in the presence of her mother. You have committed an outrage against her. But since that is your new teaching, you should be ready to do it yourself. Take off your clothes, and I will take off mine!”
The teacher screamed, fainted and had to be carried away. She experienced what Fr. Parsons diagnosed as a “nervous breakdown.”
What To Do?
Since 2022-USA is not 1935-Mexico, our solutions will be different. American moms will not be murdering teachers any time soon and American dads will not be forcing female teachers to undress at gunpoint in front of the school.
We can fight for our kids and for all American kids to secure traditional values and culture.
Traditional-minded Americans surely have their “work cut out for them,” but impressive progress is being made. State legislators are responding favorably to school choice initiatives. Momentum is building and state politicians respond to citizen momentum in their state. Their political instinct is to get ahead of that momentum. In addition, advocacy groups have become more sophisticated. They have grown in number, in size and in effectiveness. Finally, home school and virtual school curriculum and techniques have never been better.
What to do? Traditional Catholics have and should step up. We can fight for our kids and for all American kids to secure traditional values and culture. With the momentum that has been building, we CAN win this battle!
At the same time, the battle will be advancing Western Civilization and preparing for Christ The King. Viva Cristo Rey!
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