And here at The Remnant we’re looking forward to a welcome new addition to our family now that my son (and righthand man at Remnant TV), Walter Matt, has made it official: Next summer, he will be entering into holy matrimony with his high school sweetheart, Miss Olivia Rao.
For years, we’ve been asking God to “unite the clans” of Catholic resistance against the enemies of everything we hold sacred, but we never thought He’d take us quite this literally. The Matt and Rao clans are physically uniting after having been united in spirit and friendship for nearly a half-century.
I’ve known Olivia since she was a little girl, and I’ve known her father, John Rao, for a lot longer than that. When we look around today, in fact, we’re hard-pressed to find anyone who’s been knocking around these trenches longer than we have.
So, I guess this union of our children is God’s way of letting these two old warhorses know that, at some point, we’re going to have to hand on the baton. I ask Remnant readers to keep these two young people in your prayers.
May God bless and Mary keep Walter and Olivia all the days of their lives.
The Coming Victory
Dickens wrote it, but I’d apply it to our times: These are both the best and the worst of times, darker than any we’ve ever seen. But isn’t it true that it’s always darkest just before the dawn?
Yes, but we face outright persecution today!
Persecution proves only that the Revolution has run out of ideas.
Indeed, and so did they, and yet they survived. And didn’t Hilaire Belloc observe that persecution of Christians is merely a sign that the Revolution has failed and that the enemies of the Cross must again resort to killing those they’ve failed to deceive?
Persecution proves only that the Revolution has run out of ideas. So, is hope even possible anymore, even on Christmas? Look at the world around you. It’s dark, and persecution of Christianity is rising. But one doesn't persecute that which will be dead soon enough. Tyrants only persecute that which is very much alive, and which will otherwise rise up and destroy them.
We are alive, and with God’s help, we will live to see this Revolution destroyed, even in the Church.
Francis of Rome, like Nero before him, may think persecution is the only way to defeat the Christians. Rome is burning from a fire of his own making, and he’s blaming us for it again. He’s coming after the Mass and wants to eradicate the traditional Sacraments.
Francis is cracking down on the Traditional Latin Mass by motu proprio... literally, on his own initiative. Why? Because traditional Catholics present a clear and present danger to the builders of the New World Order whom Francis serves.
What of it? He will fail, just as Nero did. He will fail to cut off our lifelines because, unbeknownst to Francis, these come from God Himself. And he’s lying about why he’s doing this, by the way. Remnant columnist, Diane Montagna, has proven that, contrary to what Francis claims, most bishops in the world have not called for the end of the Latin Mass.
Francis is cracking down on the Traditional Latin Mass by motu proprio... literally, on his own initiative. Why? Because traditional Catholics present a clear and present danger to the builders of the New World Order whom Francis serves.
Because Michael Davies was right when he consistently maintained right here in these columns thirty years ago that “It’s the Mass that matters!”
Because our war is not against flesh and blood but Principalities and Powers, and the old Latin Mass is the greatest spiritual weapon Hell has ever seen.
The early Traditionalists were right, and Francis knows it. And why is it the Mass that matters? Because our war is not against flesh and blood but Principalities and Powers, and the old Latin Mass is the greatest spiritual weapon Hell has ever seen.
That’s why they went after it in the first place, and that’s why Francis is going after it now.
The takeaway? The Revolution has failed, so long as a remnant perseveres. They failed 50 years ago, and they will fail again now. It is the Mass that matters, the Traditional Latin Mass… not the “Extraordinary Form” of the Roman Rite. Everyone from Paul VI to Francis knows that the “New Mass”, the “Novus Ordo”, bears no resemblance to the venerable Roman Rite of our fathers.
So, no more “Extraordinary Form”, no more “Usus Antiquior”, no more “Mass of St. John XXIII”. Please! We’re all done with that.Everything is out in the open now. Even Pope Benedict’s attempt at damage control has backfired. His “ordinary/extraordinary” effort to invent a hermeneutic of continuity has been cancelled by Rome as a failed experiment.
Francis is right when he says the Traditional Latin Mass presents a threat to the Modernist Revolution. It does!
But here's the thing: Francis is right—this is a new religion; there is no hermeneutic of continuity.
Francis is right when he accuses Traditional Catholics of rejecting the novelties of Vatican II. We do!
Francis is right when he says the Traditional Latin Mass presents a threat to the Modernist Revolution. It does!
And it’s precisely because we reject the “Great Reset” of Vatican II that Francis the Globalist is shutting down the Traditional Latin Mass.
But you know what this means? It means they couldn’t break us. They couldn’t seduce us. They couldn’t cajole or intimidate us into compliance.
They thought they’d won the battle against Holy Tradition fifty years ago. But they were wrong. Francis’s act of desperation against the Latin Mass proves just how wrong.
Three generations of Traditional Catholics are woke to what this has been about since the very beginning. We lived through the worst of it, which is why resisting Francis will be easy for us now, equipped as we are with night vision and 20/20 hindsight.
We remember well what happened when just one bishop resisted them once before. He frustrated the Revolution for the next half century. When they tried to “excommunicate” him, they only succeeded in making a hero of him. And from the grave ever since, he’s been summoning tens of thousands to come to the aid of Mother Church.
No wonder the pope himself was finally forced to initiate Operation Novus Ordo Survival. Francis will fail, just as Paul VI failed, because the Traditional Latin Mass is not of this world and Francis is no match for God.
They thought they’d won the battle against Holy Tradition fifty years ago. But they were wrong. Francis’s act of desperation against the Latin Mass proves just how wrong. Every practicing Catholic now knows exactly where this Revolution has been heading since the beginning. The whole world is witnessing what happens when the moral voice of Mother Church is silenced: A global graveyard of aborted babies, whole countries full of broken families, desolate cities of closed churches, generations of suicidal children, mass apostasy and global lockdown.
And now the future of the whole world depends on the Children of Light, literally. We have thousands of good priests, many of whom are fully prepared to go underground and become the new Vendeans, the new Cristeros, the new martyrs of Tyburn.
The Traditional Catholics were right. It is Christ or chaos. The New Mass really was liturgical revolution. In hindsight it’s so easy to see that no movement in history has ever been more wholly vindicated than Traditional Catholicism in 2021.
And now the future of the whole world depends on the Children of Light, literally. We have thousands of good priests, many of whom are fully prepared to go underground and become the new Vendeans, the new Cristeros, the new martyrs of Tyburn.
We have many more than just one bishop. Lead on, Your Excellencies!
We have millions of allies the world over. And we have the promise and guarantee of a future: Large families, the veritable embodiment of that future, while the globalists, on the other hand, are barren as bricks. They have two sacraments: Abortion which murders their future, and “Gay Marriage” which prevents it from ever being conceived.
Victory for us, dear friends, is merely to fulfill the purpose for which were born: to know, love and serve God to the very end.
So, bring on the Reset and that towering babble of a New World Order. Traditional Catholics have been in training for this moment all our lives, and we know exactly what victory means: It means keeping the Faith no matter how hard Modernists attempt to crush it.
We know exactly what defeat means, too: Abandoning the Faith in exchange for the false promises of this Revolution against God Himself. The line in the sand is clearly drawn, and there are only two fronts on this battlefield now: The Children of Light vs. the Children of Darkness. God has made all things clear, and the choice is easy.
Merry Christmas? Yes, wholeheartedly and maybe merrier than ever before. We’ve made it through the dark night, and the sky is turning gray in the East. We stand with God, waiting for the sun to rise.
It is the greatest honor of our lives to stand with the Children of Light— the ones who never abandoned Him, never gave up hope and thus were able to take the worst the Revolution can give... and remain standing, defiant, and believing.
Victory for us, dear friends, is merely to fulfill the purpose for which were born: to know, love and serve God to the very end. That’s it, that’s all, and that’s everything, especially since we have lived long enough to see what the ugly alternative looks like: death, darkness, despair and defeat.
Kneeling before the Child King of Bethlehem this Christmas has never seemed more natural. The prevailing chaos in the world today has made it all so clear: He truly is Lux Mundi, the only Truth and the only Way forward.
It is the greatest honor of our lives to stand with the Children of Light— the ones who never abandoned Him, never gave up hope and thus were able to take the worst the Revolution can give... and remain standing, defiant, and believing.
Blessed be God forever, and Merry Christmas to the Soldiers of Jesus Christ standing at the ready all over the world. We at The Remnant are honored to stand with you.
Let us unite the clans in the New Year and for however long this takes. Keep the Faith. Puer natus in Bethlehem, Alleluia. Unde gaudet Jerusalem. Alleluia.
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