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Headline News Articles

This just in from the Daily Caller: “Don’t expect new Christmas stamps this year because for the first time in decades the U.S. Postal Service won’t issue a new stamp depicting any Christian religious figure or symbol. No baby Jesus. No Mary. And none of the three wise men…

In 45 of the last 50 years, the postal service has printed new images for each Christmas season, including Mary, angels, wise men, Nativity scenes, the Star of David and even Santa Claus. But this year, all of them have been banished from the production presses.

REMNANT COMMENT: Have no fear, however, because there will be “A Charlie Brown Christmas” stamp — including “Linus kneeling by a scrawny Christmas tree, Snoopy and children ice skating, Charlie Brown checking his mail box, Linus leaning on a snowy brick wall and Charlie Brown standing in front of Snoopy’s doghouse. There will be one with Charlie Brown and a Christmas tree.”

Christ was dropped from Christmas long ago, of course, and replaced by various cartoon characters. Christ was dropped from Easter some time back, too, and magically turned into a rabbit.

But, really, honestly, seriously—there’s no Christophobia in America. For hell's sake, don't be ridiculous! 

Yes, so this is the headline over at the Catholic Herald, and here are some snippets:

A three-week Synod of Bishops to talk in the abstract about Catholic teaching on the family makes no sense to Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna.

“We are all called to observe the situation, not gazing from above and beginning with abstract ideas, but with the gaze of pastors who scrutinize today’s reality in an evangelical spirit,” the cardinal said in an interview with Jesuit Fr Antonio Spadaro, editor of La Civiltà Cattolica.

In the early September interview, the cardinal spoke about his experience at the extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family last year, about his own parents’ divorce, about the relationships of his friends and about his hopes for the world Synod of Bishops on the family next month...

Cardinal Schönborn spoke in the interview about a gay friend of his who, after many temporary relationships, is now in a stable relationship. “It’s an improvement,” he said. They share “a life, they share their joys and sufferings, they help one another. It must be recognized that this person took an important step for his own good and the good of others, even though it certainly is not a situation the Church can consider ‘regular’.”

The Church’s negative “judgment about homosexual acts is necessary”, he said, “but the Church should not look in the bedroom first, but in the dining room! It must accompany people.” READ ARTICLE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: Behold the soft and seductive words of the quintessential Modernist: Oh yes, the Church's infallible teachings are just that, infallible. But Jesus needs us to demand more of ourselves, to reach further out of ourselves to find a way to lovingly open our arms and our doors to all. No sin is too much for mercy. Kindness and forgiveness trumps all. blah, blah, blah.

And always and forever the one missing component—the 900-pound gorilla in the parlor—is never even mentioned--REPENTANCE.

Yes, the Church is merciful as is Christ, but Christ does not forgive that for which we are not sorry. That's the way it works, Your Eminence. Remember your catechism?

By the way, is Ignatius Press going to continue to sell the books by this disturbed and disturbing prelate?

From La Porte Latine:

Fr. Bouchacourt, the Superior, the priests, and the brethren of the District of France confide to your prayers the repose of the soul of Mrs. Guy Fellay, mother of His Excellency Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, deceased September 3, 2015, on the feast of St. Pius X. The evening before she received extreme unction at the hands of her son.

Her funeral will be celebrated Saturday, September 5, 2015 at 10:00 at the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Econe by Bishop Fellay, and he will be presiding over her interment in the cemetery of Fully.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Madame Fellay RIP


This today from "In a sermon on August 23, Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich called for Catholics to be open to “new avenues of creativity” when it comes to non-traditional families. The remarks were made during a ceremony where Cupich received a pallium, a wool stole that symbolizes a connection to the pope. READ ARTICLE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: The Pope's Archbishop of Chicago has been hard at work setting the stage for the Pope Francis Part II "Synod on the Family", and I think we need to understand just what is happening here.  Just who are they who view the Church's traditions "too narrowly"?

In a sermon on August 23, Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich called for Catholics to be open to “new avenues of creativity” when it comes to non-traditional families.  (aka divorced and remarried civilly and sodomite unions)

I hope we all can figure out just what that means, not make dumb excuses; and then he went on:

In his homily Cupich praised Pope Francis: “His service is needed lest we begin to treat the church’s tradition too narrowly and forget the history of our faith and the treasures we have.

I don't think it is much of  stretch to say that Archbishop Cupich is the Pope's Archbishop when it comes to supporting the acceptance of those in serious mortal sin to further exacerbate their sacrilege and receive Our Lord unworthily.  Is this what the Pope and his Cardinal Theologian Kasper call Mercy; ensuring those in mortal sin a permanent place in Hell?  

This from "The Springfield Catholic Diocese’s new school policy could call into question parents’ lifestyles, especially if they go against Catholic teaching, and takes a new approach toward a more Protestant tradition of tithing.

"The Family School Agreement would also require that non-Catholic families to attend Mass weekly and contribute to Catholic parishes, even while in most instances paying higher tuition rates at those schools.

"The agreement, modeled after a Wichita, Kansas, plan, was issued by Springfield Bishop Thomas John Paprocki on July 20, but some Springfield schools haven’t made parents or legal guardians sign it.

"In a letter to pastors and principals, obtained by The State Journal-Register, Paprocki acknowledged that the agreement was initiated in part when a same-sex married couple tried to enroll their adopted children at a Springfield elementary school, later identified as Christ the King.

"One of the points of the agreement — which was recommended by the diocese’s Presbyteral Council, a 20-member senate of the bishop that acts in a consultative nature, and approved by Paprocki — is the expectation that parents, adoptive parents or legal guardians of children enrolled in Catholic schools meet with their parish pastor if they are “not living in accord with church teaching.”

That would take in persons who are divorced and remarried but haven’t been granted an annulment, unmarried couples living together, and people who are in same-sex marriages or partnerships.

Although recognized by civil law, same-sex marriages are not recognized by the Catholic Church.  READ MORE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: Isn't it something how far down the proverbial rabbit hole the Church of Vatican II has fallen, that for a Catholic bishop to attempt to achieve even minimal complaisance with church teaching on the part of parents whose children are enrolled in private Catholic schools is now some big, bad, scary controversial thing. Hats off to Bishop Paprocki for trying, of course, and let's hope and pray other bishops follow his lead in deciding to actually become Catholic again, run Catholic schools, and assert the superiority of Catholic morals and dogmas in the public square. The modern world desperately needs the teachings and liturgies and schools of the old Catholic Church, so let's stop hiding it all under bushel baskets of political correctness and New Church gobbledygook.

May 29, 2015 ( -- The grave effects of Ireland’s May 22 referendum in favor of same-sex “marriages,” not only for the secular world, but also especially for the Catholic Church, are showing themselves already.

None other than the leading cardinal who has promoted the liberal agenda for the two-part Synod of Bishops on the Family, Cardinal Walter Kasper, has now come out publicly and with force, telling the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera that the Church needs to address more fully the question of same-sex couples. This topic was at the last Synod “only a marginal topic, but now it becomes central,” Kasper said on Wednesday.

Kasper also defended the vote of the Irish in favor of homosexual “marriages,” saying: “A democratic state has the duty to respect the will of the people; and it seems clear that, if the majority of the people wants such homosexual unions, the state has a duty to recognize such rights.” He also said that the Irish referendum is “emblematic for the situation in which we find ourselves, not only in Europe, but in the whole West.” Kasper also said: “The postmodern concept – following which everything is equal – stands in contrast to the doctrine of the Church.” READ ARTICLE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: When will this apostate cardinal have officially excommunicated himself? Please, canon lawyers out there--what's it going to take?

State Labor Commissioner Mark Costello was stabbed to death Sunday night at a northwest Oklahoma City restaurant in what sources say was an attempted reconciliation gone bad with his son.Costello’s son, Christian Costello, 26, was taken into police custody and was being questioned by detectives late Sunday. Police confirmed Christian was the son of Mark Costello, who also had two other sons and two daughters. READ FULL STORY HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: Mark Costello was a tradition-minded Catholic who had been a student of the late, great Dr. John Senior back in the 1970s.  Please pray for the repose of his soul and for the terrible suffering of his family and mentally ill son.

The White House announced Raffi Freedman-Gurspan's appointment on Tuesday.

Freedman-Gurspan is an outreach and recruitment director for presidential personnel in the Office of Personnel.

Transgender advocates say she is the first openly transgender official to serve in the White House.

According to, White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett says Freedman-Gurspan's commitment to improving the lives of transgender Americans reflects the values of the Obama administration.

REMNANT COMMENT: Touch 'em all, Raffi!

Today on "Trump's immigration proposals are as dangerous as they are stunning," railed amnesty activist Frank Sharry.

"Trump ... promises to rescind protections for Dreamers and deport them. He wants to redefine the constitutional definition of U.S. citizenship as codified by the 14th Amendment. He plans to impose a moratorium on legal immigration."

While Sharry is a bit hysterical, he is not entirely wrong.

For the six-page policy paper, to secure America's border and send back aliens here illegally, released by Trump last weekend, is the toughest, most comprehensive, stunning immigration proposal of the election cycle.

The Trump folks were aided by people around Sen. Jeff Sessions who says Trump's plan "reestablishes the principle that America's immigration laws should serve the interests of its own citizens."

The issue is joined, the battle lines are drawn, and the GOP will debate and may decide which way America shall go. And the basic issues — how to secure our borders, whether to repatriate the millions here illegally, whether to declare a moratorium on immigration into the USA — are part of a greater question.

Will the West endure, or disappear by the century's end as another lost civilization? Mass immigration, if it continues, will be more decisive in deciding the fate of the West than Islamist terrorism. For the world is invading the West.

A wild exaggeration? Consider. READ PAT'S ARTICLE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT by James Cunningham: Eye-opening and provocative mind-blowing stats and facts.  Can we afford to take in the refugees of the world without becoming a third world country in the process?  I think not.  The liberals are running out of "other people's money."

Over at The Stream, John Zmirak has an interesting article on the Planned Parenthood outrage that includes the following, a veritable schooling of Mark Shea: "Catholic writer Mark Shea is leading the charge against Planned Parenthood’s critics. On July 21, Shea condemned the Center for Medical Progress in an online Catholic radio broadcast, where he also said that families sheltering Jews during the Holocaust would have sinned by deceiving the Nazis who hunted those Jews. At 35:30 he quipped, “The issue is not and never has been figuring out how to lie well; the issue is figuring out how to hide your Jews well.” Then he chortled heartily.

"Curiously, Shea has no previous track record of condemning the use of deception by police trapping pedophiles, CIA operatives fighting terrorism, or animal rights activists infiltrating factory farms. But over several years, Shea has spilled tens of thousands of words denouncing pro-life investigative reporters who infiltrated Planned Parenthood, even alleging that these pro-lifers had endangered their immortal souls by “tempting” professional abortionists into sin. You see, the prolife investigators of Live Action, including Lila Rose, showed up at abortion clinics and made fake appointments, trying to see if the clinics were willing to violate relevant laws. According to Shea, Rose was playing the evil temptress by doing that, urging someone to sin … because they intended to give her an abortion, so they sinned as gravely as a murderer who shoots but misses. She “tempted” them to do that, so she is just as guilty. Really?"  READ ARTICLE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: Really? I always knew Mark Shea prided himself on carrying water for liberals and "progressives" inside the Catholic Church.  But now it begins to appear that liberals anywhere and everywhere can expect to benefit from Mark's peculiar style of brown-nosing should Mr. “I’m So Much More Reasonable Than Those Guys” Shea see an opportunity. Like Donald Trump trying to split political hairs yesterday by defending "certain aspects" of PP "important work for women's health", will Mark actually carry water, albeit in Dixie cups in this case, for Planned Parenthood if it means more thumbs up on his blog? Surely not....Right?

Over at, John Zmirak has an interesting article on the latest Planned Parenthood outrage that includes a veritable schooling of Mark Shea: "Catholic writer Mark Shea is leading the charge against Planned Parenthood’s critics. On July 21, Shea condemned the Center for Medical Progress in an online Catholic radio broadcast, where he also said that families sheltering Jews during the Holocaust would have sinned by deceiving the Nazis who hunted those Jews. At 35:30 he quipped, “The issue is not and never has been figuring out how to lie well; the issue is figuring out how to hide your Jews well.” Then he chortled heartily.

"Curiously, Shea has no previous track record of condemning the use of deception by police trapping pedophiles, CIA operatives fighting terrorism, or animal rights activists infiltrating factory farms. But over several years, Shea has spilled tens of thousands of words denouncing pro-life investigative reporters who infiltrated Planned Parenthood, even alleging that these pro-lifers had endangered their immortal souls by “tempting” professional abortionists into sin. You see, the prolife investigators of Live Action, including Lila Rose, showed up at abortion clinics and made fake appointments, trying to see if the clinics were willing to violate relevant laws. According to Shea, Rose was playing the evil temptress by doing that, urging someone to sin … because they intended to give her an abortion, so they sinned as gravely as a murderer who shoots but misses. She “tempted” them to do that, so she is just as guilty. Really?"  READ ARTICLE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: Really? I always knew Mark Shea prided himself on carrying water for liberals and "progressives" inside the Catholic Church.  But now it begins to appear that liberals anywhere and everywhere can expect to benefit from Mark's peculiar style of brown-nosing should Mr. “I’m So Much More Reasonable Than Thooooose Guys” Shea see an opportunity. Like Donald Trump trying to split political hairs yesterday by defending "certain aspects" of PP "important work for women's health", will Mark actually carry water, albeit in Dixie cups in this case, for Planned Parenthood if it means more thumbs up on his blog? Surely not! So what's this all about? We're all at war with the Culture of Death, right? So why the need to go all school marm against the folks who ripped the mask off the diabolical Planned Parenthood?  Because they supposedly lied? Really, so that venial sin means the expose itself is inadmissible and evil. Puh-leeze! Besides, the Church's teaching on making false statements, mental reservation, and deception is way more nuanced than Shea evidently realizes.