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Monday, September 14, 2015

“Many Feel Physical Violence Toward the Pontiff”? A Clarification

By:   Rembrandt Clancy
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“Many Feel Physical Violence Toward the Pontiff”? A Clarification

The inclusion of the phrase "physical aggression coming up against the pontiff" together with other quotations from the article by Edward Pentin in the National Catholic Register (11 Sept. 2015) may be causing confusion.  You mention the phrase in your video BOMBSHELL: Bishop Morlino Apologizes to the SSPX.   Pentin's article, at least as it currently stands, makes no mention of the phrase; nor does it appear, at least not any longer, in the Zeit Online article entitled Aufstand gegen Franziskus (Rebellion against the Pope); nor is it in Zeit Online's original source for the article, its very own portal, Christ & Welt.

Possibly the phrase was mentioned in an earlier draft of Pentin's article [indeed it was. MJM], for the following advisory appears at the bottom of the current version of it:  "Update 12 Sept: Some additions to the text and improvements to the translation have since been inserted in this post."  

It appears that Zeit Online has deleted a final sentence of the first paragraph, which made reference to clerics feeling physically aggressive toward the pontiff.  On 11 September 2015, a blog called "Brights - Die Natur des Zweifels" posted just the first two paragraphs of the Zeit Online article (10 September 2015), inclusive of the following sentence:

Mancher Prälat verspürt gar physische Aggressionen gegen den Pontifex und teilt das unter dem Schutz der Anonymität auch mit.

Many a prelate feels even physical violence toward the Pontiff and they confide that under the protection of anonymity.

In addition, there is one other article by the same German correspondent, Julius Müller-Meiningen, treating the theme of the new Moto Proprio, and these contain the very same sentence found in the Brights blog.  Müller-Meiningen's additional article appears under two different titles: I refer you to "Gift und Galle" gegen den Papst" ("'Poison and Bile' against the Pope"), which is to be found at Saarbruecker Zeitung (11 September), and also to the Badische Zeitung (14 September), where the article appears under the title Es grummelt im Vatikan ("Rumblings in the Vatican").

For context, I provide the unredacted first paragraph taken from Brights, including the German original followed by my translation.  The relevant sentence is highlighted in each language:

Das Maß ist für sie voll. In drei Wochen kommen die katholischen Bischöfe aus aller Welt im Vatikan zusammen, um bei der Synode über den künftigen Kurs ihrer Kirche zu beraten. Die Geistlichen werden in Rom auf einen Apparat treffen, der dem Papst endgültig den Kampf angesagt hat. In den heiligen Hallen der Kurie zirkuliert ein Dossier, das Christ und Welt in der ZEIT vorliegt und in dem die vermeintlichen Sünden des Papstes systematisch aufgelistet werden. "Franziskus hat seine Maske fallen lassen", sagt ein hoher Geistlicher im Vatikan.  Mancher Prälat verspürt gar physische Aggressionen gegen den Pontifex und teilt das unter dem Schutz der Anonymität auch mit.

Enough is enough as far as they are concerned!  In three weeks Catholic bishops from all over the world will convene at the Synod for consultation on the future course of their Church.  In Rome, the clerics will encounter a document which once and for all has declared war on the Pope.  In the hallowed halls of the curia there circulates a dossier, which is in possession of Christ und Welt in der Zeit, and in which the putative sins of the Pope are methodically tabulated.  "Francis has let slip his mask", said a high ranking cleric in the Vatican.  Many a prelate feels even physical violence toward the Pontiff and they confide that under the protection of anonymity.

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Last modified on Tuesday, September 15, 2015