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In this RTV Spotlight, Michael Matt discusses the truly unprecedented papal endorsement of sodomidical unions. Although Pope Francis says not one word about the act of sodomy, he is now calling for states to legalize same-sex unions, by which homosexual couples can establish themselves as a "family". He even encourages homosexual couples to bring their adopted children to church, as he brags about how he meets with them publicly inside the Vatican.

In recent days, we have seen a few indications that more bishops are opposing Francis’s attacks on the Catholic Church. In her report on the prospect of further restrictions on the Tridentine Mass, Diane Montagna noted that members of the Roman Curia are resisting additional persecution of Traditional Catholics:

“[T]here is considerable resistance from members of the Roman Curia, who believe Pope Francis’ promulgation of either apostolic constitution would send the Church into uncharted waters, further wound Christ’s Mystical Body, and be seen (by Catholics and non-Catholics alike) as a cruel and divisive act.”

Editor’s Note: What follows could double as a form letter for those priests who will be forced to disobey an unjust order in the very near future. They will be ordered to stop offering the Traditional Latin Mass, and many of them will disobey. But this need not be an act of defiance against their bishops. The villain here is Pope Francis. He is the one who has issued orders that put the bishops in a difficult spot. And neither should this disobedience be seen as permanent. The situation under Francis is completely unsustainable, and, in God’s good time, the Latin Mass will be restored, just as it was after the 1970s when the Latin Mass was “abrogated,” “outlawed,” and “never coming back.” No force on earth can destroy the Latin Mass, not even a Jesuit bulldozer like Francis. Please share this letter with your priests so that together we can all prepare for the inevitable. And, remember, this has all happened before. God is in charge. MJM

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In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael J. Matt takes on YouTube, Facebook, and the superstar of Big Tech – Pope Francis.

RTV was banned from posting on YouTube this week for allowing pro-life warrior, Abby Johnson, to explain how Big Abortion exploits women and contributes to human trafficking.

This, according to YouTube, “violates our medical misinformation standards.”  Well, of course it does!

The irony is this: Francis just got his very own YouTube Original documentary, all about – you guessed it! – him!

Remnant Editor’s Introductory Note
Over the course of the last few years, it has become abundantly obvious that the powers that be – in both the Church and the State – have  essentially lost control of their own ambition to tear down the institutions that came before. That ambition inside the human element of the Catholic Church today is not limited merely to the cancelation of the Traditional Mass and Sacraments. In the future, any Catholic who adheres to the Church’s infallibly defined teachings on sex, marriage, life, and salvation outside the Catholic Church can expect to be condemned as a “rigorist” who has no place inside of the Church of Accompaniment. So, for example, there is a great deal of talk just now about the suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass. But let us not forget that Pope Francis’s liturgical crackdown was first leveled against the Novus Ordo itself. Team Francis banned all private Masses at the heart of Christendom, inside the Basilica of St. Peter, long before they’d decided to take steps to cancel the Latin Mass worldwide. And now with the alliance between the Vatican and the Great Reset cabal – with their fanatical pursuit of Agenda 2030 – it is not just traditional Catholics that need to be looking over their shoulder. Any bishop who defends the Church’s Bible-based moral theology against “gay marriage” or gender ideology in the future will not find a safe haven inside the Vatican when the new Gestapo comes calling. The late Francis Cardinal George hinted at this when he predicted “my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square.” Indeed. The witch hunt now is focused on Traditional Catholics, but it won’t be long before the battle cry on the lips of every faithful Catholic will be: “We are all Traditionalists now!”  For this reason, I am not surprised that His Excellency Bishop Robert Barron of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester has made a pastoral effort to stand with Traditional Catholics in his diocese by offering them a beautiful place to offer Mass, despite the draconian lockdown measures laid out in Traditionis Custodes. Disagreements notwithstanding, Bishop Barron is a man of faith who seems to understand the dystopian nightmare into which Christophobic secularism always leads. Rather than an attack on His Excellency, the following article is meant to be a sincere effort to reach out to him and to encourage him to see the entire trajectory of this Revolution – a trajectory firmly rooted in the so-called Spirit of Vatican II. It all starts there, and we cannot understand what is happening to the Church today if we refuse to acknowledge what happened to her in 1965. MJM

Italian Translation

VATICAN CITY, February 18, 2023—The Remnant has learned that a Vatican document is currently under review by Pope Francis that would expand and reinforce his 2021 Motu proprio Traditionis Custodes, affirm that the only official liturgy of the Latin Rite is the Novus Ordo, and stringently regulate the ex-Ecclesia Dei communities.

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In this RTV Spotlight, Michael Matt discusses the accusation leveled against Traditional Catholics by everyone from Pope Francis to the FBI to the radically Leftist Southern Poverty Law Center, i.e., that we “reject Vatican II”. Well, is that true? If so, what does it mean? And if it’s not true, why are they all accusing us of it? What is it about Vatican II that makes it absolutely essential for all Catholics to “accept” under pain of being suspect of “domestic terrorism”?


Lieutenant Colonel Pete C. Chambers was in the United States Army in two major stints inside a period of thirty-nine years. He enlisted at the age of eighteen, and went on to become a Paratrooper, a Green Beret, and a flight surgeon. Lt. Col. Chambers is, to the best of his knowledge, the first doctor to go on to become a Green Beret in the U.S. Army’s nearly two hundred and fifty-year history. There are now a total of just five Green Beret medical doctors, he says, placing him in one of the most elite categories on earth.

The irony is rich – conservative Catholic faux “journalists,” reacting to the FBI witch hunt by joining in on the blanket party against traditional Catholics: “We’re not like THOSE people!”  These useful idiots actually did their damnedest to substantiate the FBI’s trumped-up charge that traditional Catholics are basically one migraine away from becoming “domestic terrorists.” 

New from RTV...

Good news! The FBI helps to raise the profile of the worldwide traditional Catholic movement.

In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael J. Matt provides the backstory behind the recent  FBI memo recommending surveillance of Latin Mass Catholics as potential domestic terrorists. Although the FBI HQ recalled the Richmond memo one day after the FBI whistleblower leaked the memo, Michael argues that there is more to this story. A lot more!

In this address by pro-life warrior -- and former Planned Parenthood director -- Abby Johnson, the question of Pope Francis's position on the life issue is addressed.

Introduced by Michael J. Matt, Mrs. Johnson delivers one of the most powerful pro-life presentations of 2022. Every bishop in American must watch this video. Here's how a Catholic defends the unborn!

For more information on the Catholic Identity Conference 2023: