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In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael J. Matt offers his opinion on those who take it upon themselves to declare the invalidity of the pontificate of Pope Francis.

Plus, big news out of Canada. After a 2-year investigation and multiple excavations, an Indigenous task force finds no evidence of human remains under the Catholic Residential Schools in Canada.  So, now what? Will Pope Francis apologize for his apology?

New from RTV...

In this Sunday Sermon, Father speaks about the threat of another COVID lockdown, and urges his faithful not to fall for it. He refused the first time to be shut down, and instead took the Mass to the parking lot (he is the original Parking Lot Priest), where it remained until the Bishops of Minnesota told the Governor that they were done complying and would open up their churches. If necessary, Father will return to the parking lot, becuase he will NEVER allow his flock to be without the Mass and sacraments. 

Listen and resolve to do whatever it takes to stay close to God and keep your thoughts your own, no matter what the Godless Globalist regime has in store. 

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Whatever Comes, Do NOT Comply


No, the sky is not falling. . . at least not yet.

For those who weren't aware, The Remnant is the world's oldest Traditional Catholic newspaper. It was founded by my father back in 1967, in response to Vatican II and the modernism he saw creeping into the Church even before the Council detonated. I took over the business in 1995 and have been its Editor ever since. 

Introduction by M. Matt: Left on its own, Tradition will reconquer the entire Catholic world. I am pleased to present the following sermon as Exhibit A. This sermon was presented by a diocesan priest whom I had never met but recently encountered while on the road. The reality is that, no matter where I travel, I encounter priests and congregations of faithful who are keeping the "old faith" regardless of what is happening in Rome. What follows is a sermon on the doctrine of mercy that may be the best I have ever heard on the subject. Was it delivered by a priest of the SSPX? The FSSP? The ICK? No, it was a diocesan priest whom I encountered quite by accident. This sermon doubles as another indication that there is a serious war going on at the diocesan level. Francis has gone too far, and many good priests have had enough. Many thanks to Father X for his courage and good words to keep the sheep engaged and ready to fight for the old Faith of our fathers. MJM 

“Like the child who takes a perverse pleasure in destroying, it seems that Congar had no greater joy in life than that of witnessing the dilapidation of the treasure of the Church and the destruction of the unity of the Mystical Body of Christ.” (Fr. Dominique Bourmaud, One Hundred Years of Modernism)

New from RTV on the Road...

Michael Matt, on the road in Cajun country, discusses the slaughter of 500,000 pioneer traditional Catholics a couple hundred years ago in the Vendee. Never heard of it? Not surprising! Before Michael Matt and the late Michael Davies led a pilgrimage to the Vendee in 1995an event that led to the publication of the book, "For Altar and Throne: The Rising in the Vendee"very few Americans had ever even heard of the Vendee. And what's worse, most French didn't know anything about it, either, since this massive civil war was not taught in French schools. It still isn't, in fact, because it puts the lie to the fake news story that the Enlightenment was all about liberty. Not so!  The first act of the Enlightenment in France was a genocidal extermination of half a million French Catholics.

In one of my latest efforts, I sort of took some heat from readers who felt that my piece had a stronger political tone than the spiritual one which I had hoped to achieve.

It is understandable. The topic of human trafficking in general and more specifically child sex trafficking has finally come out of the shadows with the release of the movie “Sound of Freedom”. So stories that for decades only saw the light of day in alternative media and were roundly delegitimized as figments of some delusional imagination have become validated as the movie took the nation by storm.

New from RTV...

Donald Trump is done with the Branch Covidians, finally. Enough is enough. Every rational person in America knows this Covid think is a sham and a scam designed to control us and, while they're at it, eliminate free elections in America once and for all. Operation Warp Speed, RIP. Thanks be to God!

Thursday, August 31, 2023



There is only one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one can be saved.” (Innocent III and the Fourth Ecumenical Council of the Lateran, 1215)

Spadaro’s words [from his article "Seeds of the Revolution: Jesus Praises great Faith of Pagan Woman" see below] are like a puddle of sewage containing the scum of the worst Modernism that has been plaguing the Church for more than a century.

New from Remnant TV...

It’s coming back this fall, but are the covid lockdowns absolutely necessary to keep you safe? Well, it depends on how you score on the Asch Conformity Experiment.

Padre DJ “pumps up the jams” for young people in devil’s horns and witches’ costumes. But Pope Francis blessed his headphones, anyway, and then invited him to World Youth Day.