Never before in the history of the Church has there been a Mass that
featured women in the sanctuary, laymen giving out Holy Communion, Communion
being given out in the hand, altar girls, polka and rock music, clowns, kissing and
hugging, priests offering Mass facing the people, etc.
Today these
things have developed despite the fact that the Second Vatican Council
never called for such irreverent changes in the Mass. These changes in the
Mass have led to widespread loss of Faith among Catholics.
The Remnant sees itself as one of the many voices
crying out against abusive liturgical and doctrinal aberrations such as
Clown Masses, women priests, Communion in the hand, erroneous Theology,
abusive and sacrilegious liturgical innovations, the abandonment of
preaching the Four Last Things,
the denial of sin and hell, the rise of phony ecumenism (which states that
there is little or no difference between Catholicism and Protestantism, or
between Catholicism and Mohammedanism or any other monotheistic religion,
and that all religions are good), the annulment abuse, the abuse of NFP,
The Crisis
The Remnant has been fighting against this revolution in the Church for
over forty years, just as it has been fighting against the errors
that infect the modern state-- Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, the New
World Order, a degenerate youth culture, the abortion epidemic, euthanasia, sex education, etc.
Many of
the abuses in the Catholic liturgy and in Catholic teaching have been
sanctioned by priests and bishops, which is why most Catholics
have been afraid to object to the near-constant attacks against traditional
Catholicism which they see and hear at their local parishes. And, although
in normal times laymen should not object to what priests and bishops may be
teaching, these are not normal times.
Oftentimes, it is Modernist priests
and bishops who are pushing radical and
novel doctrinal and liturgical ideas, and, even though Catholics must respect
their office, we are called upon to oppose Modernist thinking and radical new
liturgical innovations which go contrary to the traditional teachings of the
Holy Roman Catholic Church.
There are those who
take this traditional Catholic counterrevolution too far--declaring that,
since Vatican II helped to bring on all of this chaos and denial of Faith,
then the popes who called the Council must not be legitimate popes. The
Remnant has decried this erroneous conclusion, insisting that the Church’s
legitimate pope is most certainly Pope Francis.
Loyal Opposition Catholics cannot leave the Church, nor are they free to lambaste and deny
the Pope at will for things like his "Altar Girl Permission" or the "Assisi
Affair" or the convening of the Second Vatican Council.
lay people must guard against this attitude, which is commonly referred to
as "sede vacantism." Nevertheless, Catholics must wake up to the fact that
the Church is in a state of unprecedented revolution and turmoil at present,
and that, since the Council, she has undergone a near total spiritual
We fight that which is
novel and goes against the traditional Catholic liturgies and infallible
teachings of the past. The Remnant is not interested in starting its own
Church or in crowning its own "traditional" pope.
We fight
revolutionaries in the Church from within the Church. We are opposed to
Modernism, phony ecumenism and anything else which compromises the
traditional Catholic Faith-- but we labor for a
restoration of the old Faith, not the foundation of a new
"traditional" church.
The Remnant is part of
the "Loyal Opposition"-- it defends the Pope as the legitimate Successor of St. Peter, and it
also defends his strong stand on moral issues in the face of the Modern

The Remnant lives and breathes to defend
the traditional Catholic Church. It supports no new theology, it gives no
succor to the new ecumenism, and it will defend Catholic traditions for as
long as God sees fit to allow it to keep going to press every two weeks.
An Independent Voice
It is also important to note that The Remnant is not affiliated with any
particular traditionalist order of priests. We support all good priests,
especially those laboring to restore the traditional Latin Mass. We
are Roman Catholic and that is all. The Remnant's position is simply
Catholic, and its purpose is simply to defend the traditions of the Holy
Roman Catholic Church.
The Restoration of the Catholic Church will come
from the top down, and not from the bottom up. And so it is that lay efforts
like The Remnant carry on, always looking to Rome for the real Restoration
to finally begin.
Until that happens though, laymen must do all in their
power to keep their own Faith and to do what ever they can to help others to
do the same in this spiritual Dark Age.
Rather than merely
cursing that Darkness, The Remnant has attempted
to keep the candle of the Catholic Faith lit, and to survive this nightmare
until the light of the new dawn of the Restoration of the Catholic Church
can be seen on the horizon.
May God help us all to keep the Faith until that
blessed day finally dawns!