(Like Altar Girls?)

On November 3rd,
Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi commented on
reports that Pope Francis would name women Cardinals for
the February consistory.
Almost immediately, certain Neo-Catholic media pundits,
as well as the secular press, began to spin the words of
Lombardi to imply that he strongly opposed the idea of
women Cardinals. Catholic Online chose the
headline, “Pope
Francis Will Not Appoint Women as Cardinals,”
the Irish Times went with, “Vatican
dismisses reports of women cardinals.”
Conservatives focused on the fact that Fr. Lombardi
called the reports “nonsense” and that it is “…simply
not a realistic possibility that Pope Francis will name
women cardinals for the February consistory. “
Unfortunately, these reports failed to appreciate the
most important of Fr. Lombardi’s words. Among his
comments, Fr. Lombardi revealed the following bombshell:
“Theologically and theoretically, it is possible,” he
added. “Being a cardinal is one of those roles in the
church for which, theoretically, you do not have to be
Thus, for the first time, an official spokesman of the
Vatican publicly put forward the novel and unprecedented
idea that the Church has the authority to appoint women
as Cardinals. The import of this statement was not lost
on the liberals. The progressive National Catholic
Reporter was quick to pick up on this incredible
statement, using it in their own headline entitled, “Vatican
spokesman: Female cardinals 'theoretically possible'.”
Perhaps one reason that this shocking liberal
pronouncement was ignored by the Neo-Catholics is
because they themselves accept it as true. Not only
that, they have been defending the idea of women
Cardinals, along with the liberals, for quite some
time. In March of 2012, well before the reign of Pope
Francis, Cardinal Timothy Dolan appeared on a show
hosted by Fr. Benedict Groeschel on EWTN.
During the broadcast, Fr. Groeschel informed Cardinal
Dolan that women could be Cardinals. Cardinal Dolan then
not only agreed with the notion, but then joked that
Mother Theresa of Calcutta would have made a good one.
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Neo-Catholic blogger Mark Shea saw this episode as a
vindication of the theological possibility of women
Cardinals. Shea himself had already come to this
position fifteen years earlier due to his private
interpretation of a 1994 Apostolic Letter of John Paul
II. In a March 2012 blog post entitled, “Cdl.
Dolan and Fr. Benedict Groeschel Affirm Me in My
Okayness!” he wrote:
For 15ish years, ever since the publication of
Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, I have maintained that one
implication of the document is that women can be created
cardinals of the Church (since the office of cardinal
does not require holy orders and it is *only* the
sacerdotal office to which the Church lacks the
authority to ordain women). When I say this, I
invariably get chewed out as a subversive modernist.
However, the other day, Fr. Groeschel and Cdl Dolan
noted exactly the same thing…
I suspect we will see something like this in my
lifetime. If not, in my children’s or grand-daughter’s
lifetime. Should it happen, do not freak out that the
Church is “abandoning the Tradition”. Cardinals are a
bit of bureaucratic machinery for taking care of
housekeeping in the matter of getting a new pope. They
are not The Tradition. The Church could abolish the
entire college of cardinals tomorrow (just as she
invented it a thousand years ago) and it would not alter
the Tradition a jot. You may as well say your parish
finance council is apostolic tradition.
Do not bind God to contracts he never signed.
Thus, we see in Shea’s post, and other Neo-Catholic
writings on the subject, a complete and total
theological concession to the progressives and
Neo-Modernists that women can be Cardinals. Seemingly
the only battle left to be fought on this issue, at
least from the Neo-Catholic and liberal viewpoints, is
whether the Pope will turn this “theological and
theoretical possibility” into a reality. The only
assurances the Neo-Catholics can provide us are those of
Fr. Lombardi: that the idea Pope Francis would actually
name women Cardinals is “nonsense” and “not a realistic
Yet, haven’t we heard these assurances before? Wasn’t it
an “unrealistic possibility” at one point to think that
a pope would approve of female altar servers and
Communion in the hand? After all, the former idea was
considered evil by one pope and condemned by three
before finally being allowed by John Paul II.
Meanwhile the latter practice was considered by
Catholics to be sacrilegious, outside cases of
emergency, until its allowance by Paul VI.
Yet both novel practices are widespread today to the
detriment of both vocations and belief in the Eucharist.
Furthermore, if the title of Cardinal is merely an
artificial construct of the legislating Church, as
Neo-Catholics would have us believe, why have any
limits or conditions on who can be named one? Indeed,
why can’t the Pope name non-Catholic Cardinals, or
perhaps some non-Christian ones, or even some atheist
Cardinals for good measure?
The key to understanding where the Neo-Catholics and the
liberals go wrong on the issue of women Cardinals is
their flawed notion of Tradition.
Their analysis of this issue, and most others, consists
of examining the minutiae of the latest ecclesial
regulations, completely divorced from all context and
history, and then trying to deduce whether this or that
unprecedented novelty could theoretically be allowed
under the given language. Thus, under this analysis, the
entire fate of the Church’s Tradition lies within the
commas, semicolons, and shades of meaning of such
documents as a 1994 Apostolic Letter on Holy Orders.
Such is the gnat-straining, technical, theological
prison of the Neo-Catholic mind.
The fact that there has never been even a lay cardinal
in the 2,000 years of the Church, much less a female
one, apparently doesn’t factor into the Neo-Catholic
theological analysis at all. Indeed, only in the
Neo-Catholic or liberal mind can starting a practice
that has absolutely no basis in Tradition be
“traditional.” This irony fails to trouble the
Neo-Catholic, however, since to him, “tradition” is
defined by papal and bureaucratic fiat and not by
historical practice.
The very term “Cardinal” developed in the 9th
century Church to name those priests (again, not women,
not even laymen) who served as the parish priests of the
diocese of Rome. Later, non-Roman Cardinals were
assigned a church in Rome to be the head of, or else
they were connected in some way to a suburban parish of
Rome. The reason is that the heads of the local churches
in Rome elect the Bishop of Rome, the Pope. Thus no less
than priests were originally intended to be Cardinals.
That said, it is true that we find in Church history
relatively rare instances of non-priest clerics (men who
had received first tonsure) who had also received minor
orders, being named Cardinals. However, even
considering this exceptional practice, it is still
obvious that the title of Cardinal was intended by the
Church to be in some way tied to Holy Orders.
Furthermore, this hardly helps the argument in favor of
women Cardinals as women were never able to be clerics,
much less receive minor orders. In addition, Paul VI,
in eliminating first tonsure and minor orders in 1972,
declared ordination to the deaconate to be the new
“first entry point” into the clerical state. Ironically,
since even Neo-Catholics agree (for now anyway) that it
is impossible to ordain a woman a deacon, it is even
more difficult for Neo-Catholics to argue for the
possibility of women Cardinals post-1972 than it was
In any case, the last of the “minor order” Cardinals
died in 1899. The 1917 Code of Canon law then corrected
the exceptional practice of non-priest Cardinals and
restored the original intention, stating clearly that
only bishops and priests could be named Cardinals.
Later, far from rolling back this position, the 1983
Code went even further, requiring that Cardinals must
already be bishops, or else be ordained bishops upon
their selection as Cardinal.
In the final analysis, the Neo-Catholics either don’t
understand or refuse to accept that unprecedented
novelty cannot be made “traditional” simply because it
is imposed or authorized by authority. Their
foundational “hermeneutic” of legal positivism, which
proposes that the decrees of the legislating Church or
even the Pope can rightly overturn centuries of
Traditional practice or immemorial custom, is the heart
and source of their error. Instead, Catholic practice
must always be tightly woven to and constrained by
Tradition and custom rather than merely being
constrained by the personal preferences and inclinations
of churchmen.
The liberals, understanding that the Neo-Catholics have
accepted their premise of untying Catholic practice from
Tradition, know that it is only a matter of time before
Church authority allows their next innovation. And once
the innovation is allowed, they also know that the very
Neo-Catholics who previously opposed it will then be its
staunchest defenders. For as long as a novel practice is
duly permitted by Church authority, the Neo-Catholic is
bound by his own legal positivism to accept it as