Dr. Ron Paul chats with Fr.
Gruner, seated next to His
Mar Ignatius Joseph III Younan,
the Syrian Catholic Patriarch of
who flew in from Syria for the
Fatima Center's Path to Peace
NIAGARA, Sept. 8 -- Despite a Southern Poverty Law
Center attempt to derail the Fatima Center's "Path to Peace
Conference" in Niagara Falls this week, the event
went off without a hitch, and, in fact, attendance
numbers exceeded the organizers' expectations.
During the run-up to the Conference last week, liberal
newspapers and blogs, relying on a SPLC attack piece
against the Fatima Center, initiated an all-out media
blitz intended to dissuade the Conference's
keynote speaker, Ron Paul, from attending the event.
When Paul gave no indication of backing out, however,
the media rhetoric began to border on the hysterical,
with some reports even going so far as to accuse the
former congressman himself of being an anti-Semite.
the outrageous charge against the Fatima Center as
nothing less than Catholic bashing during an interview
on MSNBC, Dr. Paul proceeded to
attend the Conference as planned, and in fact brought down the house on
Wednesday evening with a powerful, hour-long speech that
evoked frequent applause and was interrupted by several
standing ovations.
"Jesus is the Prince of Peace,"
Paul reminded his audience, and together we must all "stand for peace," even with those who don’t share our
religion or "agree with us on every issue."
The Conference boasted an impressive international
roster of speakers and attendees, which included the
Patriarch from
Syria, several members of Parliament, bishops from all
around the world, pro-life legends such as Joe Sheidler,
politicians, newspaper publishers such as Michael J. Matt of The
Remnant and John Vennari of Catholic Family News,
Canadian media personalities, journalists
with permanent accreditation at the United Nations and hundreds of distinguished
When it
became clear that Ron Paul would not be intimidated by
the SPLC attack campaign, a few far-Left groups
threatened on-site protests of the Conference.
Those treats were taken seriously enough to warrant a police
presence at the Scotiabank Convention Center in Niagara
throughout the week.
In the end, not a single protester showed up and nor,
for that matter, did anyone from the "outraged" liberal
press-- an odd turn of events that left many attendees
questioning if anyone in the media had ever actually
taken the Southern Poverty Law Center's hysterical fear
mongering seriously. After all, if the Conference
were really organized by the “largest group of anti-Semites in North America"
(according to the SPLC) why didn't a single reporter
stop by to check it out? Obviously, there was never anything
to the SPLC's libelous charges, and the local media
folks knew it.
In the above photo Dr. Ron Paul can be seen chatting
with Fr. Gruner, who is seated next to His Beatitude Mar
Ignatius Joseph III Younan, the Syrian Catholic
Patriarch of Antioch, who flew in from Syria for the
Fatima Center's Conference. Quite obviously the
Fatima Conference was a major success, with the added dimension of
having exposed the
Southern Poverty Law Center as the proverbial little
mouse that roared.
God bless Ron Paul and all of the speakers and
dignitaries—Catholic and non-Catholic—who
refused to be bullied by the SPLC, and instead came together
for genuine dialogue and to send
a powerful message of peace to the world at the very
moment when peace is needed most.
More on this story in the next issue of The Remnant. |