barbarian would say:
"I demand the right to kill this little
Although raised Catholic I spent the
majority of my high school and college days supporting
women’s rights and defending the pro-choice movement.
Then I met my husband. On one of our first dates we
drove down to Chicago from Milwaukee to shop, eat, and
attend mass at the Cathedral. Somehow the topic of
abortion came up and I very clearly stated my opinion of
how it is the woman’s right to choose. My future husband
looked at me, a bit surprised but obviously angry. My
stomach swirled and I glanced out at Lake Michigan
behind his frustrated glare. Not only did I fear our
short-lived relationship had already ended, but I was
trapped in the car with him and we were almost to
Chicago. I didn’t think I could face a severely awkward
two-hour drive back.
Luckily, he turned out to be patient and
started to ask me questions to find the reasons behind
my opinion. After I answered a few of the questions I
started to realize, all of my answers were the same.
“It’s the woman’s right.” Right? Why wasn’t that enough?
In the few minutes it took us to reach Chicago my mind
was literally spinning. How did I never realize how
ridiculous my justifications had sounded before? How did
I never realize I really didn’t have a reason as
to why I thought abortions were okay?
A month ago Governor Scott Walker signed
an abortion law in Wisconsin stating all women seeking
an abortion must have a transvaginal ultrasound to have
the fetus’ visible organs and external features pointed
out. The reasoning is so the woman can make a more
informed decision. I was thrilled when I heard about it
on the news. Not only is it a step in the right
direction to eliminating abortion completely, but the
truth would finally become more widespread that no
matter how early in pregnancy a woman may be, it is
still a baby inside of her. Having had children myself I
know from experience that during an ultrasound there is
absolutely no denying the visible and audible heartbeat
that proves there is a living baby in the womb.
My excitement ended faster than I
expected when I opened my computer and saw my Facebook
newsfeed flooded with angry statuses, opinion pages, and
crude insults. After my initial thought of how am I
actually friends with these people, I composed myself
and started to read some of their comments. It wasn’t
long before I noticed that they all were almost
identical, “It’s the woman’s right.” If only I had more
time I would have asked each one of them, “The woman’s
right to what?” The woman’s right not to know what an
abortion really is? The woman’s right to keep herself in
denial as to what she is really doing? How pathetic does
that sound?
Sneak Peek:
This article appeared in the latest print edition of The
Remnant newspaper. Most Remnant articles, however, never
appear on this website.
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I have heard multiple people compare the
transvaginal ultrasound to rape. Obviously none of those
people have ever had children, because first-trimester
ultrasounds are pretty much standard procedure now. I
highly doubt any of them would accuse their doctors of
rape for suggesting they have one to verify their due
date and number of fetuses. On top of that, what type of
a person wants to go into any procedure without a
test or more specific information as to what will
happen? No one goes into a surgery without the doctor
first ordering an MRI, CAT scan, or other test to have a
better idea and view of what they are doing, and to show
the patient exactly what is going on in their body. Why
should an abortion be any different?
Now only a few years after that fateful
conversation, the pro-choice movement doesn’t make
rational sense to me. Women already have a choice.
Except in extreme circumstances, they have the choice to
have sex or pre-marital sex. They have the choice to not
protect themselves during ovulation. And better yet,
they have the choice to deal with the consequences of
their actions. Instead of making their problems
disappear, they can choose to be an adult and realize
their life is going to change. And what is wrong with
that? Our first daughter was not expected, and at the
time, I was thoroughly afraid of my life taking a
different direction than I had planned. Today I am a
stay-at-home mom, with two more kids added to the bunch,
and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I raise our kids
with a love of life and of nature, the excitement of
mass and the love of God, I cook all of our meals from
scratch, and above all, my family is happy and healthy.
Of course we have struggled financially with having a
baby thrown in before we planned to, but in the end it
has taught us what is really important. We don’t need iPhones, weekly trips to the movies, name brand
furniture, or the ability to go to the mall to make us
happy. I thank God every day for blessing us
unexpectedly with our first child, because otherwise who
knows what I would be doing instead. No career, no
amount of money, no social status could ever give me the
happiness that being a mother does. And I would never
have known that if I had chosen to live my life on my
own terms.
I think that among all of the horrible
things abortion is and has done, one of the biggest is
that it has taught us that we can ignore God’s plan for
us. The blessing of children is exactly that. A
blessing. I applaud Wisconsin, and particularly Governor
Walker, for keeping pregnancy and children sacred.
Because they are. |