it’s official: The Catholic Church is on the fast track
to be banned in America. Exhibit A is a U.S. Army
Reserve Equal Opportunity training brief which lists
Catholicism as an example of “religious extremism”,
alongside groups such as Al Qaeda, Hamas and the KKK.
brief justifies this listing on
the grounds of the Catholic Church's claim to be the
sole means of salvation established by Jesus Christ.
categorizes the infallible dogma of the Church as
"religious extremism":
Extremism is
it is
as beliefs,
a character
extremism is
the world;
some followers
and traditions are
only “right
and that
the “wrong
and believing
Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, website
posted a
of protest on April 4, 2013 that included the
The Archdiocese is
astounded that Catholics were listed alongside groups
that are, by their very mission and nature, violent and
extremist. According to an investigation and reply from
the Army Chief of Chaplains office, the training in
question appears to have been an isolated incident not
condoned by the Department of the Army. The Archdiocese
and the Chaplain Alliance explained that the Army can
and should take steps to prevent such incidents in the
future. The Archdiocese calls upon the Department of
Defense to review these materials and to ensure that
tax-payer funds are never again used to present
blatantly anti-religious material to the men and women
in uniform.
Good luck with
that! This is standard operating procedure for the
notorious Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). They brief
military and law enforcement agencies on “hate groups”,
both real and imagined, while carefully maintaining
enough distance from said agencies to be categorized as
“private and unofficial” after someone blows the
whistle. The U.S. Army Reserve’s training brief
opens with the following:
and anti-govt
in the
has continued
the past

So based on outrageous
“intelligence reports” served up by the radically
Leftist SPLC, our men and women in uniform are
being subjected to bigoted, anti-Catholic indoctrination
at tax-payer expense.
No wonder hate crimes against
Christians are on the rise!
No wonder even secularists are
beginning to admit that persecution of all things
Christian is clearly on the rise throughout the world.
No wonder we're seeing more
and more examples of hate speech directed at Christians
over at The Remnant’s Facebook
We do our best to refute such
attacks, of course, but trying to stem the rising tide
of Christophobia here or anywhere else is like standing
in front of a tsunami with a roll of paper towels in
hand. Humanly speaking, it’s pretty futile. It’s
sanctioned by government agencies, including evidently
the U.S. Department of Defense, and generally ignored by
mainstream media.
The question
is: What’s the Christian response supposed to look like?
Christians attempt to raise the alarm as loud as they
can and as often as possible, but for how long will that
be tolerated when Catholicism itself is now listed in
U.S. Army training briefs as an extremist group that
Army personnel need to guard against.
Two thousand
years ago the martyrs of the coliseum taught Christians
how to live in times like ours: love your enemies, turn
the other cheek, and, if necessary, suffer persecution
rather than deny Christ or hate those who have. There
are no exceptions to this rule—whether we’re speaking of
Muslims, Jews, pagans, homosexuals, or even outspoken
attackers of our religion such as the Southern Poverty
Law Center.
The downside
to this where Christians are concerned, of course, is
that the enemies of the Church have come to count on it.
Refusing to return hate for hate is precisely what sets
Christians apart and what makes them vulnerable to every
manner of attack.
Thus their
unbridled hatred of Catholicism knows no limit. It is
based on an intolerance of any higher moral standard or
indeed even any claim of the existence of absolute
truth. For “forward thinking” people, the idea is to
deny objective truth at every level and to label as
hateful any restrictions on the rights of men and women
to do whatever they please even if it is
egregiously offensive to the laws of God and nature
itself. “Thou shalt not” has been replaced with
“if it feels good, do it!”
“Don’t you
tell me what to do with my body!” has become the mantra
of those thoroughly ignorant of history and its penchant
to repeat itself. Yet those who still attempt to
follow God’s law are allowing someone to tell them
exactly what they can and can’t do with their bodies
every single day, year in and year out. And this
is the problem the secularists have with Christians. By
trying to live by God’s law, Christians become walking
indictments to those who don’t, won’t or can’t.
So, the new
thinking goes something like this:
It’s impossible to live up to that
standard. We were all born this way. Those who deny
themselves sexually or lay claim to absolute truth are
either insane or part of a cult. Watch out for them!
This is all
they can say, really, for they know very well that
Christian morality is essentially self-imposed. In fact,
it even allows for all sorts of extenuating
circumstances when it comes to those who are not
Christian. This is called “invincible ignorance”, and it
is taken into account in every aspect of Catholic moral
theology since it dramatically changes the level of
culpability. "Invincible
ignorance," says the Catholic Encyclopedia, "whether of
the law or of the fact, is always a valid excuse and
excludes sin. The evident reason is that neither this
state nor the act
resulting there from is voluntary."
Does this
sound like vitriolic hatred against all those who are
not of our religion?
Educated and
conscientious Catholics, on the other hand, can hardly
lay claim to being invincibly ignorant. Moral theology
is thus especially demanding on them; and yet they
choose to accept the teachings of the Church anyway. So
masturbation, for example, is a mortal sin that they
believe will damn them to hell. Their own
inclination toward such sins of the flesh changes
nothing. They hold themselves to a higher standard.
Divorce is not
an option for Catholics, either. Why? Because God’s
law prohibits it and the teaching of the Church forbids
it under pain of mortal sin. Catholics often choose a
lifetime of unhappiness rather than divorcing and
remarrying. Why? Because remaining faithful to God means
following His law even when it is extremely difficult to
do so. Again, what an indictment this is to the new fad
of willy-nilly divorce and remarriage, which renders
marriage practically meaningless.
Are Catholics
thus divorc-e-phobic?
Difficult does
not mean unreasonable. Faith and Reason dictate how
Catholics live their lives—not a cult or fear of the
inquisition, as the SPLC and their willing accomplices
in the media would have the court of public opinion
Free will is
the foundation of Christian practice. Christians are
not forced to follow Christ but rather choose to do so,
out of love for something greater than themselves. This
pits them against the world, the flesh and the devil,
which is why they are branded as haters and extremists,
fundamentalists and terrorists by the likes of the
Southern Poverty Law Center.
This voluntary
subjection to a difficult code of conduct is why
Christians are despised by a world awash in
self-indulgence and secularism. Catholics present no
threat to anyone on any level, and the SPLC knows it.
Morality at the point of a gun, like forced Baptism,
is condemned by the Catholic Church and thoroughly
antithetical to the whole point and purpose of
It is what
Catholics do in the privacy of their own homes--what
they believe in the secret recesses of their own
hearts-- that has become intolerable to the Tolerance
Police, which is why they paint Christians as jihadists
who need to be monitored against dangerous
behaviors such as acknowledging the One, Holy, Catholic
and Apostolic Church—a religious supremacy, if you will,
that the SPLC is attempting to make into a federal
offense. Jesus Christ instituted one true Church which
Catholics believe, objectively speaking, is the sole
means of salvation. But by acknowledging that
infallibly taught doctrine of the Catholic Church
Catholics are now guilty of hate speech, which, again,
is why the U.S. Army Reserve's training brief listed
Catholicism as an example of religious extremism.
And of course
Catholics are not the only ones to acknowledge a higher
law and to claim ownership of absolute truth.
Evangelical Christianity and ultra-orthodox Judaism are
also on the U.S. Army Reserve's list of religious
extremist organizations.
We’re all in
this together. I remember becoming painfully aware of
this on an airplane a couple of years ago. I had
organized a pilgrimage to Rome and for the first (and
last) time Remnant Tours had booked airline tickets on
Halfway across
the Atlantic the in-flight movie began. The film was one
of those vile productions that would have been
considered pornographic by the standards of any decent
(but "unenlightened") people born before 1960. With
twenty-five young students in my charge, I was outraged.
I walked to
the rear of the airplane to complain to the lead flight
attendant. As I approached, I became aware of a man in
yarmulke and prayer shawl taking his son by the hand and
also beating a hasty retreat to the rear of the
aircraft. Once there, father and son opened their prayer
books, lowered their eyes and began to pray.
I stepped past
them in the aisle and began to plead my case to the
Italian flight attendant (probably Catholic). "You’ll
have to take your seat," he said. “We have no control
over the in-flight movie selection. Take it up with
Alitalia customer service.”
“WHAT! So, in
the meantime the 25 minors in my custody will be forced
to watch this rot?”
“Take your
seat, sir!”
After assuring
him that our company would never again fly Alitalia, I
turned and nearly collided with the Jewish fellow and
his son, still praying at the rear of the aircraft.
“Excuse me,” I said.
“Not at all,”
said the father, emotion plainly visible in his eyes. “I
want to thank you for what you just did. We must all do
what we can. God go with you, my friend.”
He shook my
hand and I his. For a long moment we looked into each
other’s eyes, knowing full well what the other was
thinking—neither of us has a place in this new order. We
have no right to object because we have forfeited that
right in exchange for short-term toleration from our
secularist masters. We’re all in cattle cars now!
I was struck
by the irony of 300 ‘Christians’ enjoying the
‘entertainment’ on a flight to Rome of all places, while
the Jew and his son stood in silent protest, praying.
There’s not
much any of us can do about this new dictatorship of
relativism, which is now in possession of absolute
temporal power. Hatred only makes us look
and sound like them; it's not an option for the
revolution and insurrection? Please! Eleven of the
twelve apostles
were martyred. Don't you think one of them might have
thought of that, if it were in accord with Christian
belief? Even as He was being betrayed by one of
His own, Our Lord instructed Peter to put away his
Like Agnes,
Sebastian, Barbara, Thomas More, Father Kolbe and
countless Catholics who lived during times of
persecution like these, we fight back by witnessing to
the Truth in the public square each and every day, while
leave the hateful rants and clenched fists to those who
know not what they do. We’re up against Principalities
and Powers. At the end of the day, this is a spiritual
war between Christ and Anti-Christ.
Christian mission is simple: frustrate the designs of
the haters of Jesus Christ by simply keeping the old
Christian Faith. Keep our eyes on Christ even as He
carries a Cross to which we ourselves may one day be
nailed. Where’s the justice in that? There is none, just
as there was none for Him the first time around.
But in
the end the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph, the
gates of hell will never prevail, and Christ will be
with us always, even unto the consummation of the
world. So we must help each other “be not afraid” to
keep the Faith, even in the face of gross injustice and
bloody persecution.
Can you do
it? Can I? Let’s pray for each other that our faith
will not fail us. |