President Obama Flanked by Three Stalwart American
The resignation of Pope Benedict,
The Washington Post opined in a piece by one
Marc Fisher, means that “American Catholicism Is at a Crossroads,” as the
headline warned readers.
Fisher never divulged what “American Catholicism” is. He offers
no definition. But reading between the lines — or
better, reading the lines — clarifies it. “American
Catholicism” is that branch of the Faith in which a man
can believe anything he wants and call himself a
Catholic. “American Catholics” are generally alarmed,
we gather from Fisher’s piece, about the Vatican’s “hard
line” about such silly matters as women thinking they can
be priests, jamming a scissors in a baby’s skull and
using the distal end of the alimentary canal as an
entrance, not an exit. These issues are “polarizing,” we
learn, and the Post just happened to find a few voices
to tell readers how “polarized” they feel.
The New York Times used the word “crossroads” in a headline over a similar piece that
contained this boilerplate hooey: “The resignation sets
up a struggle between the staunchest conservatives, in
Benedict’s mold, who advocate a smaller church of more
fervent believers, and those who believe that the church
can broaden its appeal in small but significant ways,
like allowing divorced Catholics who remarry without an
annulment to receive communion or loosening restrictions
on condom use in an effort to prevent AIDS. There are no
plausible candidates who would move on issues like
ending celibacy for priests, or the ordination of
But the Post better explained the “polarization” that lies at the
“crossroads:” a battle between the “liberals” and
“progressives” on one side, and a “conservative” and
decrepit Catholic hierarchy on the other, meaning the
priests and bishops who defend church teaching on the
“issues” that matter most of the secular left:
priestesses, contraception, abortion, marriage and
divorce, and homosexual sodomy. Note that all those
issues are sexual.
Of course, all these disgruntled Catholics are merely trying to
save the Church from itself, these stories assure us. If
only those old fogies could see that. But the question
the Post doesn’t ask is this: If one “disagrees” with
every major teaching of the Church, how can he call
himself a Catholic? That is the Gordian knot the
Post cannot untie in its examination of “American
Catholicism,” which really means American Catholics who,
being more American than Catholic, think a vote can
determine objective moral truth.
The Post’s first source was a sociologist who studies big things.
“The latest surveys of American Catholics reveal sharp
drops in weekly Mass attendance,” the
Post reported, “a majority in support of legalizing same-sex marriage, and a
large majority who say they do not look to the Vatican
as the moral authority on sexual matters such as
contraception, marriage and abortion, said William
D’Antonio, a sociologist at Catholic University and
author of a
national survey that has tracked Catholic attitudes for 25 years.
“The laity are saying, ‘We can work things out for ourselves,
these are matters for our own conscience, not questions
where we just follow what the church is demanding,’ ” he
You don’t say? That’s what the laity are saying. They believe,
like Protestants,
in private judgment. Note here the implicit suggestion
that faith and morals, again, are up for a vote, and
that what the “laity are saying” about them matters to
anyone but sociologists at Catholic University and
scribes for the Post.
The Post next called upon the theological insights of one “John Gehring, a churchgoing
Catholic who works at
Faith in Public Life,
a liberal advocacy group in the District.” Gehring “says
the only hope the church has of stemming the tide of
disengaged American Catholics is for the hierarchy to
‘stop being the Church of No and once again put it at
the forefront of social justice and helping the poor.’
“When being a good Catholic is defined on a narrow range of
sexuality issues rather than a more positive, loving
vision, it’s no wonder people are moving away,” said
Gehring, 38. “For me personally, my relationship with my
faith has been to engage critically, and for that, I’m
told I’m a bad Catholic. Well, I’m not going anywhere,
but there’s a real sense of sadness that my church acts
as if Catholics were this embattled, persecuted
“Church of No” is code for wanting the option to sin sexually
without having to confess, and the expectation that the
Holy Father will overturn 2,000 years of dogmatic
teaching on sexual matters. No real Catholic expects
such a thing. For the record, Gehring is a left-wing
activist and
scrivener for
the anti-Catholic Huffington Post. Gehring is not of
course, a theologian.
Then the
Post dug up “Nathan Gagnon, 29, a practicing Catholic in Gaithersburg,” who
“watched as his parents divorced, contrary to church
teachings. Now, he believes clergy should be more
accepting of modern marital strains. ‘When a couple does
feel frustrated,’ he said, they shouldn’t have to fear
being ‘scorned’ by a priest.”
What young Nathan really means is that he wants his parents to
have the “right” to divorce and remarry and yet to
retain the “right” to receive Holy Communion. Like the
rest of the “laity,” Gagnon doesn’t understand his
faith. In refusing divorced and remarried Catholics Holy
Communion, priests are not “scorning” them. Rather,
those ministers are protecting such Catholics
from receiving
the sacrament sacrilegiously and condemning themselves
to eternal damnation. Those ministers are also
protecting themselves. On both counts, as well they
should. The “divorced” couple without a declaration of
nullity is still married in the eyes of the Church. We
might recall that
a large and influential Christian sect was founded upon
such a case.
Post also found a priest, Jose Eugenio Hoyos, “director of the Spanish Catholic
Apostolate of the Diocese of Arlington and a native of
Colombia. He said the recent emphasis on transparency
and helping those who have been abused has positioned
the church for an American pope.”
“This is an opportunity for us Catholics to demand a pope with
origins in the United States or Latin America,” he said.
“Just like in the United States we now have an African
American president, the church also needs a change. We
need a pope who is ours, a pope who speaks about pupusas,
about tacos, about horchata.”
What, pray tell, do pervert priests have to do with
Nothing. The Post merely gave Hoyos the chance to strike
a blow for multiculturalism at the Vatican. Help Wanted:
Billion-member organization needs new chief executive.
We encourage a diverse workforce and seek qualified
minority candidates. EEOC employer.
This drivel is what passes for reporting about the Roman Catholic
Church. And it won’t surprise anyone to learn that Post
E.J. Dionne offered a special column about his expectations, and those of his ilk,
when Pope Benedict took the helm of Peter’s bark:
“Liberal Catholics (myself included) thus greeted
Benedict’s election as pope in 2005 with a certain
alarm. In the end, Benedict was somewhat less
conservative than liberals feared — and somewhat less
conservative than conservatives hoped. His most
important encyclicals were decidedly progressive on
economic matters, and he put far more emphasis on God’s
love than on His judgment.”
Dionne believes Pope Benedict is a man of “paradoxes.” That means Dionne agreed
with some things the Pope said but not all. And you
don’t need a degree from the Gregorian University to
know which things Dionne liked about Benedict:
The paradoxes of Benedict — and perhaps of Catholicism itself —
were visible in two statements he made last Christmas.
Progressives could only welcome
an op-ed piece he wrote for
the Financial Times
on Dec. 19 in which he declared that “Christians fight
poverty out of a recognition of the supreme dignity of
every human being, created in God’s image and destined
for eternal life.” He added: “They work for more
equitable sharing of the earth’s resources out of a
belief that — as stewards of God’s creation — we have a
duty to care for the weakest and most vulnerable.
Christians oppose greed and exploitation . . . .
The belief in the transcendent destiny of every human
being gives urgency to the task of promoting peace and
justice for all.”
Yet he followed this with a
Christmas message denouncing
gay marriage,
declaring that gays and lesbians were turning their
backs on the “essence of the human creature” and denying
“their nature.”
Of course, we all understand what Dionne and Fisher mean when
they say “liberal;” i.e., heterodox Catholics who want
Rome to approve buggery, abortion and priestesses, open
borders and big government. And we understand
“conservative” to mean mostly orthodox Catholics who
oppose those evils, but who support this country’s
insane imperial wars.
That neither Dionne nor some conservatives and libertarians —
the latter of whom received a sound tail-whipping from
Christopher Ferrara inThe
Church and The Libertarian — approve of
everything the Holy Father says is unsurprising. The
Pope is not a “man of paradoxes;” he is a man of faith
who upheld the constant teaching of the Church on
matters economic and social. In American parlance, that
means he would be called a “liberal” on economic matters
because he teaches that tycoons are obliged to pay a
just wage, and that government should, if necessary
and in keeping with the principle of subsidiarty,
feed and otherwise help the poor. He would also be
called liberal because he does not support American
military adventurism. But it also means he would be
called a “conservative” because he will not — and indeed
cannot — change the constant teaching of the Church on
matters sexual:
homosexual sodomy.
Yet those political terms are meaningless. The Holy
Father, as J.L. Liedl wrote at
Ethika Politika,
is neither “liberal” nor “conservative.” He is Catholic.
For the media, “polarization” in the Church always refers to
leftists who never stop talking about those sexual
matters on the one hand, and Catholic priests and
bishops, again, who defend the immutable Magisterium of
the church on the other. You rarely if ever see the
media echo the plaintive cry from neoconservative
Catholics who feel alienated or complain about
“polarization” because
Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI opposed the
American war in Iraq, or because Church teaching is firm
on the duty of employers to pay
a just wage. Recall two of the four sins
that cry out to Heaven for vengeance: the sin of Sodom and defrauding a
laborer of his wages.
Yet while Church teaching on both matters is firm, only one of
the two is black and white: sexual morality. A “just
wage” can be one thing in one country, and another
somewhere else, depending on the cost of living. It has
no set definition. Two Catholics can disagree about it.
They can disagree about Social Security or Medicare
without disagreeing about society’s obligation to help
the poor. And they can disagree about foreign policy.
They cannot disagree about abortion, sodomy, and divorce
and remarriage, which are always grave sins. They are
what they are. Every real Catholic knows this. The late
Joe Sobran
explained it this way: All rebellion against the Church
is, ultimately, sexual. Sobran noted that leftists never
complain about Church teaching on greed or gluttony.
It’s always about sex.
A very good priest once offered a homily that went something like
this: “When people ask me whether I am conservative or
liberal, I say, neither. I’m a Catholic.” Like the Pope.
“Liberal” Catholics, whom the media never find in short supply,
aren’t. They want to be — they are — Protestants.
Private judgment is their doctrine. No old pope will
tell them what to do. Fair enough. The Faith survived
for 1,500 years without you. It doesn’t need you to save
When we get to those “crossroads,” please detour and join the
rest of the unfaithful departed.
R. Cort Kirkwood, the author of
Real Men: Ten Courageous Americans To Know And Admire,
is a regular columnist for The Remnant. |