She's telling us--showing us!--what to do!
After Pope Benedict’s Abdication, the Centro Culturale
a “One million Daily Rosaries” Crusade
"Today, 11 February, the day when we commemorate the
apparition of the Immaculate Conception at the grotto in
Lourdes, and following the resignation of His Holiness
Pope Benedict XVI, I am asking for your participation in
a Rosary Crusade, whose goal is the daily recitation of
one million Holy Rosaries from now until the end of the
Conclave, for the greater good of Holy Church and to
hasten the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin
Mary on the World".
So begins
a statement by Fabio Bernabei, President of Centro
Culturale Lepanto, launching this important
initiative in a particularly delicate time for the
Catholic Church. Of course, the initiative is in line
with the message that Our Lady gave St. Bernadette
Soubirous in Lourdes on February 11, 1858.
With the Rosary it is possible to overcome all the
obstacles that Satan places in front of Christ’s Church
and along the path to holiness.
"We know the power and effectiveness that the
Holy Rosary always has on the Heart of God and that of
His Son”, wrote Sister Lucia of Fatima. “That's
why Our Lady herself in her apparitions takes part in
the recitation of the Rosary, as in the grotto of
Lourdes with St. Bernadette and in Fatima with me,
Francisco and Jacinta. And when the rosary slides
through your hands the angels and saints join you. Today
more than ever, the world needs your rosary".
Today, the struggle between the supporters of terror and
disorder, and the defenders of the peace of Christ in
the Order of Christ “has moved from the temporal to
the spiritual society and identifies itself with Holy
Church,” as Plinio Corręa de Oliveira noted in his
Revolution and Counter-Revolution.
But the faithful, Bernabei argues, should not be afraid
because, as St. Therese confirms, "however serious
the sins of men, as long as you recite the Rosary, God
will not abandon the world, because it [the rosary] is
powerful on His Heart".
We are therefore urging you – concludes president
Bernabei – to participate and spread the crusade of a
million Rosaries by seeking to recite daily one or more
decades of the Rosary wherever you are: in church, the
workplace, at home and EVEN IN THE STREETS!
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