Remnant Editor's Note: Remnant readers may recall
the name Katie Walker as that of the gifted Remnant
columnist from a couple of years back, who had also been a
pilgrim with Remnant Tours on our 2008 Pilgrimage to
Chartres, France. We couldn't be happier for Katie
on the occasion of her entry into holy matrimony.
May God bless and keep the bride and groom in His good
care now and forever. MJM
St. Mary Mother of God
church in Washington, D.C.,
is a parish where many traditional Catholics have
visited, from the March for Life to vacations to
business trips. Originally established as the city's
German church with German sermons, it is now known for
its well-attended traditional Latin Masses with English
sermons each week and has become a hub of Catholic
tradition in the nation's secular capital.
Sunday, 2 September 2012, a shrine to Blessed Karl was
dedicated, with a first class relic of the
beatified last emperor of Austria, whose full royal name
is Charles Francis Joseph Louis Hubert George Otto Mary
of Habsburg-Lorraine.
Saturday, 8 September 2012, Blessed Karl's
great-grandson was married at Saint Mary's. The
Washington Post's
favorable coverage is here:
It was a glorious day. Miss Kathleen Walker wed Archduke
Imre of Austria (Imre Emmanuel Erzherzog von
Habsburg-Lorraine), with three diocesan priests using
the traditional Latin order of marriage followed by a
traditional Latin Solemn High Nuptial Mass in the
presence of a bishop.
The Reverend Monsignor Charles E. Pope of the
Archdiocese of Washington was the celebrant; the
Reverend Father Gregory S. Thompson of the Diocese of
Arlington served as deacon; and the Reverend Father
Edwin E. Perez of the Diocese of Arlington served as
The music was carefully planned by Katie (she is a
friend) and Imre. The men of the parish schola sung the
propers in Gregorian chant, while a group of Christendom
College alumni and friends formed a choir, accompanied
by strings and pipe organ, to sing Franz Schubert's Mass
Number Two in G Major. Two organists rotated pieces on
the magnificent tracker pipe organ. Several men and boys
from Saint Mary's served as acolytes, thurifer,
MC and torchbearers. The pastor of the church, Father
Alfred J. Harris, was in choro with three other priests.
A great honor for Katie was the presence of her former
boss (she was the communication director for the Diocese
of Arlington's Catholic Charities). His Excellency Paul
S. Loverde, bishop of Arlington, sat
in choro with
the other priests and made remarks from the pulpit after
the Last Gospel. As far as I can tell, this was the
first time Bishop Loverde has heard a traditional Latin
Mass in many, many years. May there be many more!
The official photographer for the wedding, Craig
Spiering, is well known to traditional and conservative
Catholics in Northern Virginia and Washington, D.C. for
outstanding and professional work, especially concerning
the traditional Latin Mass. More royal wedding photos
from him may be viewed at
A list and photos of prominent guests who attended may
be found at a website covering royalty:
Elton John, strapless gowns or unity candles at this
wedding. May it serve as a model for many other couples
around the world. |