We've sure
come a long way from King Arthur, Tom Sawyer and Ali
Far from the madding crowd, voluntarily isolated from
popular culture, too old to follow trends among the
young, this writer has lived for the past fifteen years
blissfully ignorant of a children’s book hero known as
“Captain Underpants.” No more. Captain Underpants has
invaded his consciousness and established a beachhead.
It has been a thoroughly disheartening experience.
“Captain Underpants”… Some sort of sick joke? Not a bit
of it! There are ten “Captain Underpants” novels, three
“activity books” and a film-in-the-making. Among the
titles in the ten-novel series: Captain Underpants
and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants
(2000); Captain Underpants and the Wrath of the
Wicked Wedgie Woman (2001); Captain Underpants
and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy, Part
1: The Night of the Nasty Nostril Nuggets (2003).
These and other brilliantly titled books in the series
won a Disney Adventures Kids' Choice Award in 2007.
While it may be true that many pre-teen boys enjoy
scatological humor, the lionization of it in the
“literary” marketplace is not praiseworthy; it is
infantile and is a part of the ongoing evisceration of
Western culture and the emasculation of boys not old
enough to know what is being done to them in the name of
“progressive” education. Parents who encourage this sort
of thing… well, the less said the better.
There is no question that the young need to be
encouraged to read and need guidance in doing so, but
one balks at encouraging them to read books with titles
like “Captain Underpants” and the even more vulgar
Fartsalot Hunts the Booger
(published by Penguin Books). Kudos to
writer Jeff Minick for his 17 August essay “Making Men
Out of Boys,” wherein mention is made of these
children’s book titles while pointing out that “Advocates
of Sir Fartsalot or the
Underpants series claim that it makes no
difference what a boy reads, as long as he is reading.
Yet what would we think of a parent who said of her son
that ‘whatever he eats is good as long as he is
As pointed out by Mr. Minick, an Asheville, North
Carolina educator who offers seminars in Latin,
literature, and history to homeschooled students:
“Reading does more than prepare students for academics.
Great literature of all kinds as well as the best of
and Commander,
Lions, and others—teach lessons for real
life. To learn to love, to learn to stand up for what
is right, to learn to suffer—these are the lessons of
manhood and require real-life experience, but boys can
use literature and history as the training grounds for
these battles.”
This writer’s now 32 year old son (pre-Captain
Underpants, God be thanked) had something of an uphill
battle with learning to enjoy reading, in that English
was not easy for him when he arrived in the USA at age
six. He and I both remember the book that effectively
launched him as a reader: Carry On, Mister Bowditch,
by Jean Lee Latham, a 1956 Newberry Award winner first
enjoyed by this writer at age ten, although the book is
now recommended for twelve-year-olds. It ranks as 7,464
in terms of children’s books sales, compared with 7,044
for the boxed set The New Captain Underpants
Collection (Books 1-5). Titles that followed as the
reading adventure gained legs were such classics as
The Far Side of the Mountain, Hatchet and other
outdoor adventures. Meanwhile, my son’s older sister
went back over The Chronicles of Narnia, all of
which had been read aloud to her during her own pre-Sir
Fartsalot childhood.
Where, one asks, is contemporary Traditional Catholic
children’s book writing? How does it fare in the
marketplace? What of the literature from the secular
world? How much if it is admissible into a child’s
education? These are questions not easily answered but
urgently needing answers as print publications and
reading comprehension seem helplessly entrapped by the
Grimpen Mire of indifference that is pulling the
Christian, Western culture inexorably down beneath its
Search for the
Madonna, by Donna Alice Patton, a recommended 2010 novel
for Traditional Catholic children, ranks at 951,717 in
sales at Amazon, which puts into sorry perspective the
appeal of Catholic literature in contemporary culture,
but at least such literature still exists. A handy
resource (among others) for finding it is the
Traditional Catholic Novels website at
http://traditionalcatholicnovels.com/. Children’s
and young adults’ classics from times gone by can also
still appeal, dated though they may be to a certain
extent. This writer still has his complete sets of
Victor Appleton’s Tom Swift series, the Rick Brandt
books (also science oriented), the Hardy Boys detective
novels, Roy Chapman Andrews’ beginners’ paleontology
classic All About Dinosaurs…
Perhaps older readers will find themselves feeling
shortchanged by the lack of availability of the Captain
Underpants series during childhood, but somehow, one
doubts it. Nevertheless, one’s curiosity—morbid
curiosity, to be sure—is aroused by the question: “Just
who is “Captain Underpants”?
The Wikipedia entry on the series summarizes as follows:
“Captain Underpants” is a superhero whose alternate
avatar is Benjamin Krupp, “[t]he mean and evil principal
of Jerome Horwitz [the birth surname of “Larry,” one of
the Three Stooges], Elementary School a man who “has a
very deep hatred of children [motive unexplained]”
directing a school “which discourages imagination and
Imagine: a school not dedicated to “fun”! Sounds
suspiciously like “bullying,” or even a “hate crime”!
Sounds like the kind of thing that homeschoolers might
permit, given their emphasis on instruction and learning
instead of “imagination and fun”. Do homeschoolers
permit periods of imagining world peace? Do
homeschoolers allow the kiddies to imagine mom and dad
in their underpants fighting battles against enemies of
humanity such as those who espouse religions?
Older readers may remember the “Three Rs”: reading,
writing and arithmetic; the younger devotees of Captain
Underpants and his allies seem dedicated to the “Three
I’s”: indoctrination, infantilism and irrelevance.
Enough sarcasm, because this sort of thing is no
laughing matter. The West—old Christendom—is without
exaggeration now losing a war for its cultural life. The
enemy is not only within the gates but is now in charge
of them. The Trojan horse of liberalism has disgorged
its hidden troops and they have taken charge of nearly
every institution of importance. The fort cannot be
held. The long and short of it is that it is time for
those determined not to yield to head for the hills or
the catacombs, flee to the fields if possible, but to
recognize that the only genuine hope of recovering lost
ground is by becoming a cultural guerrilla and
remembering that Captain Underpants is not invincible.
This writer has made mention in the past of a 1959 novel
that, first read at age 15, had a lifelong impact upon
him: Walter M. Miller, Jr.’s A Canticle for Leibowitz.
The novel describes a post-nuclear-holocaust world in
which an order of monks has taken it upon themselves to
preserve the written works of the pre-“flame deluge”
era, much as Catholic monks did after the fall of Rome
and the ensuing Dark Age of barbarism that followed. A
new Dark Age is already upon us, and it is incumbent
upon Traditional Catholics to do all within their power
to preserve what they can of the once-glorious Western
culture of Christendom that has been denigrated and
denatured by the secular materialist destroyers who have
taken charge while the rightful inheritors of great
traditions frittered away their birthright by succumbing
to material temptations and propaganda that the Church
failed to combat.
How large is the library in your home? If you have
school-age children or grandchildren, have you kept in
step with the newer technology of electronic books that
make it possible to acquire a vast library in next to no
space? Do you care whether or not periodicals such as
The Remnant can continue to exist, and care
enough to support them financially even in the face of
financial hardship? Does it matter if the young fritter
away time with obscenely violent video games, or sending
text messages that employ a primitive sort of spelling,
or posting narcissistic inanities to their “social
network” accounts? Do you and yours read and read
regularly and discuss what you read? Or when all is said
and done is it all the same to you whether Captain
Underpants and company conquers Christendom?
If Catholics do not make a concerted effort to learn all
that is within their capacity to learn about the culture
that sprang from their religion, they have no one to
blame but themselves if their young fall by the wayside
into indifference and apostasy. It is not enough to keep
Captain Underpants out of one’s home; Achilles, Ulysses,
Aeneas, Roland, Beowulf, St. Thomas More and a host of
other heroic characters must be made to feel at home and
become familiar figures to the young.
As Michael Matt so poignantly pointed out when
introducing a new, young Remnant columnist, the
young are the future of the Faith. If our Traditional
Catholic young are not adequately intellectually
prepared to defend their faith and ideas because they
are inadequately steeped in the recorded (in print!)
genius of their culture, the consequences to the Church
and the Faith do not bear contemplation. The late
Richard Weaver wrote a book entitled Ideas Have
Consequences: how right he was!
Contemplate if you will a hero for grade school children
who goes by the name of Captain Underpants. Contemplate
the consequences to a culture and a society that
complacently looks on while its young are “educated” and
“entertained” by such stuff. Then contemplate what you
are prepared to do to stop it.
Discover Captain Underpants for yourself; it’s a bit
like finding a rattlesnake under a rock.