Editor's Note:
The Remnant Online will not be updated as frequently as
we would like over the next two weeks but, where Wi-Fi
is available, we will be posting updates from France,
including, God willing, video and commentary on the 2012
Notre-Dame de Chretiente Pilgrimage to Chartres. MJM
A few days from now much of
The Remnant’s
team here in the States will board an airplane bound for
France. On Pentecost weekend, God willing, we will be
walking for the twenty-first time with traditional
Catholics from all over the world on the grand Pentecost
Pilgrimage of Notre-Dame de Chrétienté to Chartres,
I ask readers to please keep John Rao, Chris Ferrara,
Fathers VanderPutten and Rodriguez and 50 fellow
Americans in their prayers as we once again attempt the
3-day pilgrimage across France. The now 21-year-old U.S.
Chapter of Our Lady of Guadalupe will remember all the
readers of The Remnant in their prayers.
The generous readers of this newspaper who sponsored 15
young American pilgrims this year will be remembered
each and every day on the Pilgrimage. Spiritually, we
will be united on the Road to Chartres. Pray for us, as
we surely will be praying for you. We also ask for
your patience when it comes to us filling your
much-appreciated book and subscription orders, as our
staff will be reduced over the next two weeks.
The Chartres Pilgrimage is all about young Catholics.
Very few things matter more to the future of our sad
world than putting all of our energies and recourses
toward encouraging young Catholics to keep the Faith
against seemingly impossible odds. What differences do
our efforts make if in the end we fail to keep the next
generation in the trenches, fighting for the
preservation of everything that matters. And there’s so
much reason for hope! Examples of God’s grace working
in young Catholics are everywhere—young people who, by
any reasonable human standard, should have lost not only
the Faith by now but also any sense of morality, given
the onslaught of filth and apostasy against which they
must battle on a daily basis.
To that end, I would like to share a hopeful letter
recently received from yet another young person who for
reasons known to God alone has somehow found light where
there appeared to be only darkness—not unlike the late,
great Aleksandr Solzhenitzyn who found God in the hell
that was the Soviet Gulag.
The lesson for us? Never count God’s grace out, and
don’t give up on many, many young Catholics today who
quite obviously are called to a very special mission in
His name in the months and years to come. MJM
How Tradition Helped Saved My Soul
By Stephen Waldron
Manassas, VA
After reading the Editor’s Note in the April 30, 2012
edition of The Remnant concerning the new youth
columnist, Miss Kate Larson, and her ability to provide
a unique perspective on life as a young traditionalist
in the modern world, I was prompted to write a few words
of my own and to provide witness to you and, if you
choose, your readers to the profound effects traditional
Catholicism has had on my life.
I come from a mixed-marriage family. My Catholic father
had once entertained the vocation to the priesthood; but
that was in the mid-70s—hardly a highpoint in Catholic
My own religious education in the Faith consisted of the
weekly Sunday CCD classes at my local parish. While it
provided a “foundational base” for my faith, I can
honestly say that I don’t remember much from the
instructions. I do remember practicing for my first
Holy Communion by using broken pieces of bubble gum to
represent the Eucharist. I also remember referring to
myself as a Catholic when my friends asked if I was a
Christian. Even in my youth I acknowledged my
birthright, though obviously in a naïve, childish way.
I followed in the footsteps of my older brother, Peter,
in choosing my patron saint for Confirmation (all of my
brothers share the names of some of the first martyrs of
the Faith: Peter, Stephen, and John). It has only been
this past year, however, in which I have begun to
appreciate the example St. Stephen made by holding fast
to the Faith in the light of persecution, and even
forgiving his killers.
My education was in public school. I enrolled at
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University –
commonly known as Virginia Tech – to get my bachelor
degree in history. But, like too many young adults
heading off to college without a strong foundation in
the Faith, I was led towards apathy, and, if I may be
frank, apostasy. I did not go to Mass at all my
freshman and sophomore years. During spring break
freshman year, on the way to go skiing, I was in an
automobile accident which should have killed me.
As I lay on the stretcher in the ambulance listening to
the paramedics talking amongst themselves about how
lucky I was to be alive, I broke down in tears and
thanked God for sparing me.
I then promptly repaid Him by falling back into sin and
neglecting my Faith. But from that moment on, I
believed in God. It was a start. I began attending
Mass on campus on Sundays in my junior year. I learned
to pray the Rosary for the first time, even enrolled in
the Brown Scapular. I started going to the more
conservative parish church in town for Mass. My
attendance was still sporadic but I had begun to read
more about the Faith. In the spring semester of my
junior year, I took a class on the Crusades. Even though
I was passionate about history, I discovered that I
really knew nothing of the rich history of the Church.
Tragedy struck my school that semester. The events of
that day are well known; a crazed gunman took the lives
of many students, including one of my classmates. I was
home when I heard the news (classes were cancelled for a
week), and the first thing I did was go to the parish
office of my hometown in search of a priest. He
listened to me as I poured out my heart, and explained
why tragedies happen. Even at that terrible moment, God
was trying to lead me back into the fold.
I remember a summer job I had throughout high school and
most of my college years. It was at a private swim and
tennis club. Most members were Catholic. In my
ignorance I used to refer to the pious ones as those
“crazy Catholics.” Like Saul holding the coats of the
murderers of St. Stephen, I had joined with the ones who
were attacking those who held to Tradition. May God
forgive me.
My senior year consisted of only one semester, as I was
able to graduate early. It was during this time that I
met my future fiancé (our wedding is in September of
this year) through mutual friends. While she had lived
in the same school district, I never knew her because
she was homeschooled. We struck up a relationship,
talking for hours over the phone, as she lived in St.
Louis at the time. She recommended The Young Man’s
Guide by Father Lasance, which I have now read three
times. We exchanged presents that Christmas. My mind,
still being rooted in consumerism, thought it best to
buy her an Apple iPod. She made me a Rosary using my
school’s colors for the beads. It is now my most
treasured gift. She was a traditional Catholic, and she
knew what true gifts are.
Eventually, she moved back to Virginia. For several
years we tried to kindle a relationship, but in selfish
love of the world, I had “moved on”.
I had a revelation one night, while not being able to
sleep. I am convinced that God, in His infinite
Providence, finally knocked enough sense into me to
realize my vocation and who to share it with. I begged
for another chance. She did and we began our
courtship. This was in the spring of 2011. I was still
on the roller-coaster concerning my faith, but gradually
she became my anchor. She introduced me to the
Tridentine Mass, and I wholeheartedly agree that it is
“the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven.”
My future in-laws, to whom I will be eternally grateful,
sent me two Remnant articles, “Mass Confusion”
and “The New Mass Revisited,” along with several other
books Remnant readers are familiar with, which
pushed me further into the investigation of who and what
I am, Who is God and finally even questions about the
destruction of the liturgy and the traditional practices
of Catholicism.
This last year has been reading everything about my
Faith that I can get my hands on. I spent 25 years of
my life in darkness—I now long for the light! Had it
not been for my fiancé and future in-laws, as well as
others fighting for Tradition, I am convinced beyond
that my soul would have been lost.
Thank you for all that you do, and please continue to
fight the good fight. You have helped provide the means
to aid this poor Catholic as he struggles, finally and
sincerely, to save his soul. |