Congratulation to the Parents Action League of
Minnesota, which was just named by the Southern
Poverty Law Center as a hate group! I say
“congratulations” because this so-called law center is
itself impoverished and guilty of hate: impoverished of
common decency and guilty of hatred for the true good.
The Parents Action League is added to a list of
other “hate groups” which includes the Ku Klos
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Like the
Father of Lies, they use the strategy of mixing
together good and evil to produce their cocktail of
poison. The president of the Parents Action League
shares my sentiment as to its inclusion on the hate
list. As he wrote, "It is a privilege to be added to the
long list of pro-family organizations that have been
labeled as 'hate groups.’ The SPLC continues their
strategy of defaming and name calling toward those whom
they disagree with."
What is the Parents Action League of Minnesota?
It is an organization of concerned parents and others
who formed in 2010 in defense of the Anoka-Hennepin
school district's contested policy on sexual
orientation, which required teachers to stay neutral on
any GLBT (Gay, Lesbian Bisexual, Transgender) related
discussion in schools. A principal concern of the group
has been to protect the students—i.e. their
children—from teachers who might affirm homosexuality as
normal and healthy. Their concern is legitimate,
commendable and certainly warranted.
Already the entire state of California requires that in
every public school, spanning from kindergarten through
high school seniors, textbooks and classroom lectures
must explicitly include notable homosexuals—as
homosexuals—who have made contributions to society,
especially related to particular disciplines—e.g. social
studies, science, art, etc. Does a similar policy exist
anywhere for Catholics or Protestants who have made
contributions to this nation? Of course not, but this
policy is a consequence of a militant movement of
homosexuals and their supporters who are forcing
widespread social acceptance of their sexually perverted
manner of life.
“The point of the hate label given to groups is
exposure,” claims the president of the impoverished law
center." “We're not the government," she said. "We can't
shut anyone down, but we feel it's very important for
these groups to be called out so the public is aware of
what they are doing."
Well, my point in writing this article is exposure:
exposing organizations and individuals who hate godly
values, natural law and common sense. Their number is
legion and they need to have their accusing finger which
now points at others— pro-life, pro-family,
pro-values—turned back upon themselves.
We Christians are not allowed to hate anyone, even our
enemies, but we are required to hate that which is evil.
We hate the sin but love the sinner, as is often said.
But loving the sinner does not allow that we affirm
sinners in their sinful behavior; quite the opposite,
for the serious sinner is on the path to eternal
destruction and is unhappy even now.
I plan to send this Pastor Corner to the
Southern Poverty Law Center. I doubt it will convert
them but perhaps they will add Holy Trinity Parish—or at
least the Pastor—to their hate list. Given their agenda
of hatred for the good, I would regard that inclusion an
honor. |