The following is the first chapter of the crucial book
by Jean Ousset, Pour Qu’Il Regne, (That He
–Christ– May Reign), the ultimate handbook about the
social reign of Christ the King and how to bring it
about, what are the opposing forces, etc., etc. It was
translated by Fr. Paul McDonald.
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
All things were made through Him
and nothing that was made
was made without Him.
But, if He is the principle or beginning
of the universe, then the Word is also the End or goal.
“This is nothing astonishing,” writes Dom Delatte
2. “The first efficient cause is
also the last final cause; the harmony of things demands
that the Alpha be the Omega, principium et finis,
and that all things end and finally come to their first
principle. How would He not be the Heir and end of the
ages, by Whom the ages were begun?”
From the second verse of his Epistle to
the Hebrews, Saint Paul vigorously teaches the same
thing. “The terms have a rigorous precision; no one ever
spoke like this: it is the same Son of God who made the
ages and to whom the ages end and bring themselves, as
to the Heir of their common work. They truly worked and
do work for Him...”
“And that all things complete themselves
in Him, that they find in Him their end and consumation,
this is from the fact that the Father established Him as
the Heir of all things and of everyone. Filiation and
Inheritance go together: the one is the consequence of
the other. But this conception of inheritance does not
mean only that souls and peoples belong to Him; it
equally means that all of history is aimed at Him, that
He is the end or goal of creation, but also of history,
that the events make their way towards Him, that He is
the heir of the long effort of the centuries, and that
they all worked for Him. “Didn’t Socrates, Plato and
Aristotle think for His sake? Didn’t the Church come, at
her hour, to collect as her own good, as riches prepared
by God for her, all the fruits of the ancient
intelligence? Was it not for the Church that the law and
the prophets spoke, that the Jewish religion developed,
that the socratic schools discussed, that the school of
Alexandria stuttered about its ‘Logos’, that the peoples
were mingled, that the Jews were successively put in
contact with the great monarchies, that the Roman empire
acquired its powerful structure?
“The Lord is the Heir of it all; it is
to Him, the first in God’s thought, that all the works
of God are ordered”
4. This is normal and this is
wise. Because a perfectly ordered wish or willing of
something by someone, wills the END.
Order consists then in the universe gravitating to the
Word as to its term or end. And the Word is Jesus Christ
our Saviour. God first wills His own glory. “God wills
to create because He wills His glorification outside
Himself. And, willing His external glorification, He
wills, from the first and principally, what, in the
actual history of humanity is the first and universal
means of procuring that glory: the Redemptive
Incarnation, work of Christ, done with the cooperation
of His Mother. Thus Jesus and Mary are willed
principally by God, as those upon whom depend all His
other works... They have, over the entire Creation, the
preeminence and true royalty...
“One often presents the Creator in the
work of the six days, working in view of man... that is
all true. But the first man and first woman for whom He
prepares the wonders is not Adam and Eve, it is Jesus
Christ and Mary. “In the history of the world Adam and
Even depend on Jesus and Mary, by whom, they themselves
and their descendants recovered Grace. In fact, and in
the actual order of things, Jesus and Mary are the first
in the divine intention and are the true leaders of
humanity.” 7
Jesus Christ is thus King. Bishop Pie
writes: “There is not one prophet, not one evangelist,
or apostle who does not assure us of His kingly state
and qualities. ‘A child is born for us, and a son is
given to us,’ notes Isaiah in his prophetic vision. ‘The
government is placed on his shoulders.’ Daniel is yet
more explicit: ‘I was looking into the visions of the
night, and behold, on the clouds I saw one coming like a
Son of man: he came up the Ancient of Days and was taken
before Him. And He gave to him power and glory and
kingship, and all peoples, nations and tongues served
him. His dominion is an eternal dominion which will not
pass away and his kingdom will never be destroyed.’ But
all of Sacred Scripture could be called upon here, and
all of Tradition. The unanimity is absolute. “‘Prince of
the kings of the earth,’ so St. John names Him in the
Apocalypse, and on His clothing, as on His person one
could read: ‘King of kings, and Lord of lords.”
Jesus Christ is a king, then. King by
right of eternal birth, since He is God. King by right
of conquest, or redemption, of ransom. And it is
understood that this kingship is universal. In effect,
noting can be more universal, more absolute than this
kingship, because Christ is Himself the principle and
the end of all Creation.
Even so, so that there be no doubt, our
Lord has made it precise: “Omnia potestas data est
mihi in coelo et in terra.” “All power in heaven and
on earth has been given to me.” In heaven and on
earth... in other words: in the supernatural order as in
the natural order. And so Bishop Pie writes: “Here we
have the kernel of the question... Let us not forget nor
allow people to forget what the great Apostle teaches:
that Jesus Christ, after ascending into heaven, went
there in order to fill all things: ut impleret omnia.
It is not a question of His presence as God, because
this presence always was, but it concerns His presence
as God and man at the same time. In fact, Jesus Christ
is from now on, present to all things, on earth a well
as in heaven; He fills the world with His name, with His
law, with His light, with His grace. Noting is placed
outside of His sphere of attraction or of repulsion; no
thing and no person can remain totally indifferent to
Him or estranged from Him; one is for Him or against
Him; He is placed as the corner stone: a construction
stone for these, a stumbling-stone for those, a
touch-stone for all. The history of humanity, the
history of the nations, the history of peace and of war,
above all the history of the Church are the only the
history of Jesus filling all things: ut impleret
omnia.” 8
“Neither in His Person, nor in carrying
out His rights, can Jesus Christ be divided, dissolved,
or splintered; in Him the distinction between nature and
operations can never separation or opposition; the
divine cannot be hostile to the human, nor the human to
the divine. On the contrary, He is peace, coming
together, reconciliation; He is, like the hyphen on the
written page, the factor that makes two things one...
That’s why St. John tells us: ‘Every spirit that
dissolves Jesus Christ is not of God, and belongs to him
who is the antichrist of whom you have heard that he is
coming and is already in the world...’. I hear certain
noises get louder and louder. I hear certain sayings
become more common day after day. Something is
introduced that threatens the world, and it is
introduced into the heart of societies. It must dissolve
that heart. So I cry out: Be on your guard against the
Antichrist. 9
Yes, all power in heaven and on earth was
given to Christ. This truth is at the very beginning,
and is a source, it is a principle of Catholicism
We find it in the letters and sermons of
St. Peter. We find it underlying all the teaching of
Saint Paul. His formula, “non est potestas nisi a Deo”
is basically, deeply, explaining the same idea in a more
particular way.
Jesus Christ asked it of His Father and
His Father gave it to Him. Since then, everything has
been delivered to Him. He is the head and ruler of all,
of all without exception. As Saint Paul wrote to the
Collosians [10], “In Him, and redeemed by His Blood, we
have received the remission of sins; He is the image of
the invisible God, the first-born of all creatures,
since in Him, all things were created in heaven and on
earth, visible and invisible. And the Thrones and
Dominations, the Principalities and the Powers, all were
created by Him and for Him. He is before all things and
all things subsist in Him, and it is He who is the head
of the Church, His body. He is the beginning. He is the
first-born from the dead, and so He holds the Primacy,
because it has pleased the Father that all fulness
reside in Him; it is through Him and in Him that He [the
Father] has reconciled all things to Himself, making
peace through the blood of his cross, both that which is
on earth and that which is in the heavens in Jesus, the
Christ, our Lord.” Such is the teaching of the Apostle.
Msgr. Pie exclaims: “Make no exceptions
there, where God has allowed no place for exceptions.
The individual man, and the head of the family, the
simple citizen and the public person, individuals and
peoples, in a word, all the elements whatever of this
earthly world owe submission and homage to the name of
Jesus Christ universal king... and thus
king of kings, king of the nations, king of the peoples,
king of institutions, king of societies, king of the
political order as also king of the private order.
After what has been said, how could one
conceive that He can be anything else?
If Jesus Christ is universal king, how
could this kingship not also be a kingship over
institutions and over the State? How could it not be a
social kingship? How could it be called universal
without that?
If the discussion becomes very heated
here, it is because we arrive in the territory of him
whom scripture calls “the prince of this world”. Note
that we pursue the dragon, now with his back to the
wall, right where he seeks and claims to take back what
is his. Why be surprised if he re-doubles his violence,
spewing out fire and smoke to blind us?
How many fall for it!
So, Bishop Pie already noted: “There are
men of these times who do not accept the decisions of
the Church and others who do so with difficulty... How
can we give dogmatic value –so they say or so they
think– to teachings which date from the ‘syllabus’ or to
the preamble of the First Constitution of the Vatican
Council [of a.d. 1870]?
“Calm yourselves –he continues– the
doctrine of the ‘Syllabus’ and of the Vatican Council
are as ancient as the doctrines of the Apostles, as the
doctrine of the Scriptures... For example, to those who
obstinately refused recognition to the social authority
of Christianity, look at the response given by St.
Gregory the Great. He is commenting on the chapter of
the Gospels where the Adoration of the Magi is related.
Explaining the mystery of the gifts offered to Jesus by
the representatives of the gentiles, the holy doctor
expresses himself in these terms:
“The Magi recognize in Jesus the triple
quality of God, of man, and of king. They offer gold to
the king, incense to the God, and myrrh to the man. Well
–so the Pope continues– well, there are some heretics:
sunt vero non-nulli haeretici, who believe that
Jesus is God, andwho believe equally that Jesus is man,
but who absolutely refuse to believe that His reign
extends everywhere: sunt vero
nonnulli haeretici, qui hunc Deum credunt, sed ubique
regnare nequaquan credunt.
“You say, brother, that you have a
peaceful conscience, accepting as you do the program of
liberal Catholicism, since you intend to remain
orthodox, counting on it, that you believe firmly in the
divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ. This is enough
for an unassailable Christianity. Stop deceiving
yourself! From the time of Saint Gregory there were
‘certain heretics’ who believed these two points with
you; and their heresy consisted in not wanting to
recognize at all that God-made-man has a kingship that
extends everywhere, and to all...
“No, you are not irreproachable in your
faith, and Pope Saint Gregory, more energetic than the
‘Syllabus’ inflicts on you the note of heresy, if you
are among them who, making it their duty to offer
incense to Jesus, do not wish at all to add the gold...”
That is, do not wish to to recognize and proclaim the
social Kingship of Christ.
And more recently, Pius XI, with a marked
insistence, has reminded the world of the same doctrine
in two encyclicals, written on this subject: Ubi
arcano Dei and Quas Primas.
And this is truly the constant teaching
of the Church, and not the mere imposition of the
detailed discipline of a particular historical
situation, now passed away.12a
From the beginning of the Christian era,
and later on too, the question of what to do and how to
act could be joined with the question of what was true.
Sometimes one could advance the cause and sometimes –for
the moment– one could not.
But, notes Cardinal Pie, “But the right,
the principle of the Christian state, of the Christian
prince, of the Christian [civil] law, I do not of it
ever being contested right down to these last times, or
that any Catholic school of thought could even glimpse
such a thing, as seeing in the destruction of the
Christian State a progress and a perfection of human
society.” 13
Of course today almost everyone calls
this progress.
[1] Beginning of the Gospel of John
[2] Dom Paul Delatte, Les épitres de saint Paul,
t. II, p. 288. He was a successor of Dom Gueranger as
Abbot of Solesme, 1890 to 1921.
[3] Dom Paul Delatte, idem, p. 287
[4] Ibid, p. 287-8
[5] ... wills the end in the order of intention. The
sick man wants to be healed. that is his intention. For
this purpose, he takes the medicine. Cf : “Finis
primum in intentione, ultimum in executione”. “The
end is first in the order of intention, and the last in
the order of being brought about.”
[6] Saint Francis de Sales: God “chose to create men and
angels to be th companions of His Son, to participate in
His graces and in His glory, and to adore Him and praise
Him eternally.” (Treatise on the Love of God, t.
2, chap IV)
[7] René Marie de la Boise, Etudes (a Jesuit
periodical) t. LXXIX, 301
[8] Cardinal Pie, Oeuvres, t. VII, pp. 110 and
[9] T. IV, p. 588 (cit John 4:3)
[10] Col. 1:12-20... The Epistle for the Feast of Christ
the King.
[11] An excellent occasion for showing how this passage
perfectly illustrates the teaching of Pius XII in
Humani Generis: “It must also not be thought that
what is proposed in the Encyclicals does not of itself
demand assent just because the Popes are not exercising
their supreme teaching authority. To this teaching of
the ordinary magisterium also applies the word: ‘Who
hears you, hears me.’ and most of the time, what is
written in encyclicals already belongs otherwise to
Catholic doctrine.” [This applies to teaching on faith
and morals in continuity with –to use Pope John Paul
II’s expression– “Tradition and the constant magisterium
of the Church”. Tr.]
[12] Op. cit. T. VIII, p. 62 and 63
[12a] So it is not a merely “prudential” teaching as
Cardinal Ratzinger has suggested.
[13] Op. cit. T. V, p. 179-180. |