Bronwyn Lundberg's sensationalist 'The
Last Supper' is getting some airtime with the liberal
Left this week because it includes the likenesses of
Ellen DeGeneres (as Christ), that loudmouth ex-Catholic
with the weight problem, and a few lesser known gay
icons as part of its heavy-handed attempt to be
In other words,
Bronwyn Lundberg is spoofing Christian art again. And
who is Bronwyn Lundberg? Exactly!
So now I suppose
we’re to be deeply offended, perhaps even demand an
apology from something called Bronwyn Lundberg. I
think not. Besides, if it weren’t for Facebook nobody
would even know where to send their complaints.
Bronwyn is hardly a
formidable adversary, though admittedly these
dime-a-dozen “artists” with their cries for help should
probably be referred to a good mental health therapist.
Obviously, some sort of emotional imbalance is at work
here. Healthy people without anger management issues
don’t typically run around insulting other people’s
Or maybe poor
Bronwyn is just trying to sell her stuff by being
intentionally offensive. But that’s sad, too. Who
behaves that way? Does Bronwyn pick her dried nasal mucus in public,
as well? Why should we be offended by someone so
obviously ill-bred?
Bronwyn’s only
chance of becoming something in the art world evidently
rests on her ability to rip off Andres Serrano, bring
little old ladies to tears, and tick off Bill Donahue.
We should feel sorry for her, I suppose, since one day she
might actually grow up.
The real story here
is that the media would still bother with such “artists”
and their been there, done that finger-painting. That’s
the takeaway, I suppose, and it’s interesting even if
Bronwyn and her angry doodling is not.
We hear so much
these days about how hateful the so-called “Christian
right” is, how dangerous we all are, how intolerant. And
yet every time we turn around some other
attention-seeking college dropout is kicking off a
publicity stunt designed to insult everything Christians
hold sacred. Doesn’t that get old after a
while? And where are the calls for greater
sensitivity from the paragons of tolerance in the media?
Am I personally
offended? Not in the least!, no more so than I would be
by some bleary-eyed crack head calling me names from a
dumpster. One considers the source, and moves on.
But still, it must be conceded that Mr. Crackhead—not
the folks he’s screaming at—does represent something of
a threat to the peace and common good. Christians
are not the problem; the dumpster-diving Leftists who
are constantly haranguing them are. And yet the media
can’t seem to get enough liberal
Ironically (given
all the media talk about Christian “hate”), even despite this incessant mockery and
blasphemy Christians are the one group that can be
counted on not to retaliate. Bronwyn knows she has
nothing to fear. There will be no bomb threats; she
needs no bodyguards. Christians don’t return hate for
hate; they turn the other cheek.
We tend not to get
too worked up by folks hating us and shouting ugly
blasphemies in our direction. It sort of comes with the
Paradoxically, in fact, if they ever do stop
persecuting us it will mean we have stopped being
Christian. Our Church rests on the bones of our mocked
and martyred forefathers. A symbol of ghastly
execution—the Cross—is our most sacred symbol. The
Founder of our Church was accused of sedition, condemned
to death, and executed. The
heroes of our Faith were slaughtered as entertainment
for the mindless mobs of history.
And now they’re at
it again. But we don't threaten retaliation. We are not haters. For us, the Left’s
hateful need to blaspheme Christ and mock Christians
only further authenticates Christianity. True
followers of Christ will always be mocked and
persecuted. And to the extent that we are mocked and
persecuted today, we too fall happily in with the true
followers of Christ. Persecution is affirmation that
we’re on the road that leads to Calvary. They hate us
because they hate Him because He really exists—and they
know it.
So hate on, liberals
and leftists! Your Christophobia only reaffirms
that Christ really walked this earth, that He died,
raised Himself from the dead and founded a Church—our
Church. And though you may scream and hiss at Him
still even after all of these centuries, your hate—your blasphemy,
your mockery—only proves that you too know Who He is.
Well played Bronwyn
Lundberg, whatever you are. Your “art”
substantiates our case and strengthens our resolve.
This country does indeed have a serious problem
with hate groups—and it comes from the liberal Left. Carry on!
My God: I believe, I adore, I trust and I
love you. I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do
not adore, do not trust and do not love you. |