Dr. Warren H. Carroll, a
leading Catholic historian, author of the masterful six-volume
History of Christendom and eight other books, died
on July 17, 2011. Dr. Carroll was the founder of
Christendom College in Front Royal, Virginia. As
an alumnus of Christendom College, I can say that having
had Dr. Carroll as a professor of history many years ago
was both an honor and a privilege. He will be remembered
fondly as a great man and a loyal soldier of Christ.
According to
Christendom's College's
press release
on the passing of their founder, Carroll's lasting
legacy speaks volumes about his life and dedication to
the Catholic cause: He "leaves behind his wife Anne, and
his adopted children and grandchildren – the 2640 alumni
of Christendom College, which included 300
alumna-to-alumnus marriages (with 1000s of children), 63
priests, and 43 religious sisters and brothers."
Please remember to pray for the repose of his soul. |